D&D (2024) Jeremy Crawford discusses what are the 2024 Fitfh Edition Core Rulebooks.

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Tell that to WotC, who for some reason felt the need to announce that it’s not a new edition AGAIN this past Wednesday.
it’s not an announcement when you said so for the last 6 months already

At best they reiterated it because some people still appear confused about it ;)

Be the change you want to see in the world.
ha, by not communicating it, I won’t get it, so thanks but no thanks ;)

It happened TWO DAYS AGO. The news isn’t that it’s not a new edition, the news is that WotC went out of their way to say it’s not a new edition AGAIN, which has predictably stirred up the exact same responses from the exact same people it always does.
the same people saying the same thing again that everyone is aware of already is not news, even if it happened again two days ago

Newsflash: Christmas will be on the 25th of December this year. That is not news, even though I just said it right now.
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Goblin Queen (She/Her/Hers)
it’s not an announcement when you said so for the last 6 months already

At best they reiterated it.
They made a whole-ass video and a community update about it. We going to argue about the definition of announcement now too?
ha, by not communicating it, I won’t get it, so thanks but no thanks ;)
Huh? No, I mean if you want to see activity in other threads, go post in them.
the same people saying the same thing again that everyone is aware of already is not news, even if it happened again two days ago

I don’t care to have a semantic argument with you in the middle of the other semantic argument that’s going on in this thread. The video and the community post, both of which were about how not-a-new-edition these new D&D rules are, are the most recent things to have happened in the 2024 rules playtest saga, so naturally it’s the thing people are talking about right now. If you don’t like that I used the word “news” to describe that, just imagine I used whatever other word for it you would have preferred.

We’re all just trying to keep ourselves busy until the next UA drops. If you’d rather be talking about something else, by all means do so.


A Title Much Cooler Than Anything on the Old Site
For me, 4 is the sweet spot, one book per Quarter: always something new on hand, always something coming up, but not overwhelming.
I think the fan base is large enough now that they can publish more books without the expectation that most fans will buy it. Even with the slower release schedule, I didn't buy all the books they put out. One thing I like about D&D Beyond is that I can just buy the parts of books I'm interested in. If they introduce new classes, feats, or other crunch with a new adventure book, I can just buy those bits if I'm not interested in the entire adventure. At this point, I only buy the physical books if I think I'll enjoy browsing it. This generally means more lore heavy books like setting books. I'm kinda sad with the direction they seem to be going with bestiaries. Volos is perhaps my favorite 5e books and it has an honored place on my bookshelves. But with Monsters of the Multiverse, I've never felt any need to buy the physical copy. For a few years, I skipped buying most of the adventure books, even on DnD Beyond, until they had a deal, and I had the cash, to make an impulse purchase of everything on DnD Beyond that I didn't already own. But I feel a bit silly about that since I'll likely never run most of the adventures.

But if they publish more books, including more setting books, and more through treatments of monster lore, lairs, and options, I'm more likely to buy more physical books, which I tend to buy from my FLGS, especially if I like the alternate cover. Maybe I'm an outlier, but publishing more books makes it more likely that their will be a book or two for which I will splurge on a physical copy.


Book-Friend, he/him
I think the fan base is large enough now that they can publish more books without the expectation that most fans will buy it. Even with the slower release schedule, I didn't buy all the books they put out. One thing I like about D&D Beyond is that I can just buy the parts of books I'm interested in. If they introduce new classes, feats, or other crunch with a new adventure book, I can just buy those bits if I'm not interested in the entire adventure. At this point, I only buy the physical books if I think I'll enjoy browsing it. This generally means more lore heavy books like setting books. I'm kinda sad with the direction they seem to be going with bestiaries. Volos is perhaps my favorite 5e books and it has an honored place on my bookshelves. But with Monsters of the Multiverse, I've never felt any need to buy the physical copy. For a few years, I skipped buying most of the adventure books, even on DnD Beyond, until they had a deal, and I had the cash, to make an impulse purchase of everything on DnD Beyond that I didn't already own. But I feel a bit silly about that since I'll likely never run most of the adventures.

But if they publish more books, including more setting books, and more through treatments of monster lore, lairs, and options, I'm more likely to buy more physical books, which I tend to buy from my FLGS, especially if I like the alternate cover. Maybe I'm an outlier, but publishing more books makes it more likely that their will be a book or two for which I will splurge on a physical copy.
Yeah, I think they definitely moved past expecting people will buy every book, and the past couple years as they ramp up the number of books they seem to be diversifying the kinds of books.

I think Fizban and Bigbt are pretty good heirs to Volo's legacy.


A Title Much Cooler Than Anything on the Old Site
Yeah, I think they definitely moved past expecting people will buy every book, and the past couple years as they ramp up the number of books they seem to be diversifying the kinds of books.

I think Fizban and Bigbt are pretty good heirs to Volo's legacy.
Yeah, I bought the physical version of Fizban. Waiting on Bigbys until it comes out. Generally, before buying the physical book I like to browse through it. If I find myself getting lost in it in the store, I'm sure I'll like to have it on my bookshelf. If it feels more like a reference book to look things up in quickly, DnD Beyond or a VTT is the better media for me.


Heh. It's funny how we've been trained. Five books a year from the three they used to do is hardly a "ramp up". :p Remember when they came out with a book (or more) every month? Ten years of 5e and they've just about reached the page count of 4e. Not even close to 3e and certainly nowhere even in the same hemisphere as 2e.

I wonder what the total page count between 1e and 5e is. I'd bet it's pretty close. Cover count must be really close if you don't count all those tiny modules that they banged out in 1e (like 14 Dragonlance Modules vs 1 Dragonlance module for 5e).

I have to admit though, the slower release does suit me a lot better.


Book-Friend, he/him
Heh. It's funny how we've been trained. Five books a year from the three they used to do is hardly a "ramp up". :p Remember when they came out with a book (or more) every month? Ten years of 5e and they've just about reached the page count of 4e. Not even close to 3e and certainly nowhere even in the same hemisphere as 2e.

I wonder what the total page count between 1e and 5e is. I'd bet it's pretty close. Cover count must be really close if you don't count all those tiny modules that they banged out in 1e (like 14 Dragonlance Modules vs 1 Dragonlance module for 5e).

I have to admit though, the slower release does suit me a lot better.
Yeah, I remember because I never bought anything due to analysis paralysis.


Staff member
Mod Note:

Y’all, this thread is generating a LOT of reports because of provocative posts, accusations, and other acts of rhetorical incivility, by several different posters.

Let’s ALL take a deep breath, then “straighten up and fly right”, as the saying goes. Tone down the snark. If someone is getting on your last nerve, don’t escalate. If it’s someone you’ve had negative interactions with before, perhaps it’s time to put them on your ignore list.

If this thread keeps generating a flood of reports, it will either get people tossed or get shut down or both.


We are all welcome to define a ‘game edition’ however we want. There is no official definition and you, me, WotC, or anyone here doesn’t own the term.
Sure, again we can. But if we're going to accept that we all can have different definitions of "edition", why then the vehement opposition to WotC not calling it an edition? Their basis for not using the word seems to be because of how they've used edition in the past, so we can see the logic thereof. Yet so many words have been spilt to denounce WotC avoiding the term (when the term has meant, since WotC stewardship of the game, something that isn't just a revision—like 5.24e is supposed to be). What's the point? What's the logic?

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