What Is A Sith/Sith Post RoS?


the Incomparably Shrewd and Clever
Seems like the best way to do this would be by going FORWARDS not "back". Have Rey (and potentially Ahsoka and others) re-found a Jedi order that doesn't follow the rules of the older Jedi order, and has a more positive and active mandate.
It is implied that Ahsoka is dead at the end of Rise of Skywalker. Her voice is among the voices of dead Jedi that Rey hears at the climactic scene.

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Rules-lawyering drama queen but not a munchkin
When the lessons one learns in any basic course on psychology, modern self help practices, and so on, many (many!) of which come from the ancient past, are seemingly not applied to a group based on said beliefs.

Its wild how poorly the case is made for the Jedi, as they...just really are not made to come out of things looking good in any way after the original trilogy.

That was the capstone, Luke redeems his Father, not through denial of his humanity, but embracing it.

My headcanon is that the sequels are from a timeline where Luke didn't learn anything, didn't redeem Vader and thus Palpatine survived.

Voidrunner's Codex

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