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Khorvarian Days & Knights [IC]

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Lyran takes a quick look once more to the front door of the waystation and decides that the noise they have heard by the stable is more of a concern than the lack of noise inside the building.

Still jumpy and nervous, Lynx glances up at the approaching half-elf and hisses
'Some.. someone's inside.. I think.. I heard actually... captured I mean. Gagged and bound!'

Growling in assent to his cat which right now isn't visible to Lyran or the others, Lynx continues
'There is likely a way inside in the back of the barn. Lets have a look.'

And with that, the Shifter darts off around the next stablecorner to get to the hole on the backside.

Oh yeah, my current spell selection since we've got a new DM.
Mage Armor should still be active for an hour-and-a-half roughly.

Spells memorized:
Level 0: daze, detect magic, flare, light, mage hand
Level 1: charm person, expedious retreat, mage armor, magic missle
Level 2: cat's grace, daze monster, scorching ray
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Tor L'Tha

First Post
As Lynx turns the corner he sees Zook inspecting the wall, he do not hear Lynx wen by surprise he stand right besides him.
“Lynx! my god friend , dam you scared me” “my friend Lynx look!...”
Zook indicates the baseboards of the back wall that where cracked and splintered.

“There is a way to get in”. “as I see it we can try to crack it as silently as we can, then dig a little to quese trough” Zook carvs in the mud to see if the soil is too hard to dig a half meter (1 foot?), to soo squeeze/sneak.
He go on all four and tryes to peak trough the little cracks in the wall and at the same time say “Did anyone see that you where coming here?” “If you prefer I can start digging, and you get the strongest of them to help” Zook looks exited whit new idea and do not notice that Lynx wear about to tell him something.

“Why do you look like that? Any surprises?”

Search 8: wooden wall at arrival of Lynx. Hidden doors? Window in second floor? Roll(1d20)+8:5,+8 Total:13
search 8 : hardness of soil. Roll(1d20)+8:17,+8 Total:25
search 8: crack in wall. Roll(1d20)+8:17,+8Total:25
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Zook begins looking at the boards at the base of the wall, and sees that a number of them are splintered and broken. He grabs ahold of one of the more fractured pieces and pull back slightly... and it begins to seperate itself from the beam it was nailed to. Slowly but surely Zook works the board until finally it pops off in his hands. Lynx has been on alert this whole time listening to see if the being inside the building has heard their work at the back, and he comes to the conclusion that he hasn't.

Lyran actually knows this for a fact, because as he continues to stand at the front of the stable, weapon and spellhand ready, he hears quite easily the muffled screaming and thumping of the being inside... still trying to get someone's attention. Lyran keeps his eyes and ears alert, but thus far has made no move to do anything.

Kolarred takes a few steps into the front room of the waystation, keeping his eyes peeled. He notices nothing of note. This is also true of Tyler Du'Orien, who remains out on the path.

Zook continues to work at the boards in the back, and at one point a board gives off a *SNAP* as it breaks in half. The changeling and the shifter both freeze...

...but nothing seems to come of it. Lynx nods to Zook, and he goes back to removing the boards. Finally, as the third board comes off, there is an opening large enough for a humanoid to squeeze through.


First Post
“Lynx! my god friend , dam you scared me”


Zook continues to work at the boards in the back, and at one point a board gives off a *SNAP* as it breaks in half. The changeling and the shifter both freeze...

'Yeah right, Zook!' Lynx winces after the initial shock has passed. 'Talk about scaring people.'

Eyeing the little hole curiously, the Shifter whispers
'I think the rest is still up front, guarding the courtyard or searching the main building.'

Glancing left and right Lynx quietly adds
'Not much to fight in there I would think. Whoever tried to free himself of his ropes and gags couldn't have done so if he'd be guarded, don't you think?'

With a mischievous grin and a nod towards the little hole, he suggests
'Let's have a look already.. ok? I'd doubt Kolarred would fit through this anyways.'

((OoC: Is there light inside the stable?))
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Tor L'Tha

First Post
Zweischneid said:
'Not much to fight in there I would think. Whoever tried to free himself of his ropes and gags couldn't have done so if he'd be guarded, don't you think?'

With a mischievous grin and a nod towards the little hole, he suggests
'Let's have a look already.. ok? I'd doubt Kolarred would fit through this anyways.

“Your right, non of the big guys will fitt there. Who is first in?”
Zook pick two grass straws from the ground and makes one shorter than the other. Takes them behind his back, mixes them and reaches his hand to Lynx, so he can pick one. Short goes first.

Sleight of Hand, to make Lynx pick the short straw: Roll(1d20)+5:16,+5 Total:21
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OOC: I'll wait for Shaggy and Juggernaut to post before continuing. I want to know what they'll both be doing as the other two groups start their moves forward.
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First Post
Lyren walks over to where Zook and Lynx have broken a hole in the barn wall.

"If you guys needed light, just ask."

Lyren picks up a stone off the ground, touches it to his holy symbol, and mutter a brief prayer. The stone begins to shine with a soft silver glow. ((Cast Light))

"Should I just toss this stone into the barn so it will be lit up when you get in, or do you want to carry it in with you?"


First Post
"Should I just toss this stone into the barn so it will be lit up when you get in, or do you want to carry it in with you?"

'Thank you Lyran.' Lynx responds, still frowning over the short straw he picked, wondering if he might have been tricked by the Changeling. ((Sense Motive d20(6)+1= 7))

As Zooks expression seems honest, Lynx takes the luminous stone, wraps it up in a piece of cloth and hides it in his bandoleer. 'I will take that with me so I'm not giving myself away to soon.'

Than, cautiously, the shifter takes a peek inside, but dazzled by Lyran's lightstone fails to make out much of anything in the dark barn.
((Spot d20(1)+7= 8))

Hesitating another moment, Lynx shrugs at Lyran and Zook one more time and disappears in the little hole without a sound.
((Move Silently d20(17)+7= 24))

Once on the inside, the shifter-wizard again crouches low, motionless and barely breathing. Only Lynx tufted ears twitch nervously, straining to hear anything or anyone that might be waiting in the darkness
((Listen d20(11)+7= 18))

Once he feels assured that no trap is set out for him, Lynx will slowly unwrap the luminous stone again, revealing the interior of the shack before his shining, feline eyes.
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Voidrunner's Codex

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