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Kill Bargle! A Pathfinder RPG Alpha Release Adventure

Surprise Round

The instant Zakok sees the movement, he growls and charges at the creepy creature to smash it with his earthbreaker. OOC: Rages; Charges; Attack roll 4 + 9 + 1 (higher ground) - 2 (cover) + 2 (charge) = 14, miss.

"Zakok, wait!" Terry shout, then grinds his teeth in frustration. He slides to his left, looking for a clear shot, but can't seem to find one. Instead the gnome lifts his prepared wand and concentrates momentarily. A visible, greyish shimmer instantly surrounds him. OOC: Casts Shield from his wand.

'Ware tha beast beneath the gate, lads! Thieren shouts, even as he steps forward to provide protection for the weaker members of the group. OOC: moves to get between the sorcerers and the creature.

Looking like a cross between an enormous centipede and a delicious Vudran noodle dish, the creature seems to be curled up in a large pit underneath the outer gate doors. It has a segmented body with many tentacles surrounding a tooth-filled mouth. It reaches these tentacles out toward the large Shoanti man, covering him in an dark yellow ooze, which they seem to excrete. The Barbarian's body is overloaded by overwhelming messages to shut down and cease moving, but he refuses to give up. When the insectoid creature reaches out to bite him, Zakok skillfully sidesteps the lunge. (OOC: Tentacle Attack#1 hits AC 18, Zakok Fort save 12 + 9 = 21, success; Attack#2 is a natural 20, Zakok Fort save 18 + 9 = 27, success; Attack#3 hits AC 19, Zakok Fort save 20! + 9 = 29, success; Attack#4 hits AC 19, Zakok Fort save 20! + 9 = 29, success; Attack#5 hits AC 9, miss; Attack#6 hits AC 19, Zakok Fort save 13 + 9, success; Attack #7 automatic miss, Attack #8 hits AC 9, miss; bite attack automatic miss)

Lanandro point his finger at the creature and the air fill with a buzzing sound. All the sudden, a bolt of electricity discharges from Lanandro into the worm thing. It visibly recoils as the energy passes through it, but continues its furious attack. OOC: Ray of electricity ranged touch attack 17 + 4 - 2 (Cover) = 19, hit! Damage 1d6 + 2 = 4 hp of damage.

Corby (C) 23
Zakok (Z) 10
Terry (T) 7
Thieren (H) 5
Monster (M) 3
Lanandro (L) 3

Spells in Effect:
Terry (Shield, Mage Armor)
Lanandro (Mage Armor)
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Battle at the Gates: Round 1

"Monster under the...! Pike it, always with the monster under the bleedin' gate!" Even as he curses, Corby pulls his rapier and tumbles up to the monstrosity, ducking and weaving beneath its waving tentacles, then sets to work giving it a few extra orifices. Too late the halfling realizes that the creature seems to be severely restricted in its movements and couldn't possibly take a casual swipe at him. In his new-found confidence he bounds towards it and nearly takes off his left toe with his wild swing. OOC: Move action; Attack 1, automatic failure!

Zakok continous his mad assault, smashing the creature with his earthbreaker. Despite his powerful blows, they only connect with the covering gate or bounce harmlessly off the chitinous carapace. OOC: Attack 10 + 5 + 1 (higher ground) - 2 (cover) = 14, miss.

On seeing the tentacled monster's sliming of Zakok, Terry offers an astute, "EEuw! Disgusting!" Apparently missing the irony entirely, he then extends a grotesquely elongated arm and with a sharp flick in which all of his fingers seem to curl backwards, fires an dark green bolt of energy at the creature. It impacts the monster with a sickening crunch, causing its carapace to buckle and peel open and tearing into its soft flesh beneath. OOC: Acid Ray ranged touch attack 17 + 4 - 2 (cover) = 19, hit! Damage 1d6 + 1 = 7 hp of damage

Stick yer slimy tentacles on dwarven steel, vermin! Thieren shouts as he wades into battle next to the Shoanti. A well-placed strike from his warhammer connects with the creature's head, sending the tentacles into wild paroxysms. Nearly lifeless it slumps back into his hole and ceases to move. OOC: move action; attack 18 + 4 + 1 (higher ground) - 2 (cover) = 21, hit! Damage 1d8 + 2 = 7 hp of damage

OOC: Combat is over (for the moment). Please continue your postings below.

Spells in Effect:
Terry (Shield, Mage Armor)
Lanandro (Mage Armor)[/I]

Walking Dad

First Post

Zak falls out of his rage nearly instantly, but kicks at the covering frustrated about his inability to hit the thing.

"Damn thing, and we haven't even entered the keep. Brr, this slime is disgusting, but seems harmless. Give me a short breath to recover and then we bring the pain to Bargle!"


First Post
By Torag's bones, that creature was as ugly on tha out as Bargle is on tha in, Thieren growls. I'm lookin' forward ta servin' him tha same way, he adds, hefting his hammer meaningfully.

The Rolling Man

First Post
Lanandro, Varisian Sorcerer

Satisfied that the creature is not longer a threat, Lanandro goes to retrieve his donkey. It had fleed some distance at the appearance of their enemy but he's now able to calm it with a few sothing words. He then lead it close to the ruined outer gates and takes a quick look at the hole that was apparently the lair of the creature. Maybe there's more to find then the worm's remains.

[SBLOCK=OOC]I had more or less forgot about Lanandro's donkey ... hopefully this isn't to much of a "poof" it's there moment.[/SBLOCK]


First Post
Corby proceeds to perforate the creature's corpse a few times, to be sure it's dead, then whirls on his heels (cloak swirling in the air), swipes his rapier through the air a few times to clean off the ichor, and says, "Now that we've dealt with that monstrosity, let's be into the belly of the beast!"

Careful to avoid the paralytic tentacles, Lanandro slips in between the broken gates into the worm's lair. It is roughly circular and about seven feet in depth and twelve feet in diameter.

Taking a quick look around in the weak sunlight filtering through the holes of the cover he quickly realizes that there is a small fortune in silver and copper coins scattered about. In a corner of the pit he also finds the somewhat intact skeleton of what looks to be a kobold, clutching a small leather bag. Judging from the composition, it's been here for at least a few months.

The dead crawler's body takes up a good deal of the hole, and it looks like it will be impossible to gather all the coins without removing the beast's carcass first.

Walking Dad

First Post
"Let the coins lay there they are. I want to smash something with my hammer. You can take the worms stuff, when we have finished Bargle." the big shoanti reminds the others.


While you considered what to do with the scattered wealth at the bottom of the worm hole, the front gate slammed shut with a loud bang. Immediately following you hear a deeper thud which sounds suspiciously like a large wooden bar being thrown on the doors.

Excited, high-pitched barking voices can be heard through the gates, although they quickly die away.

EDIT: The only easy entrance to the keep now seems to be through the six-foot diameter hole to the west of you.
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Voidrunner's Codex

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