Star Wars The Most Overused Tropes?

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The Elephant in the Room (she/her)
Yup. Legends was good at more nuance in tge force.

IDK what Kreia wanted was even possible.
I would guess that The Exile is proof that it was, at least if played out at a large enough scale. That you'd need something substantially larger than Malachor V to happen to someone with a stronger ability to create Force Bonds than the Exile certainly seems improbable, if not impossible.


I would guess that The Exile is proof that it was, at least if played out at a large enough scale. That you'd need something substantially larger than Malachor V to happen to someone with a stronger ability to create Force Bonds than the Exile certainly seems improbable, if not impossible.

Yeah they also had the Vong which effected an entire species.

But seems impossible outside local effects eg a planet, individual or species.

Voidrunner's Codex

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