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Kit's Animals & Vermin + Templates = Sadistic Fun thread


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I am a sick sick man.

Hive Beast (Dire Tiger + Symbiotic + Wasp Swarm)
Huge Aberration
Hit Dice: 16d8+48 (120)
Initiative: +2 (Dex)
Speed: 40 Ft
AC: 16 (-2 Size, +2 Dex, +6 Natural), touch 10, flat-footed 14
Base Attack/grapple +10/+18
Attack: 2 Claws +18 melee
Full Attack: 2 Claws +18 melee, bite +13 melee
Damage: Claw 2d4+8, Bite 2d6+4
Face/Reach: 10 Ft. By 30ft/10ft
Special Attacks: Pounce, Improved Grab, Rake 2d4+4
Special Qualities: Scent
Saves: Fort: +13, Ref: +12, Will: +11
Abilities: Str:27, Dex:15, Con:17, Int:3, Wis:10, Cha:2
Skills: Hide +0*, Jump +11, Listen +3, Move Silently +9, Spot +3,
Swim +11
Feats: Nil
Climate/Terrain: Any forest, hill, mountains, plains, and underground
Organization: Solitary
Challenge Rating: 10
Treasure: None
Alignment: Always neutral
Advancement: 17-32 HD (Huge); 33-48 (Gargantuan)

Hive beasts are horrifying creatures that look like hairless tigers with wasps burrowing and crawling all over it. In truth this is a benign symbiotic relationship, a swarm of wasps has taken residence in its body. Often these creatures are half mad from the constant buzz in their skull.


Usually the swarm allows the tiger to do most of the fighting, until the tiger is about to die, in which case the swarm detaches and either flees or attacks the enemy, depending on the enemies condition.

Detach (Ex): If the survival of the symbiotic creature is threatened, its two members can seperate in an effort to save at least one of them (often this is the guest). This process deals 1d6 damage to the host. Detaching is a standard action that provokes an attack of opportunity, which may be made against the host or guest. A symbiotic creature may also seperate to better bring to bear a host?s or guest?s special attacks.

Reenagaging is not a simple matter; it takes one day of complete rest. If the reattaching creatures are disturbed during this proccess, they each take 1d6 points of Constitution damage and may seperate.

Improved Grab (Ex): To use this ability, the hive beast must hit with its bite attack. If it gets a hold, it can rake. In addition the swarm of wasps bites and stings the opponent held, dealing 1d6+4 additional damage plus poison per round as long as the creature is held.

Poison (Ex): 1d6 Dex/1d6 Dex, DC: 18

Pounce (Ex): If a hive beast leaps upon a foe during the first round of combat, it can make a full attack even if it has already taken a move action.

Rake (Ex): A hive beasts can make two rake attacks (+18 melee) against a held creature with its hind legs for 2d4+4 damage each. If the hive beast pounces on an opponent, it can also rake.

Skills: Hive beasts receive a +4 racial bonus to Hide and Move Silently checks. *In areas of tall grass or heavy undergrowth, the Hide bonus improves to +8

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Stinging wit?

Don't worry too much, Kitsune-chan. Some of us like sick men.

May I ask what the parameters are for the symbiotic template? It's not one I'm familiar with... but you seem to be accomplishing some pretty serious weirdness with it.



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Pretty simple, take two animals, vermin, or humanoids, (mix and match those as you will) one must be two size categories smaller than the other, this is known as the guest, his int, wis, and cha are used. All the physical abilities of the first creature, known as the host are used, and all the special attacks and qualities of the host as well.

The qualities of the guest apply only if it makes sense, the creatures are basically fused with the each other. And if a creature is of certain size than the only way the damage can be done by the guest is on grappling.

Oh and intelligence is always at least 3.

That's about it. I'd suggest getting savage species, it's rather worth it.


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It just gets worse really :D This is a revival of a very old monster I had created a verrrrry long time ago. Dire Toad is from Masters of the Wild, Elder Magical Beast is from the Legends and Lairs Monster's Handbook bonus chapter. Half-Fey is from Fiend Folio. Dark Fey is from the Legends and Lairs Monster's Handbook. Finally, Ghoul is from Necromancer's Legacy.

Urock the Fey Eater (Dire Toad + Elder Magical Beast + Half-Fey + Dark Fey + Ghoul)
Medium Undead
Hit Dice: 9d12+3 (61)
Initiative: +4 (Dex)
Speed: 20 Ft, Fly 40 (Good)
AC: 21 (+4 Dex, +7 Natural), touch 14, flat-footed 17
Base Attack/Grapple: +8/+8
Attack: Bite +12 Melee, or Claw +12 melee, or Tongue +12 Ranged
Full Attack: Tongue +12 Ranged, Bite +10 Melee, 2 Claws +10 Melee
Damage: Tongue poison and paralysis, Bite 1d6+2 and paralysis,
Claws 1d4+1 and paralysis
Face/Reach: 5Ft./5ft
Special Attacks: Create Spawn, Improved Grab, Paralysis, Poison, Spellcasting Ability, Spell-like abilities, Swallow Whole
Special Qualities: Baneful Influence, Immunities, Speech, Spellcasting Affinity, Undead
Saves: Fort: +7, Ref: +8, Will: +11
Abilities: Str:14, Dex:18, Con:-, Int:16, Wis:24, Cha:20
Skills: Bluff +7, Climb +6, Concentration +10, Escape Artist +8, Gather Information +9, Hide +14, Intimidate +13, Intuit Direction +11, Jump +14, Knowledge (Fey) +13, Knowledge (Planes) +7, Listen +17, Move Silently +10, Search +7, Sense Motive +11,
Spellcraft +7, Spot +17, Survival +11, Swim +6, Tumble +7
Feats: Multiattack, Toughness, Weapon Finesse
Climate/Terrain: Temperate and warm land and aquatic
Organization: Solitary
Challenge Rating: 6
Treasure: Double Standard
Alignment: Always Chaotic Evil
Advancement: ?

Urock is a vile creature, an abomination created by dark sorcery and the blood of a hundred fey. It sustains its unlife on the magic, and power of the fey, going so far as using its tongue to grab sprites to be eaten.

It looks like an emaciated black toad about the size of a man, with eyes clouded by death. It has webbed claws on the ends of its front legs. Huge batlike wings sprout from its shoulder blades. It?s skin is course and covered in black boils. It reaks of the grave.

Thankfully Urock is a unique creature, and, at least so far, has not managed to create more of his kind.


Urock attacks with its tongue first, and follows up with a bite and claw attack depending on how appropriate it is in the situation.

Baneful Influence (Su): Permanent residents of an area where a colony of dark fae lives suffer a ?2 morale penalty to all attacks, saves, and checks. This penalty persists for one week after the dark fae leave. This effect extends in a 10-mile radius from any lair, grove, or other settlement that contains 30 or more total HD of dark fey.

Create Spawn (Su): A creature killed and not devoured by Urock rises in 1d4 days as a ghoul themselves unless a protection from evil spell is cast on the body.

Immunities: Urock are immune to enchantment spells and effects.

Improved Grab (Ex): To use this ability, Urock must hit with a tongue attack. If it gets a hold, it can attempt to swallow the foe.

Paralysis (Ex): Those hit by a Urock?s natural attacks must succeed at a Fortitude save DC 19 or be paralyzed for 1d6+8 minutes. Elves are immune to this paralysis.

Poison (Ex): Tongue, Fort save (DC 14); 1d6 Con/1d6 Con or 1d4 Str/1d6 Str; changing type is a standard action.

Speech (Ex): Common, Draconic, Giant, Infernal, Orc, Sylvan

Spellcasting Affinity (Ex): Urock may use spells unhindered by its physical form.

Spellcasting Ability: 3/day any three 1st level divine spells as a sorcerer of 5th level

Spell-like abilities: At Will ? Dancing Lights, Darkness, Fog cloud, Minor Image; as a 12th level sorcerer.

At Will ? Charm Person; 3/day ? Detect Law, Protection from Law; 1/day ? faerie fire or glitterdust, sleep or enthrall, tasha?s hideous laughter or suggestion, confusion or emotion; as a 8th level sorcerer.

Swallow Whole (Ex): Urock can try to swallow a grabbed opponent of Small or smaller size by making a successful grapple check. Once inside Urock, the opponent takes 1d8+1 points of crushing damage +1d4 acid damage per round from the creature?s stomach. A swallowed creature can climb out of the stomach with a successful grapple check. This returns it to Urock?s mouth, where another successful grapple check is needed to get free.

A swallowed creature can also cut its way out by dealing 10 or more points of damage to the stomach (AC 13) with claws or Tiny slashing weapons. Once that swallowed creature exits, muscular action closes the hole; another swallowed opponent must cut its own way out.

Urock?s interior holds up to two Small, four Tiny, eight Diminuative, or sixteen Fine opponents.

Turn Resistance: +2 turn resistance.

Undead: Immune to mind-influencing effects, poison, sleep, paralysis, stunning, and disease. Not subject to critical hits, subdual damage, ability damage, energy drain, or death from massive damage.

Skills: Urock receives a +6 racial bonus to Hide, Listen, and Spot checks, and a +8 racial bonus on Jump checks. Urock also receives a +2 racial bonus to Escape Artist and Move Silently checks.


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It's going to be a long time before I am able to get the 3.5 books, this is a hybrid based on fiend folio stat blocks. (I figure if I everything's statblocks done it will at least be easier to do the full adaption later.)


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I can't tell if this sort of critter belongs in this thread, but it didn't seem too far removed.

- Devon

Phase Spider + Half-Troll (MM2) + Psionic (PsHB)

Ectoplasmic Trollspider
(Psionic Half-Troll Phase Spider)
Large Giant
Hit Dice: 5d10+30 (57 hp)
Initiative: +8 (+4 Dex, +4 Improved Initiative)
Speed: 40 ft., climb 20 ft.
AC: 19 (-1 size, +4 Dex, +7 natural)
BAB/Grapple: +4/+18
Attack: Bite +10 melee
Full Attack: Bite +10 melee, 2 claws +8 melee
Damage: Bite 1d8+6 and poison, claw 1d6+3
Face/Reach: 10 ft./5 ft.
Special Attacks: Ethereal jaunt, psionics, rend 2d6+9, poison
Special Qualities: Telepathy, darkvision 60 ft., fast healing 5, scent
Saves: Fort +10, Ref +8, Will +2
Abilities: Str 23, Dex 19, Con 22, Int 5, Wis 13, Cha 8
Skills (8): Climb +13, Hide +1 *, Move Silently +6, Spot +6
Feats: Improved Initiative, Multiattack
Climate/Terrain: Any land and underground
Organization: Solitary or cluster (2-5)
Challenge Rating: 9
Treasure: None
Alignment: Usually chaotic neutral or chaotic evil
Advancement: 6-8 HD (Large); 9-15 HD (Huge)

* Hide +11 if using its chameleon power

An ectoplasmic trollspider appears as a bloated troll with no neck, ambling around on two spidery arms and six spidery legs. Its greenish face is an alien conglomeration of teeth, mandibles and multifaceted eyes. Each trollish arm and leg has several extra joints, and its entire body is colored light green with bluish algae-colored markings, bristling randomly with dense patches of blue-black hairs. A pair of black spinnerets emerges from the tip of a smallish lower abdomen.

Ectoplasmic trollspiders dwell and hunt on the Material Plane. Once it locates prey, however, it shifts to the Ethereal Plane to attack, attempting to catch its victim flat-footed, shifting in, biting its victim, and retreating quickly back to the Ethereal Plane. When facing organized opposition, it will use mass coccoon and ectoplasmic wall to hinder and trap the more troublesome opponents, spinning ectoplasmic threads out of its spinnerets.

Ethereal Jaunt (Su): An ectoplasmic trollspider can shift from the Ethereal to the Material Plane as a free action, and shift back again as a move-equivalent action (or during a move-equivalent action). The ability is otherwise identical with ethereal jaunt cast by a 15th-level sorcerer.

Psionics (Sp): At will—chameleon, mass coccoon, wall of ectoplasm. These abilities are as the powers manifested by an 8th-level psion.

Attack/Defense Modes (Sp): At will—ego whip, mind thrust/empty mind, mental barrier.

Telepathy (Su): An ectoplasmic trollspider can communicate telepathically with any creature within 100 feet that has a language.

Rend (Ex): If an ectoplasmic trollspider hits with two or more claw attacks against the same opponent, it latches onto the opponent's body and tears the flesh, automatically dealing additional 2d6+9 points of damage.

Fast Healing (Ex): An ectoplasmic trollspider heals 5 points of damage each round so long as it has at least 1 hit point. Fast healing does not restore hit points lost from starvation, thirst, or suffoca-tion, and it does not allow it to regrow or reattach lost body parts.

Scent (Ex): An ectoplasmic trollspider can detect approaching enemies, sniff out hidden foes, and track by sense of smell.

Poison (Ex): Bite, Fortitude save (DC 15); initial and secondary damage 2d6 temporary Constitution.

Voidrunner's Codex

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