D&D (2024) Jeremy Crawford discusses what are the 2024 Fitfh Edition Core Rulebooks.

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Sure, again we can. But if we're going to accept that we all can have different definitions of "edition", why then the vehement opposition to WotC not calling it an edition?
I don’t know how much venom there is. Some of us say what we feel then get attacked then defend and get called out for defending it too many times.

So far from what we have seen them testing we feel they are testing a new edition.
Their basis for not using the word seems to be because of how they've used edition in the past, so we can see the logic thereof. Yet so many words have been spilt to denounce WotC avoiding the term (when the term has meant, since WotC stewardship of the game, something that isn't just a revision—like 5.24e is supposed to be). What's the point? What's the logic?
I don’t care if they call it an editon as long as they show a break. “This PHB goes with this and that PHB goes with that” or if they truely don’t take away mechanics (like 0pact magic)

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I don’t know how much venom there is. Some of us say what we feel then get attacked then defend and get called out for defending it too many times.
I can't speak to that. I do know that whenever there's a thread that even remotely references the 2024 revisions it becomes hijacked in this useless tête-à-tête about whether it's a new edition or not. And that that's annoying to those that just want to converse on the actual topic of the thread.
So far from what we have seen them testing we feel they are testing a new edition.
An edition—to you. We've already established that there are multiple definitions for the word.
I don’t care if they call it an editon as long as they show a break. “This PHB goes with this and that PHB goes with that” or if they truely don’t take away mechanics (like 0pact magic)
Why is such a break necessary? My groups back in the day mixed 1e and 2e and I suspect that many groups will also choose to mix things between 5.14e and 5.24e as they see fit (the 2024 core rules are supposed to have guidance for using older material with the new, so there's that). Let the individual gaming groups decide for themselves if the will mix things and how they will mix things if the so choose.


I can't speak to that. I do know that whenever there's a thread that even remotely references the 2024 revisions it becomes hijacked in this useless tête-à-tête about whether it's a new edition or not. And that that's annoying to those that just want to converse on the actual topic of the thread.
No one side CAN hijack it. It only BECOMES the topic when BOTH sides engage.
An edition—to you. We've already established that there are multiple definitions for the word.
Yup and to me it so far looks like 1e/2e or 3e/3.5
Why is such a break necessary?
It isn’t. Unless you make major changes (take away background features and put feats in its place, take away pact magic and make half caster, change lists of conditions and spells… heck any 1 of those might not but all of them look like it togather)
My groups back in the day mixed 1e and 2e and I suspect that many groups will also choose to mix things between 5.14e and 5.24e as they see fit
I started in early 90s with 2e. It took almost 2 years before I meet other players that I and my best friend didn’t bring in (cool note I love to throw around she was my best friend in 92 and still is in 2023). When we did we met people who played and brought stuff over from 1e
We never not once not at the college not at cons saw someone hand a 1e PHB over and say “take monk from this book” they always had house rule updates.
(the 2024 core rules are supposed to have guidance for using older material with the new, so there's that). Let the individual gaming groups decide for themselves if the will mix things and how they will mix things if the so choose.


No one side CAN hijack it. It only BECOMES the topic when BOTH sides engage.
I'm sorry, but that sounds like an excuse for bad behavior.
Yup and to me it so far looks like 1e/2e or 3e/3.5
That's fine. Just as long as you realize that not everyone else is going to be using your same definition.
It isn’t. Unless you make major changes (take away background features and put feats in its place, take away pact magic and make half caster, change lists of conditions and spells… heck any 1 of those might not but all of them look like it togather)
Again, there will be advice in the 5.24e books for using older material with the new. How "major" any changes will exist remain to be seen—we're still in the first pass of the classes.
I started in early 90s with 2e. It took almost 2 years before I meet other players that I and my best friend didn’t bring in (cool note I love to throw around she was my best friend in 92 and still is in 2023). When we did we met people who played and brought stuff over from 1e
We never not once not at the college not at cons saw someone hand a 1e PHB over and say “take monk from this book” they always had house rule updates.
What you experienced and what I experienced both happened and will likely both happen when 5.24e comes out. It'll be fine.

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