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Kingdom Lost - Episode 1 "Pilot"


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barsoomcore said:
OOC: Do I have any idea that anything's going on? Last I know, I looked out the door. Did I see this going on? Can I hear gunshots?

LOL Yes... I apologize Dan can see the craziness that is now going on in the back, he just saw Selene get shot, and the soldier dive back into the van...

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Unattainable Ideal
Holy crap. Somebody SHOT Selene?

Dan runs into the parking lot at full speed, charging at an angle to jump for the front of the van, looking to grab through the driver's side window if possible, wrench open a door, break the windshield, whatever looks like it will work.

If the van's clearly getting out of the parking lot then he's sliding across the hood of his Nova to roar off in pursuit.

"Selene! Selene, are you okay?"

If my result is below twenty I'll add an Action Point to that.


First Post
James brings the pistol up, intending to take out a tyre on the van. Once the van's gone though he attends more immediate issues.

Gotta treat Selene's injury before mine, she's bleeding there. First and foremost though...

After tucking the pistol behind into his belt he quickly removes his backpack and gets access to the medkit inside.

"Selene," he says, handing her something from his backpack, "Apply pressure to the wound with this, I'll look at it in a moment. Is there an exit wound?"

James checks the prone soldier's pulse, trying to find out if he can be saved.

[ooc: James tries to shoot out a tire if possible (for this he'll use another action dice), if not he unslings his backpack and goes to work preventing the soldier beside him from dying, if the soldier is already dead he gets straight to work on Selene's injury.

If he can do all these things then he'll do them in the order written, cause once the van's gone combat is pretty much over for James.]
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First Post
barsoomcore said:
If the van's clearly getting out of the parking lot then he's sliding across the hood of his Nova to roar off in pursuit.

"Selene! Selene, are you okay?"

Selene smiles weakly, "Dan... what are you doing here..." she grits her teeth as the van tries to peel out of the parking lot. Dan slides over the hood of his Nov and gets inside and guns the engine as he prepares to peel out in hot pursuit!

It takes one move action to enter the vehicle, and a second move action to start the vehicle. The van is at the entrance to the PCH, and is just about ready to pull out. It is now 60 feet away from the group! Round 3 Initiative: Dexter 20, Selene 7, Sakura 6, James 5, 2 Soldiers 5, Dan 4; it is now Dexter's turn.


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"%*@$!" Dexter shouts and begins pelting toward the Nova. He runs as hard as he can, both hands pumping, one carrying James' silenced pistol, the other still holding the open cell phone. He leaps head first through an open window into the back seat of the Nova and shouts "Go, Go, Go!"

[OOC: I made some assumptions here, obviously.]
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Sakura does not even bother to draw her pistol, no point in it, whoever it was was leaving, so it didn't matter, she knew that she should just make sure that Selene and James were all right. "Danny, Dex , get back here, you can't just go having a car chase and shooting up the streets, your not cops damn it. This was self Defense, go after them, and your breaking the law." the ex-cop shouts at the car.

She runs for James and Selene, seeing whether or not the two are actually alright or whether she needs to call an ambulance.

(Double Move to join Selene and James)


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Dexter is able to jump into the backseat, like a true action hero, although with less style and panache but he at least does not hurt himself or anyone else in the process. He is now laying on the backseat of Dan’s Nova.

Dexter uses a Move action to get to Dan’s Nova, and then another Move Action to get inside the vehicle.

Selene leans against an SUV and just clutches at her wound, still conscious but trying not to move her arm as Sakura comes running up towards the group. She is silent and winces in pain.

Meanwhile James takes careful aim and fires at the left rear tire, striking it! The tire rips open, as the van starts to swerve. After taking his shot he tends to the soldier. He pulls out his medical kit and quickly sets to work on the soldier’s injuries, and thankfully stabilizing the worst of them.

James rolls a 21 to strike, which includes an action dice roll of 6. He does 7 points of damage to the tire. He rolls a 23 to Stabilize the soldier. The Soldier is now stabilized.

The Van peels out into the street trying to do a hard turn with the busted tire, but instead just slides out onto PCH. Another vehicle, a gray sedan pulls up to hard stop, and misses colliding with the van by just a foot, as the driver honks the horn furiously. The driver of the van seems to have evaded collision by the skin of his teeth of as well.

The driver makes a stunt check for a Hard Turn and rolls a 17, a failure because of the modifier for a busted tire. He makes his control roll a 22, and the sedan driver got a 20 to pull a hard stop! No one at the moment is currently hurt! It is now Dan’s turn!

The van currently is sliding into the far lane, its front pointed to the right, as it tried to make hard turn with the traffic but is now in the far lane, nearly facing the traffic!
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Unattainable Ideal

With a quick look in both directions, Dan guns the big straight-6 and the Nova roars across the parking lot, weaving past the gray sedan to come to a stop right across in front of the van.

OOC: If I'm picturing this right, I can pretty much go in a straight line across the parking lot, cross the highway and be in front of the van without having to do anything particularily difficult. I want to be crosswise to the van, so that its front is pointing towards the side of the Nova (the Nova is the crossbar of the "T"). If I've misunderstood the situation, I'll make whatever manuver is necessary to get into that sort of position (if I need to make a Hard Turn past the sedan or whatever).


First Post
A nasty smile still resides on James' face from when he shot out the van's tire.

Soldier's good for the moment. Selene needs attention.

"Sit down so I can get a better look at you," James tells Selene, and helps her down, "Fight like a demon, you do. And why do you think that is?"

He chuckles as he goes about patching her up.


First Post
Dan rolls an 18 and guns it across the parking lot, and swerves effortlessly to rest in front of the van. He cuts them off with ease!

The Nova bursts through the parking lot squealing the tires and roaring to life as it races across the median of the road cuts off the black van. He stops in front of the van cutting it off, as other vehicles swerve to a stop, including several police vehicles!

Out of Combat

James is able to get a good luck at Selene and finds that the bullet passed right through the shoulder cleanly, barely chipping her bones. She got lucky, real lucky. She winces as he checks her over, “Daddy told me that a girl has to know how to defend herself,” she shrugs which causes her more pain.

The police handle soldiers and round up the private detectives. The paramedics give Selene the once over, and apply some more care for the girl, before they bring her to sit with the rest of the crew. The soldiers are being carted away, and the one that James tended to is being rushed to the hospital.

The cops watch the private detectives as a slim handsome man approaches. His face is chiseled and somewhat rugged, yet flawless and his dark eyes are intense. He wears a long coat over a business suit, as he approaches his light hair flutters over his shoulders as he stands to address the detectives.

Sakura recognizes the detective, Profession Check of 16, at least from his description and what she has heard of him to be Detective Rose, one of the best officers in the force. Dedicated, if a little intense, he gets the job done, and has a decorated career.

Detective Rose folds his arms across his chest, “Good evening, my name is Detective Rose, I am sorry to get you all gathered up like this, but you caused quite the ruckus. Property damage, nearly caused a several car pile up, and one man who is on his way to the hospital. If I am to understand your early statements these assailants attacked first, am I correct?”

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