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Khorvarian Days & Knights [PC list]


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Here are the players and their characters:

Zweischeid - LYNX (Male Shifter Ranger 1/Enchanter 3)
Tor L'Tha - ZOOK (Male Changeling Rogue 4)
DarkMaster - KOLARRED (Male Human Paladin 4)
Juggernaut - TYLER (Male Human Fighter 4)
ShaggySpellsword - LYRAN (Male Half-elf Cleric of Silver Flame 4)
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Lynx - Shifter Wizard from the Morgrave University

Lynx - Shifter Wizard from the Morgrave University (Sharn)

Stats in Red while Shifting.

Name:		Lynx
Gender:		Male
Race:		Shifter
Class:		Ranger 1 / Enchanter 3   (Prohibited Schools: Illusion & Necromancy)
Alignment:      Neutral Good
Deity:          None

[U]Ability	 Score	Mod	Cost[/U]		    Level:	 4	XP:      0
Str:	  10[COLOR=DarkOrange][12][/COLOR] 0[COLOR=DarkOrange][+1][/COLOR]   2		    BAB:	+2	HP:	28 
Dex:	  16	+3	 6 (+2 Shifter)     Grap:	+2[COLOR=DarkOrange][+3][/COLOR]	AC:	13 (+3 Dex)
Con:	  14	+2	 6                  Speed:	30'	Touch:  13
Int:	  14	+1	 8 (-2 Shifter)	    Init: 	+3	Flat:   10
Wis:	  12	+1	 4                  ACP:        -0       
Cha:	   8 	-1	 2 (-2 Shifter)     Action Pts:  7          

[U]Saves	Total Base	Mod	Feat    Special[/U] 
Fort:	  5    3	+2	0	0                    
Ref:	  6    3	+3	0	0       
Will:	  4    3	+1 	0	0                    

[U]Weapons		Attack	Damage	Critical   Range[/U]
[COLOR=DarkOrange]Razorclaw	+5	1d4+2	  20/x2[/COLOR]
Shortsword      +5	1d6[COLOR=DarkOrange][+1][/COLOR]	 19-20/x2
Dart            +5	1d4[COLOR=DarkOrange][+1][/COLOR]	  20/x2    20 ft.   

Healing Factor, Scribe Scroll, Track, Weapon Finesse

Low Light Vision, Shifting (Razorclaw - 1/day for 6 rounds), Wild Empathy

                 [U]Level 0 spells:[/U]     [U]Level 1 spells:[/U]        [U]Level 2 spells:[/U]
[B]Spells per day:[/B]  4 + 1 Enchantment   3 + 1 Enchantment      2 + 1  Enchantment          

[B]Spellbook:[/B]       All                 Charm Person           Cat's Grace
                                     Expedious Retreat      Darkness
                                     Feather Fall           Daze Monster
                                     Hypnotism              Glitterdust
                                     Identify               Locate Object 
                                     Mage Armor             Scorching Ray
                                     Magic Missle           Touch of Idiocy
                                     Protection from Evil   

Skill Points: Total = [B]38[/B] / 1st level=28 (Ranger, Int 13), 2nd level=3 (Wiz, Int 13), 3rd level=3 (Wiz, Int 13), 4th level=4 (Wiz, Int 14)	

[U]Skills			Total   Ranks	Mod	Feat    ACP       Special[/U]
Balance                 +5        0       +3                  +2 (Shifter)
Decipher Script         +5        3       +2
Climb                   +5[COLOR=DarkOrange][+6][/COLOR]    3	  	              +2 (Shifter)
Concentration		+5        4	  +1		
Hide                    +5        2	  +3
Jump                    +2[COLOR=DarkOrange][+3][/COLOR]         	     	              +2 (Shifter)
(Arcane)                +5        3       +2
(Dungeoneering)         +6        4       +2
Listen                  +7        4       +1                  +2 (Alertness)
Move Silently           +7        1       +3                  +3 (Cat Familiar)                       
Search                  +5        3       +2                    
Spellcraft              +5*       3       +2                  * add +2 for Ench Spells
Spot                    +7        4       +1                  +2 (Alertness)
Survival                +5        4       +1
Common, Draconic, Elven

[U]Equipment            Quantity        Cost         Weight [/U]  
Explorers Outfit         1          0  gp   0  lb.
Short Sword              1          10 gp   2  lb.
Darts                    4          2  gp   2  lb.
Spell component pouch    1          5  gp.  2  lb.
Potion Belt              1          1  gp   1  lb.
Bandoleer (Masterwork)   1          5  gp   .5 lb.
Case, map or scroll      1          1  gp   .5 lb.
ID Papers (with portrait)1          5  gp.  0  lb.
Travel Paper             1          2  sp.  0  lb.

Handy Haversack                             5  lb.
-Spellbook               1          15 gp. (3  lb.)
-Ink (1 oz. vial)        1          8  gp  (0  lb.)
-Inkpen                  1          1  sp  (0  lb.)
-Paper (sheet)           5          2  gp  (0  lb.)
-Signet Ring             1          5  gp  (0  lb.)
-Sealing Wax             1          1  gp  (1  lb.)
-Silk Rope (50 ft.)      1          10 gp  (5  lb.)
-Grappling Hook          1          1  gp  (4  lb.)
-Sunrod                  3          6  gp  (3  lb.)
-Waterskin               1          1  gp  (4  lb.)
-Bedroll                 1          1  sp  (5  lb.)
-Trail Rations           5          25 sp  (5  lb.)

[U]Magic Equipment                          Cost         [/U] 
Brooch of Shielding                     1,500 gp.
Handy Haversack                         2,000 gp.
Pearl of Power (1st level)              1,000 gp. 
Potion of Cure Light Wounds (x3)          150 gp.

[B]Total Weight:[/b] 13  lb.

[U]Scrolls I bought and added to the Spellbook:[/U]
Charm Person         25 gp
Daze Monster        150 gp
Expedious Retreat    25 gp
Glitterdust         150 gp
Locate Object       150 gp
Scorching Ray       150 gp
[B]Gold:[/B]             19
[B]Silver:[/B]            1

[U]Carrying Capacity[/U]
[B]Light Load:[/B]  	        33 lb. or less [COLOR=DarkOrange] [43 lb. or less][/COLOR]
[B]Medium Load:[/B]            34 - 66 lb.[COLOR=DarkOrange]     [44 - 86 lb.][/COLOR]
[B]Heavy Load:[/B]             67 - 100 lb.[COLOR=DarkOrange]    [87 - 130 lb.][/COLOR]

The earliest memories of the Shifter known as Lynx are the great gates of the Morgave University.
He can neither recall his parents or his place of birth and sometimes it seems that his life begins back at that faithful day, when that nameless and feral street urchin he used to be, was traded for a few coins to Professor Alaczar of Sharn.
That day, he passed the (for a youth in a cage) mighty and intimidating gates of the University, a moment that was to stay in his mind for the rest of his life.

Of his early stay in Morgrave, Lynx has mainly painful and haunting memories. Professor Alaczar was an unscrupulous and ambitious Wizard, who never treated Lynx as anything other than a wild animal and often conducted vicious and cruel experiments with his "collection of exotic beast" as part of his research. Growing increasingly savage and bitter, Lynx eventually managed to escape his cage and led most of the Morgrave Staff through a wild chase all over the University grounds, injuring many as he went with his vicious claws. When he was eventually recaptured by a Spell, he possibly might have found his end then and there, being put to death by Professor Alaczar like a rabid dog.

Fortunatly, another Scholar, Professor Lepidus who was long at odds with Alaczar for his inhuman methods, saved the Shifter and took him under his care. It didn't take long for Lynx (his new name, for his feline likeness and the typical tufts on his ears) to embrace his new life. He quickly befriended Cariosa, Professor Lepidus striped cat and started running errands for the always busy Professor.
To everyones (except Lepidus) great surprise, Lynx showed a keen intellect and interest in all things and quickly learned to read and write, and even took up the magical arts, showing no less talent than most other students that came to Morgrave.
Eventually, Lynx was chosen as an apprentice to the Enchanter Lepidus and even graduated to the status of a journeyman a few years later.

As a journeyman Wizard, Lynx is often found traveling through Khorvaire with Cariosa, chasing the riddles and mysteries that can be found in this strange land at these strange times. More often than not, he undertakes his mission on behalf of his Mentor Lepidus, who increasingly tries to avoid the discomforts of exploration and adventuring as he grows older, prefering instead to work from his laboratories.
Because of this, Lynx holds close ties to Morgrave and his Mentor Lepidus, even though there are quite a few people at Morgrave that hold a grudge against him (especially Alaczar).

Lithe and lissom, Lynx isn't a very imposing figure.
His slender build is emphasized by his habit of crouching or cowering whenever possible; obviously Lynx doesn't feel all that comfortable standing up straight.
His features are quite distinctly those of a shifter, with slanted feline eyes, a broad nose and the sharp teeth of a carnivore.
Most noticable are the blacktipped ear tufts and the red-and-grey ruffs on his cheeks that earned Lynx his name.
His muscular hands and forearms (which are quite hairy) end in sharp and pointed fingertips that may turn into savage claws at a moments notice when Lynx is threatend or frightend.

Similarly, his behaviour may rapidly shift from a surprisingly civil and lettered conversation to a feral growl or back again, putting off many people unaccustomed to the shifters erratic behaviour.
Because of his many less-then-amiable experiences with humans (or elfs, dwarfs, etc..) Lynx tends to be shy and wary around people he doesn't know, warming up to others only after quite some time.

He wears well made clothes cut for travel and the outdoors, fastend with belts and straps across his chest and on his hips.
With these he carries a dazzling collection of pouches, loops, clasps and bags (including a Handy Haversack), holding anything from his potions and books, to polished stones, colored marbles, exotic feathers or his fine Short Sword.
On his chest sits a finely crafted clasp displaying the emblem of the Morgrave University (Brooch of Shielding).

Also, the striped cat Cariosa is rarely far behind, usually demanding his constant attention or skulking between Lynx feet.

(Cat Familiar)

Size/Type:  	Tiny Animal (Familiar)
Hit Points: 	14 hp 
Initiative: 	+2
Speed: 	        30 ft. (6 squares)
Armor Class: 	16 (+2 size, +2 Dex, +2 Familiar), touch 16, flat-footed 14
Base Attack: 	+2
Attack: 	Claw +6 melee (1d2-4)
Full Attack: 	2 claws +6 melee (1d2-4) and bite +1 melee (1d3-4)
Space/Reach: 	2½ ft./0 ft.

Str 3, Dex 15, Con 10, Int 7, Wis 12, Cha 7

[U][B]Saves	Total Base	Mod[/B][/U] 
Fort:	  [b]3[/b]    3	+0	                    
Ref:	  [b]5[/b]    3	+2	       
Will:	  [b]4[/b]    3	+1 	  

Alertness, Stealthy, Weapon Finesse

[U][B]Special Qualities:[/U][/B]
Deliver touch spells, empathic link, improved evasion, 
low-light vision, scent, share spells 

Balance       +10
Climb         + 9 
Hide          +18*
Jump          +10
Listen        + 7 (including Alertness)
Move Silently + 8
Spot          + 7 (including Alertness)

Cats have a +4 racial bonus on Climb, Hide, and Move Silently checks and a +8 racial bonus on Jump checks. 
Cats have a +8 racial bonus on Balance checks. 
They use their Dexterity modifier instead of their Strength modifier for Climb and Jump checks. 
*In areas of tall grass or heavy undergrowth, the Hide bonus rises by +4 (total +22).
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First Post
Tor L'Tha said:
Name: Zook

Sex: male, race: changeling, class: rouge, level 4


Somehow this seems like too many languages. I didn't see any ranks in Speak Language, and Zook's INT bonus is a +2. Tell me how you arrived at these languages?

I could be wrong on this, if someone else can chime in.


First Post
I will reuse Zweischneid template, I decided to go with the tank
Work in Progress - not finished yet!!!

Human Paladin from Karrnath

Name:		Kolarred D'Hui
Gender:		Male
Race:		Human
Class:		Paladin 4
age:                    26
Alignment:      Lawful Good
Deity:          Dol Arrah

[U]Ability	 Score	Mod	Cost[/U]		    Level:	4	XP: 6000
Str:	  16 	+3	 BAB:	+4	HP:	44 
Dex:	  8	-1           Grap:	+7	AC:21 (-1 Dex, +9 armor +3 shield)
Con:	  12	+1	 Speed:	30'(20')	Touch:  9
Int:	  12	+1	 Init: 	-1	Flat:   22
Wis:	  12	+1	 ACP:        -0       
Cha:	  15 	+2	             

[U]Saves	Total Base	Mod	Feat    Special[/U] 
Fort:	  7    4	+1	0	0           +2         
Ref:	  2    1	-1	0	0           +2
Will:	  4    1	+1 	0	0           +2         

[U]Weapons		Attack	Damage	Critical   Range[/U]
MW LongSword	+8	1d8+3	  19-20/x2
Lance	+7	1d8+3	 20/x3
Javelin	+3	1d6+3	 20/x2  	 30

Mounted Combat, Ride By Attack, Power attack

Aura of good, Detect Evil at will, smite evil/1day +2/+4, Divine Grace +2 all save, Lay of Hand 8pts/day, Aura of Courage (Immune to fear, other +4 to save), Supernatural health, Turn undead 5/day, 

                 [U]Level 1 spells:[/U]
[B]Spells per day:[/B]  1            

[B]Spell prayed:[/B] Divine Favor       
Skill Points: Total = [B]28[/B] 	

[U]Skills			Total   Ranks	Mod	Feat    ACP       Special[/U]
Diplomacy                          +12       6             +2          +0      +4
Sense Motive                       +6       5             +1      
knowledge nobility		  +6        5	  +1		
Handle animal                       +7       5	  +2
ride                                    +8       7              -1                   +2 
Common, Draconic

[COLOR=yellow]On the horse:[/COLOR]
Courtier’s outfit.
50ft of rope
10 torch
3 javelins
1 bedroll
1 winter blanket
1 crowbar
1 grappeling hook
flint and steel
bit and bridle. 
Military saddle
Saddle bags

[U]Magic Equipment                          Cost         [/U] 
Rod of cure ligth wounds 50 charges     750
Full Plate +1                                    2650
Large steel shield+1                          1170

Total Weight:   lb.

Gold             33
Silver            3

Heavy War Horse 400
	Warhorse, Heavy
	Large Animal
Hit Dice:	4d8+12 (30 hp)
Initiative:	+1
Speed:	50 ft. (10 squares)
Armor Class:	14 (–1 size, +1 Dex, +4 natural), touch 10, flat-footed 13
Base Attack/Grapple:	+3/+11
Attack:	Hoof +6 melee (1d6+4)
Full Attack:	2 hooves +6 melee (1d6+4) and bite +1 melee (1d4+2)
Space/Reach:	10 ft./5 ft.
Special Attacks:	—
Special Qualities:	Low-light vision, scent
Saves:	Fort +7, Ref +5, Will +2
Abilities:	Str 18, Dex 13, Con 17, Int 2, Wis 13, Cha 6
Skills:	Listen +5, Spot +4
Feats:	Endurance, Run
Environment:	Temperate plains
Organization:	Domesticated
Challenge Rating:	2
Advancement:	—
Level Adjustment:	—
These animals are similar to heavy horses but are trained and bred for strength and aggression. A heavy warhorse can fight while carrying a rider, but the rider cannot also attack unless he or she succeeds on a Ride check.
Carrying Capacity: A light load for a heavy warhorse is up to 300 pounds; a medium load, 301–600 pounds; and a heavy load, 601–900 pounds. A heavy warhorse can drag 4,500 pounds.

Kolarred is only 26 years old but sometimes feel like a 45 years old in terms of maturity and experience. His a good looking guy and has a lot of presence.

Kolarred parent were diary farmer owning a large ranch near Rekkenmark. Kolarred never did anything as a young men, counting on his good look to achieve his objectives. He never really followed any God as young men. His parent quite desesperate with him were almost releived when he was drafted by the army. They were hoping it would put him back in the straight path. Naturally strong he was able to hold his share in combat as a soldier. During a battle he almost died and was sent to a military hospital handled by the church of Dol Arrah. There he met a beautiful young cleric of Dol Arrah. During his short stay at the hospital, he pretended to be a follower of Dol Arrah to spend more time with her. On the last day he went with her for a last prayer before leaving. The only thing in his mind at that time was. Will I ever see her again" He kneeled and started to pray. At that moment he felt something inside. He felt the presence of Dol Arrah, he became convinced that its was the only path. He continued to pray sincerely for a few minutes. He then slowly stand up and from that moment his life changed. He said a last goodbye to the priestess and returned on the battlefield.
As he got there nobody recognised him. Driven by Dol Arrah he exceled on the battlefield and quickly roses among it's ranks.

Kolarred fought along Karrnath during the great war. He lead many men to battles and to their deaths. He himself almost died a few times during the war. Since the war is over, he has a hard time return to normal society and doesn't like what the world has become. People are plotting against each others, backstabbing each other whenever they can instead of solving their problems on the battlefield where every men can prove his worth, and where each country can measure their true value. XXXX is from an old school of taugh. During the last year he quickly adapted and became a skilled diplomat for the church of Dol Arrah. Kolarred finds it hard, his strict personal code of conduct has often been challenged in various tricky diplomatic events.

But a few weeks ago he just resigned, he his fed up and misses greatly the rightousness of combat. Very often he knew that the person sitting in front of him (detect evil, sense motive) was negociating with bad intention in mind but couldn't do anything about it others than doing his best to negociate a deal that would block him as much as possible.

He decided to start an adventuring compagnie, with an old friend of his "Insert Cleric name". They are not looking for fame or fortune. They are just hoping to enjoy their life doing what they know best: bringing justice to all.
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First Post
DarkMaster said:
Can I also have a feat for being 4th level ;)

Gee, let me think about this one..........................................

Mmmmmmmmmm......................................................no. ;)

Tor L'Tha

First Post
Tor L'Tha said:
lvl 1: point blank shot +1 ranged attack within 30 ft (10mt)
lvl 2: x
lvl 3: rapid shot +1 ranged attack each round
lvl 4: dodge +1 dodge bonus to AC against selected target

Im deleting the lvl 4 feat. 1 feat lvl 1; 1 feat lvl 3, and so lvl 6,9,12... etc
from players handbook

Tor L'Tha said:
Class: Rouge
Class features

lvl 1: sneak attack +1d6, trapfinding
lvl 2: evasion
lvl 3: sneak attack +2d6, trap sense +1
lvl 4: uncanny dodge

these are ok arent they?

DArkMaster said:
But... But ... Tor L'Tha ....

dont be so such a big girl :p.... ;)
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First Post
Since we are all looking for a reason to adventure togheter what about
darkmaster said:
He decided to start an adventuring compagnie, with an old friend of his "Insert Cleric name". They are not looking for fame or fortune. They are just hoping to enjoy their life doing what they know best: bringing justice to all.

So if Juggernauth goes with his cleric you could join our adventuring compagny.

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