Karl Green
First Post
Shalimar said:She wouldn't buy a used craft, that would just be tacky. I was thinking that she wouldn't actually have bought it with credits, the family would just make it availible to her for her personal use, she'd just put the money she gains from the wealth feat into it without an actual transaction taking place. That would let us just keep pumping the money in it from leveling up until she pays it off entirely. With a family that owns a 1/10th interest of the most profitable business in the galaxy they would be known to be good for it even if it weren't given to her outright, especialy since they are the one building the starship. She has a garaunteed 15,000 credits every level so it could be looked on as financing if informal. If I take a 4th level of noble that would go to 20,000 credits per level.
As far as the stats, the ship is a pleasure yacht and not a cargo ship like the YT-1300, it only has a cargo capacity of 20 tons vs 100 tons, so the lost 80 tons could be a fair trade for shields. Here is the description of the ship.
OK I can buy that, let me play with some numbers and we can modify them as we go...