Star Wars What I Would Have Done



As for Phasma the actor helps and you answered your own question. If you wanted a positive example of a great female character she had potential. I like Hux as a villain to but they wrote them like chumps. Basically you don't end up caring about any of the villains or the protagonists. Even Fett had his moment of glory.

Who's the actor?

What was Fett's moment of glory? "He's no good to me dead?" or when he goes all Three Stooges and gets killed by a blind Han Solo?

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On screen, she was never a spoiled princess. She was a confident Rebel and also a Princess from the moment we see her - it's probably what Han and Luke (definitely Han) think she is, but her actions pretty much show her as resourceful. However, she still has some things to struggle with - like losing her entire homeworld in front of her eyes to a power demonstration, despite her trying her best possible in the situation to trick Tarkin into thinking he got what he wanted and spare her world.

The spoiled princess thing was how she talked to the characters on the Death Star in ANH. Spoiled might not be thw right way but she was speaking down to the heroes and came across as a princess- which was what she was.


I've been a huge fan of Star Wars for almost my entire life and I cannot think of any single way Rey's character runs against the established grain of the universe as established by the movies.

I don't really keep up with behind-the-scenes antics of any of the media I consume. For the most part I just care about the final product.

Ren doesn't seem particularly incompetent to me. By the end of the second movie he's maneuvered himself into the supreme leader's position.

Rey is a new character not an old character written in a different way. Nor is she a character that doesn't fit into the Star Wars milieu. Nothing about Rey is what I wouldn't expect in a Star Wars movie. If she wasn't a woman I don't think anyone would even be having this conversation. For example, nobody seems upset that Fin knew how to fight with a lightsaber.

It wasn't Rey who did a 180 it was Lukes portrayal in TLJ.

Finn defeated a stormtrooper, they're mooks. He swing the lightsaber like a club and Kylo pwned him hard. His character also does a 180 i TLJ and goes back to where he was at the start of TFA. And the plot hole of him piloting in TLJ and in TFA he needed Poe to pilot.

In TFA, Rey is untrained and she uses mind trick and seems quite good with the lightsaber. Untrained. You know that whole plot point over 2 movies in ANH and ESB along with the padawans we saw in the prequels. Or Obi Wans lines about taking it on himself to train Anakin. You want to be a Jedi you get trained its kind of a big thing in the 1st 6 movies.
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Who's the actor?

What was Fett's moment of glory? "He's no good to me dead?" or when he goes all Three Stooges and gets killed by a blind Han Solo?

Phasma's actor was Gwendoline Christie, she plays Brienne of Tarth in Game of Thrones. Briene is insanely popular in that show along with Arya and Tyrion. Shes a Knight and a badass, then gets used like a chump in TLJ.

Vader puts Fett over as a badass in ESB and he did alright in ESB overall.

His death in Jedi was stupid, but the character was popular enough they gave him a backstory in the prequels.


Phasma's actor was Gwendoline Christie, she plays Brienne of Tarth in Game of Thrones. Briene is insanely popular in that show along with Arya and Tyrion. Shes a Knight and a badass, then gets used like a chump in TLJ.

Vader puts Fett over as a badass in ESB and he did alright in ESB overall.

His death in Jedi was stupid, but the character was popular enough they gave him a backstory in the prequels.

Ahh. I think I mentioned earlier that I have no interest in Game of Thrones. :D

So, why aren't people pissed off that Daniel Craig only got one line? Insanely good actor completely wasted. Seems that if wasting talent was an issue, then that should be one too. Phasma is a bit character. Star Wars is full of bit characters.

The problem is, over the years, people have built entire storylines out of these throw away characters and suddenly, the rest of us are supposed to care about the castles in the air that "fans" have created.

Like I said earlier, I judge the movies on their own merits, not based on my expectations or based on what I think the movies "should have been". Pretty much every criteria you've talked about [MENTION=6716779]Zardnaar[/MENTION] makes me shrug and I quite honestly don't care.

Rey's a Mary Sue? In Star Wars? The hell you say. When a farm boy with zero training, gets, what, a month, two months of training and suddenly he can duel with someone who has been mastering sword fighting for decades. Yeah, that's totally believable. But, a character who has been fighting for survival her whole life, demonstrably with hand to hand weapons, barely survives a fight with a gravely wounded young swordsman and she's a Mary Sue.

Uh huh. Yeah, I'm going to go back to enjoying the movies for what they are.


Ahh. I think I mentioned earlier that I have no interest in Game of Thrones. :D

So, why aren't people pissed off that Daniel Craig only got one line? Insanely good actor completely wasted. Seems that if wasting talent was an issue, then that should be one too. Phasma is a bit character. Star Wars is full of bit characters.

The problem is, over the years, people have built entire storylines out of these throw away characters and suddenly, the rest of us are supposed to care about the castles in the air that "fans" have created.

Like I said earlier, I judge the movies on their own merits, not based on my expectations or based on what I think the movies "should have been". Pretty much every criteria you've talked about [MENTION=6716779]Zardnaar[/MENTION] makes me shrug and I quite honestly don't care.

Rey's a Mary Sue? In Star Wars? The hell you say. When a farm boy with zero training, gets, what, a month, two months of training and suddenly he can duel with someone who has been mastering sword fighting for decades. Yeah, that's totally believable. But, a character who has been fighting for survival her whole life, demonstrably with hand to hand weapons, barely survives a fight with a gravely wounded young swordsman and she's a Mary Sue.

Uh huh. Yeah, I'm going to go back to enjoying the movies for what they are.

3 or 4 year gap with Luke. And you seen see the differences between Luke and Rey onscreen. Rey's good at everything and she is way ahead of Luke with 0 training. Have a look at ESB for example and Luke struggling to pull his lightsaber out of the ice or Levitate rocks. Rey snaps a lightsaber and is doing Yoda levels of levitation at the end of TLJ and he is a Jedi Master.

That is the difference. Rey is ahead of Luke right in TFA, his used very few force powers even as late as RoTJ where he uses mind trick. Rey uses that in TFA just because.

Movie 1 vs movie 3.

Daniel Craig was a cameo, IIRC he was a stormtrooper and it was an easter egg. The Game of Thrones comparison was more to point out you can make an interesting powerful female character without a heap of plot holes or booking her like superman and essentially throwing away established tropes from the 1st 6 movies+ The Clone Wars.


Not your screen monkey (he/him) 🇺🇦🇵🇸🏳️‍⚧️
The spoiled princess thing was how she talked to the characters on the Death Star in ANH. Spoiled might not be thw right way but she was speaking down to the heroes and came across as a princess- which was what she was.

If it was a man, he’d be decisive and commanding, not spoiled.


If it was a man, he’d be decisive and commanding, not spoiled.

A hole maybe. She was patroising iirc. Luke was kinda annoying in ANH. Han stole the show. Leia and Luke were better in ESB. Daisy is better at expressing emotions than Carrie, Mark and Hayden at least early on. Rey and Kylo looked like we're trying to kill each other I thought it was better than the dance they did in TLJ.
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