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JollyDoc's Shackled City: FINAL POST [Updated 11/2!!]

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I have to admit, I find myself having to show much restraint to avoid taking notes every week on this new game. The urge to start a new SH is strong, but I just don't have the time to devote to it. This is a great setting and a fun adventure path. The guys all love it so far.

True, it will be bad when you don't continue. Maybe it would be possible to post a summary of your campaign milestones (i.e. the modules). Also, I would really like to know what happens to your campaign world and its major (N)PCs like Entropy & Co.

And gfunk, I read somewhere, that you can study better when you take several breaks writing a SH or something like that...



Neverwinter Knight said:
True, it will be bad when you don't continue. Maybe it would be possible to post a summary of your campaign milestones (i.e. the modules). Also, I would really like to know what happens to your campaign world and its major (N)PCs like Entropy & Co.


That, at least, I can do, since Age of Worms does have some interaction with Shackled City.


JollyDoc said:
They have also been joined by a new member...a feral human barbarian who goes by the handle of Sabertooth.

Please tell me that this is an NPC??

My schedule has changed, I'm free Sundays.


R-Hero said:
Please tell me that this is an NPC??

My schedule has changed, I'm free Sundays.

See the email I just sent you:eek:) For all you readers out there, if our old buddy here rejoins our group, that will bring our total number of active players to 8!!!


First Post
JollyDoc said:
See the email I just sent you:eek:) For all you readers out there, if our old buddy here rejoins our group, that will bring our total number of active players to 8!!!
Wow, I thought your group was big.

*Looks meaningfully at the mess in living room*

Yeah, I know you're pain.


First Post

Kill them all.

Entropy gingerly massaged her temple. Concentration was imperative. However, that was easier said than done as Myaruk continued to drone on. The lich, oblivious to his mistress' concerns, continued without skipping a beat.

". . . which led to the absolute destruction of Cauldron under a mountain of liquid magma and ash. I have visited the wreckage myself Mistress and it is most impressive."

"Idiots. Joachim would never allow something like this to happen. This is precisely what miracle spells were made for after all – divine intervention," Entropy motioned for Myaruk to continue, "but let us not dwell on the shortcomings of these so-called adventurers. Tell me more about the Bright Axes themselves."

"But of course, Chosen," the lich was, as always, pleased to be the center of attention, "though their numbers have fluctuated some over the course of the last several months, the core group remains unchanged. On Occipitus, I had the misfortune to meet Grimm, a half-ogre fighter. He encourages prejudice regarding his less-then-intelligent heritage to his tactical advantage. The beast's expertise with the spiked chain is uncanny."

Gut him – roast his intestines in the fires of the Nine Hells!

Her eyes squinted as she tried to focus.

"The dwarf cleric Rustifarius is the other lynchpin of the group. Strangely, he appears to worship Mystra rather than the indigenous deities of his race. For this reason, he is quite a multi-talented and versatile spellcaster. Then there is the halfling assassin Tilly. Like Grimm, he uses his slight stature as a decoy – more often than not his daggers can be found disemboweling or severing the Achilles' tendon of the enemy during the heat of battle. Finally, there is the monk Kiko of the Shining Faith sect. As you would imagine, he is a bane to medium-sized spellcasters with the mobility and speed one would expect of one of his ilk."

Round them up, smear them in blood, and let manes devour them slowly . . .


Myurak paused, "Is there a problem, Mistress?"

The Alienist grasped her forehead in the palm of her hand, closing her three eyes as if concentrating, "No. Continue."

"The other members are more recent additions and I have little information about them. Dalthon is a sorcerer of some repute. It could be worthwile to waste some minions on him to better ascertain his limited spell repertoire. Then there is Gunther, a cohort and personal friend of Rustifarius. He is a mystic theurge and his knowledge of defensive and healing magics allow his comrades to focus on more . . . destructive evocations. Finally, there is Ike – some type of mutated dwarf who is essentially a meat shield. If you do not stand in front of him, then his defeat is assured."

"An impressive analysis. So what are they doing now that Cauldron has been leveled?"

"After the Bright Axes led the refugees of Cauldron to the town of Red Gorge, it was widely rumored that they would disband. This was not surprising considering the totality of their ineptitude and failure. Nevertheless, they received word of a remaining Cagewright stronghold in the ruins of an old Yuan-ti fortress. I believe they are still there, as my spies in Red Gorge have not reported their return."

"And what of these Cagewrights?"

"Following their defeat in Cauldron, they are all but destroyed. The Bright Axes' trip to Shatterhorn is simply slaughtering the stragglers. As of yet, I have not been able to reason precisely why the Cagewrights wanted to open a gate to Carceri. Logically, since it is the prison plane of the multiverse, it would follow that they are attempting to release some powerful extra-planar being."

Entropy grasped the the two femurs that served as the handles of her throne and rose, "Thank you Myurak, I believe you have given me sufficient information to forumlate a plan. Hold the fort for me, would you?"

But Mistress, what of the drow army that is massing outside of Tilverton – surely they mean to re-take their territory."

"Myurak, I leave those details to you, Dorrina, Eclavdra, and the rest. The Revenancer's Chosen cannot be bothered with such trite bureaucratic trivialities."


Most buildings were smashed flat following the initial blast. Those structures (and few people) that remained were treated to a river of lava that devoured all in its path. Here and there, it was possible to identify a few humans and animals too slow to escape the liquid death and subsequently petrified. The sky was still in perpetual gloom from the ash.

Amid the remnants stood two figures.

Tamion surveyed the wasteland with admiration, "Very inspiring, Mistress. It reminds me of the blasted volcanic flats of the 28th layer," the Balor turned to the diminutive humanoid at his side, "Yet you say this was wrought by a band of goodly adventurers?"

Entropy waved her right hand, enmeshed in the mighty Claw of the Revenancer, "Pah! I'm sure they will argue extenuating circumstances or some such tripe."

"Indeed," with a crack of his whip, Tamion casually incinerated a pack of dogs who wandered too close to the pair.


Why would the Cagewrights return after all this time? If what she heard were true, the Bright Axes were in the process of killing the few remaining members of that mad cabal. Nevertheless, a Balor and his keeper were a pair of foes even a being of Nidrama's power was leery of crossing.

In the Deva's mind, she replayed one event over and over again. Many months ago, she had tried to give a warning to the Bright Axes, informing them of the troubles they would face. Though she despartely wanted to do more, she was forbidden by the Lords of Good. She remembered the exact words from the human Caine . . .

"Profound words,” Caine had said, his face twisted in a grimace of disgust. By this time, the others had awakened, and were gawking at Nidrama, and at the exchange taking place. Caine continued, “The warning you have brought is next to useless. We could have guessed as much ourselves. If you will give us no further information, then waste no more of our time and be gone!”

Since that time, much had changed. Despite her lack of action, the Bright Axes had prevailed against the Cagewrights, handing them defeat after defeat. Finally, the heroes were on the verge of eliminating that vile organization from the face of Faerun.

And yet . . . they did not know that a far graver threat was already drawing a noose around their neck.

Nidrama returned to Cauldron to reflect and consider the ramifications of her decision. A ten-day ago, she had removed herself from the Celestial Choir. Such an irrevocable action released her from Heaven's constraints it was true, but many of her angelic powers were lost as well. Perhaps worst of all, she could never again see the splendors of Mount Celestia – forced forevermore to wander the planes like a vagabond.

However, in her heart of hearts, she knew it was the right decision. The Bright Axes, not the amoral Celestial Choir, were the true paragons of goodness. They were mortal, bereft of the magnificent powers of the celestials and yet, they pushed on. Despite all of the betrayals and setbacks they were dedicated to the destruction of evil and protection of good.

Her planned contemplative moment lost, the Deva returned her gaze to her quarry. In moments she would teleport out back to Red Gorge and tell the Bright Axes the terrible news.


A voice in Entropy's mind spoke cooly, "Mistress, we have a visitor. A Deva . . ."

Not wishing to alert the intruder that she had been pinpointed, the Sorcerer continued to stare ahead even as she replied to the Balor's telepathy, "She will try to escape, distract her and then grapple her."

The Balor turned around and, with monstrous speed, flew towards Nidrama's position.

She had been spotted!

As Nidrama activated her innate power to teleport she was knocked to the ground as a powerful fire storm enveloped her. Before she could stand, the human began to gesture furiously as an emerald field surrounded the Deva.

A dimensional lock!

In moments, the Balor was on her as it placed her in a bear hug, its demonic muscles rippling with power.

The human walked towards them carefully.

"Shall I kill her Mistress?"

Slay her and animate her remains!

The Alienist smiled grimly, "For once Winterwood, you and I are on the same page."

Entropy's crown flashed with energy as a black, crackling ray struck the helpless Deva.

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