D&D General JMISBEST's questions. Most of them about campaign ideas that either he or A GM he knows has and wants to know what people think


Dusty Dragon
I, for one, would be more likely to put effort into creative responses to your ideas if you showed interest in someone else's. You might want to consider contributing to the rest of the forums if you want to increase the quality and quantity of contributions to your thread.

It also might help if you offered something new. This is roughly the umpteenth time we've seen a pitch about the idea of a future king, the eleventeenth time the smallest country in the world has shown up, and the bazillionth time there's been an absurdly large army. In short: it's been done. There's not much to get creative with.
I must concur with this.

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Dusty Dragon
Thank you for that but can I have some more creative response's?
So, about that... you should consider that restrictions can lead to creativity.

For example, in the Yoon-Suin setting, slugmen (a playable race) are always magic users of some kind. But the setting doesn't tell you why this is the case. This question, and my answer to that question, became a corner stone of their culture.

So all (most?) of these questions, even if they sound like "this can't work", are also opportunities. For example @Reef 's question is excellent, and a very important one. And the answer you devise for that question will shape your creation!

the future king of the smallest country in the world

It had a population of less then 87,900

That’s a BIG smallest country in the world.

In the real world:
  • Pitcairn Island is a country by some measures and has about 40 people.
  • The Holy See (also called Vatican City) is a fully independent country with about 750 residents. It’s an observer in the UN and has its own army and diplomatic relations, but like the Republic of San Marino it’s an enclave in Italy.
  • Tuvalu is the lowest population UN member state, at 11,400.

It’d cool if you used D&D dreams to inspire learning about the world.


I did say unlikely but I do take your point.

Which does lead me down a rather unpleasant scenario. A polymorphed silver dragon manages to influence a neighbouring kingdom into attacking. Then once the battle is over, being victorious the smallest kingdom on the planet decimates the aggressors population and feeds it to the remaining silver dragons.

Yeah that doesn't sit right with me at all but it does seem to be the plot of an old B-movie I might have once seen.
silver draqons wouldn't eat the population. megaldon's and dinoasaurs that were far bigger than them ruled the earth. I'm sure they can find other food.

try this. guy that wants to be emperor manipulates events in kingdom after kingdom that require his LG (paladinish) silver dragons to invade take over and become governor's. The empire grows, The Dragon's maintain it, The evil guy at the top profits becomes emperor and eventually the party becomes aware and gets involved.


imagine the difficulty of convincing people that the Emperor is Evil and an army of LG dragons is supporting him.......Could be a long campaign.


That’s actually a very good point: where did all these young dragons come from, and where are their parents? And what is forcing all these dragons to stay in such a small area?
obviously the Emperor to be has the silver orb of dragon control and the mother of silver dragons is parked in the mountains behind the capital city.


silver draqons wouldn't eat the population. megaldon's and dinoasaurs that were far bigger than them ruled the earth. I'm sure they can find other food.

try this. guy that wants to be emperor manipulates events in kingdom after kingdom that require his LG (paladinish) silver dragons to invade take over and become governor's. The empire grows, The Dragon's maintain it, The evil guy at the top profits becomes emperor and eventually the party becomes aware and gets involved.

Checking the D&D3.5 Monster Manual a young Silver Dragon is only size M, whereas a T-Rex is size H, two sizes above them; the fourteen parents who are going to be adult dragons which are size H. That's still a lot of hungry mouths to feed.

One other thing I hadn't considered is that silver dragons like mortal companions, somewhere down the line that country is going to have an increase of half-dragons in its population :)


In my 1st adventurer conqueror king campaign every player used the rules for creating A King Tier Character, I ended up with A 12th level Fighter that had the title of fairly Senior Viscount that ruled A Large Viscoundtom that comes with 4 Vassals and depending on gender his 4 Vassals were all either A Very Senior Baron or A Very Senior Baron and they all ruled A Massive Barony

I admit that initially I only got 3 Vassals that depending on gender his 3 Vassals were all either A Very Senior Baron or A Very Senior Baron and they all ruled A Massive Barony

But The GM let me roll on The Favours/Duties Table and with A roll of A 20 I got A 4th Vassal domain and depending on gender the ruler was either A Very Senior Baron or A Very Senior Baron and they all ruled A Massive Barony

But it didn't have A ruler. Luckily among my characters 6 Scrolls was A Treasure Map to a horde of 6 Gems that consist of 2 that are both worth 50 Gold Coins, 1 that’s worth 8,000 Gold Coins, 1 that’s worth 4,000 Gold Coins, 1 that’s worth 2,000 Gold Coins and 1 that’s worth 250 Gold Coins, meaning they have a combined value 14,350 Gold Coins and 17 bits of jewellery that are individually worth between 90 Gold Coins each and 15,000 Gold Coins each and have a combined value 41,860 Gold Coins, so it was worth a total of 56,210 Gold Coins

As my character was A King Tier Character The GM let me do the equivalent of get the horde, sell those 56,210 Gold Coins and use them or the equivalent to get my characters 4th Vassal

The GM asked me to justify that and here’s what I came up with. What do you think?

In his last adventure before retiring my character earned the right to buy any title he could afford other then the title of Count or Duke

So he sold everything he owned to buy a title and a domain to go with it and managed to afford 4 Vassal Domains

He bought a very prestigious title too, the title was of fairly senior Viscount that ruled A Large Viscoundtom that comes with 4 Vassals that each rule vast Baronies

Depending on gender his 4 Vassals were all either A Very Senior Baron or A Very Senior Baron and rule A Massive Barony

Since his 4 adventuring colleagues of his that had died in his last adventure were very good friends of his he choose to their honour both their memory and many years of friendship he’d had with his 4 dearest friends

He did this by ensuring that the 1 orphaned 15 year old child of each of his 4 oldest friends became 1 of his 4 Vassals, thus ensuring they would have the kind of lives their parents never did


Even though my character wasn’t legally obliged to honour both the memory of and the many years of friendship he’d had with his 4 dearest friends by ensuring that the 1 orphaned 15 year old child of each of his 4 oldest friends became 1 of his 4 Vassals, meaning they would have the kind of lives their parents never did he choose to

Their were 4 things about my character, his lands, his belongings and his Vassals that didn't make sense to The GM, The GM asked me to justify them and here's how I justified them

The 1st

Him having both vast domain of his own and having 4 sizeable Vassal domains but having very few belongings and I justified it by deciding that 30 months ago he earned the right to buy any title he could afford and he sold everything to buy himself the title of fairly senior Viscount that rules A Large Viscountdom that comes with 4 Vassals and depending on the Vassals gender they are all either A Very Senior Baron or A Very Senior Baron and regardless of gender they rule A Massive Baron and over the last 30 months he has made enough money to buy back roughly 10.02% of the stuff he sold

The 2nd

His 4 Vassals all have several times the amount of stuff most people would expect 19 year olds to have and I justified it by deciding that they each inherited it from their father

The 3rd

They are all 4th Level despite only being 19 and I justified it by deciding that over the last 14 months most of what they've earned from their domains was used to pay for the training needed to get the experance needed to reach 4th level despite the fact that they are still in their teens

The 4th

The Vassal that’s A Member of The Mage Class having far more then my characters other 3 Vassals who all have roughly the same amount of experance and I justified it by deciding that since her domain is on the coast it earns her more money per month then the other 3 Vassals earn per month, which means she can afford to pay for the training needed to have far more experance then her lieges over 3 Vassals

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