I'm aware of that. I'm just saying that I would dearly like a resolution to Ahsoka's story as it pertains to the Daughter.
Like the fact that when we see Baylan standing on the outstretched arm of the Father's giant mountainside carving and then the camera pans back to reveal a carving of the Son on one side and the crumbled remains of a carving of the Daughter on the other side ... surely that's gotta mean something, right?!
Part of me likes to think that maybe the Daughter's carving crumbled when the Daughter gave up her life to save Ahsoka's.
Yes, it looks gorgeous, and it has some really nice moments. That final episode on its own is decent. But the whole thing could have been so much better!
Ever since the Mortis episodes, it feels like Filoni's been trying to build up to something big vis-a-vis Ahsoka and the Daughter and the light side of the Force. But this first season of Ahsoka's own show did nothing to further that feeling until right at the very end, when Ahsoka said she was right where she needed to be, which was followed by her seeing Morai ... which was right around the same moment that the carvings of the Mortis gods was revealed as well.
Does Ahsoka have the Daughter's spirit within her? Or is Morai a manifestation of the Daughter's spirit? Is Ahsoka a vessel to bring the Daughter to Peridea to stop Baylan from unleashing the Mother (or what/whoever is at that flashing beacon)?
I mean, yeah, I want to see Hera and Ezra go up against Thrawn and his legions of undead stormtroopers, but I also want Filoni to resolve the whole Mortis thing that he's been dancing around with Ahsoka for the past 13 years.