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[June] What are you reading?

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Halfway through the final book of The Maze Runner trilogy. Jury is still out on whether it's just really cliched or if there's an explanation at the end that brings everything together.
Just really cliched.

I read Volume 2 of The Glass Books of the Dream Eaters, which was excellent; starting The Dark Volume. Also read/reread The Singer and the Sea, which was excellent. Michael Scott Rohan puts an appendix in the back of each book detailing parts of the setting and lore, it's a really neat addition to the book. Would love to see the whole thing as an RPG setting.
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I just finished Shinju by Laura Joh Rowland, and am halfway through another of her novels, Black Lotus. They're detective fiction, with the twist that the detective is a samurai in Edo in the 1680s, by the name of Sano Ichiro. They're outstanding; I've read several others of hers from this series (The Assassin's Touch, The Samurai's Wife, The Concubine's Tattoo), and there isn't a bad book in the lot.



Since I finished the latest Dresden Files, I started to read the novelization of Star Trek: The Motion Picture. (That's the 1978 Star Trek 1 movie, for the kids at home.)
Wow. Patronizing, sexist, and trying really hard to be "enlightened", but really it all comes off like a teenage boy's fantasy with a surplus of emoticons and psychobabble thrown in. The movie was accused of being the "Motionless Picture", but based on the novel it's closer to the "Emo Picture."


I've held off on reading The Dark Volume because somewhere around here I've got Mockingjay to read as well, and I want to finish that and then bring The Dark Volume on vacation with me. I just got The Chemickal Marriage in the mail though, so the urge to start in on the adventures of Miss Temple, Dr Svenson, and Cardinal Chang is getting harder and harder to resist. :)


Finished up "The Golden Ocean", which was good but not great, but "Players" turned out to be very enjoyable indeed - the Sixth Doctor is probably my least favourite, but his novel turned out to be the best of the series so far. And "Raising Steam" was as enjoyable as most Pratchetts, if not right up there with his very best.

I'm now a few pages into "Angela's Ashes", but it's yet to really get going. I had hoped to finish it this weekend, but that's probably over-ambitious.

"Outlander" will be next. And there's no sign of the new Pathfinder - I'm expecting that to arrive late next week.


Finished up "The Golden Ocean", which was good but not great, but "Players" turned out to be very enjoyable indeed - the Sixth Doctor is probably my least favourite, but his novel turned out to be the best of the series so far. And "Raising Steam" was as enjoyable as most Pratchetts, if not right up there with his very best.

I'm now a few pages into "Angela's Ashes", but it's yet to really get going. I had hoped to finish it this weekend, but that's probably over-ambitious.

"Outlander" will be next. And there's no sign of the new Pathfinder - I'm expecting that to arrive late next week.

Huh, look at that. I thought I had 'Tis and needed Angela's Ashes; turns out I have Angela's Ashes sitting right on the shelf behind me. I'll read it soon.

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