D&D 5E Keith Baker's Eberron/Ravenloft Crossover Comes Next Week!

Eberron-creator Keith Baker will be launching an Eberron/Ravenloft crossover supplement next week on DMs Guild. It's called Dread Metrol: Into the Mists, and will be released on Tuesday, July 13th.


The queen watches as the sun sets and the undead lay siege...


Tall, handsome, powerful...
the undisputed master of House Cannith is also a new kind of artificer...


The monsters of the mists aren't always the ones with claws or snake hair...
they could be the victims...


Deals are needed to cross the Bridge of the Dead...

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A neat way to have a Eberron/Theros crossover is to postulate a connection between Dal Quor and Nyx. Natives of each world can visit to other, but only through dreams.
The way that I let characters from any D&D world come to Eberron is through the Far Realm (I flavor Xoriat as a fragment of the Far Realm that bled in when the Ring of Siberys cut off the rest of the multiverse, thus allowing characters to move through the Far Realm into Xoriat into Eberron, or the other way around). Then, I have the Blind Eternities just be a safer part of the Far Realm that's stable enough to host the worlds of M:tG, and thus accessible through the Far Realm or Xoriat. (I do keep this secret from my players, though, and it is very, very difficult to survive travelling through the Far Realm.)

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