Knightfall's World of Kulan Art Challenge Thread!


First Post

This is rough and incomplete, but I did wonder if this is anything like what you had in mind?


  • centaur.jpg
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World of Kulan DM
Re: centaur

veinglory said:
This is rough and incomplete, but I did wonder if this is anything like what you had in mind?
Looks interesting... can't wait to see how it turns out!
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First Post
I fell in love ...

I feel a bit guilty. You put up your challenge, and I responded by drawing something you didn't ask for. I kept it just for me, but what the heck, I'll share.



  • zebra.jpg
    22.6 KB · Views: 324


World of Kulan DM
Re: I fell in love ...

Acquana said:
I feel a bit guilty. You put up your challenge, and I responded by drawing something you didn't ask for. I kept it just for me, but what the heck, I'll share.


Well if you want more details about my Zebranaurs then here you go:

Zebranaurs have the upper body of a human and the lower body of a zebra. A zebranaur's upper body is normally brown, without the characteristic black-on-white stripes that cover its lower body. Many have a short mane of coarse black bristles running from the middle of the lower back up to the nape of the neck. Most favor a spiked hairstyle, but others prefer the traditional styles of the local humans.

Zebranaur society is very simple. They are nomadic, tribal creatures who remain close to nature and are most at home in the wild, much like the humans who live nearest to them. This race thrives in the warm plains and savannas of Kulan’s continents. How they came to be in so many places around the world is a mystery. (This is due to the fact that regular centaurs seem to be isolated to Harqual.)

When the zebranaur are questioned about the matter, they simply shrug their shoulders and state that it has always been that way. Then they point out the versatility of other races such as humans, elves and dwarves. Zebranaurs simply state that if these races can be so diverse, then why not their people as well. They have no reasoning why their centaur cousins seem to be so isolated.
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World of Kulan DM
And another race for the challenge!

Elf, Shoyir
The elves of the island continent of Janardun are a regal and proud people with strong ties to both humanity and the rakasta. The three races have lived and worked together for centuries, learning to trust each other in ways that the corresponding races on the other continents on Kulan could never accomplish. And while this bond is strong, each race has kept their distinct cultures separate for the most part -- with the shoyir being the most insulaar of the three.

Children of the forests and mountains in ages past, the shoyir -- regardless of their withdrawn nature -- more than anyone they realize the importance of the alliance against the ogre magi, who destroyed their ancestral homes, exiling the shoyir to the plains centuries ago. Since then they have learned to live a semi-nomadic existence amongst humanity and the rakasta, no matter how much it pains them to be away from the forests they love and to see it defiled by darkness.

Each year, the court of the shoyir travels from city to city across the Republic, based on the seasons. In the early spring (i.e. march) the noble houses gather outside of the citadel of Aluae, the seat of the shoyir monarchy, on the southern most tip of the eastern coast of Janardun. The shayin, the king of the shoyir, leads his family out of the citadel and address his people -- assuring them that the day will come when they reclaim their ancestral homes and drive the evil from the shores of Janardun forever. The entire monarchy then travels along the eastern coast to Shawa, Moria and Asal. The procession then travels around the Hyl Peninsula to Zaltu, down the other side of the peninsula to Grel turning west along the northern coast to Rapide & Treha and finally arriving in Alaran in early summer (i.e. june).

The shoyir court usually spends a little over a month in the capital city, mingling with the noble houses of the Republic. The shayin spends most of this time meeting with the chancellor and the Council of Representatives. The month is a time of many celebrations and political events. Then near the beginning of autumn (i.e. august ), the court continues on through the Republic -- skirting the dark forests they use to call home -- north to Waur & Tela'a, then on to the west coast to the city of Augan, and then circling Lake Matial to the cities of Seia and Wilk. Then they travel to the southern sea ports of Triha, Valou and Hara before heading southeast past the Tyiia Desert and back to Aluae by early winter (i.e. late october).

This tradition goes on year after year despite raids by the ogre mages' minons and shoyir extremists that wish to dethrone the shayin and leave Janardun to the predatory Dark Ones. Soon the shoyir may be forced with the choice of exiling some of their own race or face a possible revolution. Only the longest lived of the shoyir know the risks of dividing their people again, as their ancestors did thousands of years ago. But then, that's another story...

Moved racial traits to this thread...
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