KahunaCon '06 July 22nd and 23rd! slots still open! (greater Boston/Providence area)

Kahuna Burger

First Post
MavrickWeirdo said:
The Neptune adventure is your "bug hunt" game, why didn't you say so, count me in please
no, not the same bug hunt I was trying to run at 3 consecutive gamedays or whatever. :heh: Got that one out of my system over PbP. ;) But there will be some bug action in this one.

Its.... mostly ketchup! :uhoh:

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First Post
Kahuna Burger said:
no, not the same bug hunt I was trying to run at 3 consecutive gamedays or whatever. :heh: Got that one out of my system over PbP. ;) But there will be some bug action in this one.

Its.... mostly ketchup! :uhoh:
Foul Ketchup!! I'm in. No foul condiment shall stand against our 11mm charge rifles!



First Post
Kahuna Burger said:
no, not the same bug hunt I was trying to run at 3 consecutive gamedays or whatever. :heh: Got that one out of my system over PbP. ;) But there will be some bug action in this one.

Its.... mostly ketchup! :uhoh:

I still want in on the Alternity/Neptune game


First Post
Attention DM's

Our host is generously running 3 games, but has mentioned she would like to be a player in the 4th slot.

As of yet no one has offered to run a game in the 4th slot.

So can anyone come up with another game for Kahuna Burger?


Queen of Everything
MavrickWeirdo said:
So can anyone come up with another game for Kahuna Burger?

We have to leave during that time slot so we can't do it.

Kahuna, maybe you want to change your games around so you have free a different slot and run one of your games in the last one?

Ao the Overkitty

First Post
I'd been waiting before declaring running a second game. I would be willing to run one of my previous oneshots during the fourth slot. I don't have a particular inclination towards one or the other, so people looking to play a particular one can sway the verdict.

The options include:

Game: Zombie Burger
System: All Flesh Must Be Eaten
Summary: The local meat supply has been contaminated and the town is turning into zombies.

Game: Retail Zombies
System: All Flesh Must Be Eaten
Summary: It is retail hell during the holidays when a horde of zombies decends upon the mall for a little shopping and a light snack.

Game: Trouble on Bakura
System: Star Wars d20
Summary: The Imperial Remnant is up to something on the planet of Bakura. It's your job to stop them.

Game: Sith Wars
System: Star Wars d20
Summary: Everyone wants to be the apprentice to the Sith lord, but only one of you can be.

Kahuna Burger

First Post
OK, since it isn't gathering interest yet, I'm cancelling the discworld game, leaving the option of playing in that slot. if folks pop up who wanted discworld, we can do it sunday afternoon...


First Post
Kahuna Burger said:
OK, since it isn't gathering interest yet, I'm cancelling the discworld game, leaving the option of playing in that slot. if folks pop up who wanted discworld, we can do it sunday afternoon...
It is a very fun game, but I have already played it, and "End of the world Timeshare", and "Missing Masters (II)".

The problem may be that you need a new audience. ;)

Voidrunner's Codex

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