You and I may have different ideas of what "set up" means. You seem to be using it to denote "there is space for a story". I am using it to mean a rather stronger foundation than just open space.
That's exactly the problem - it is too open.
For example - the First Order is gone. The New Republic was wiped out. They do not position anyone to even try to fill that power vacuum. An author could write anything in there, which means nothing with connection to the previous stories is set up to do so.
It's kinda a problem, yes. But I think it was a bigger problem for TLJ and its successor movie, because that was supposed to be trilogy.
It might still be a problem for the future of Star Wars, because... there isn't really anything that could direct us to what the new story would be about.
However... We also had the Knights of the Old Republic era being well recieved, and there wasn't really anything we knew about that era, either, other that there were Jedi and Sith in the past, too.
I think that could work for the future of Star Wars as well. The biggest problem might be that we don't have a good villain faction. We can easily imagine a return of the Republic or something similar, and the return of the Jedi. But the Sith are supposed to be dead. So who are the new evil force-wielders?
Or do you do without them? But how well could a new trilogy without the force work? Even Rogue One had force wielders, Rebels had even Jedi, Mandalorian has baby Yoda.
Solo is probably the only movie that went without any direct intervention of force users.
I think there is quite a potential to tell stories without the force in Star Wars... But one might ask what's the point of making it Star Wars? Particularly when you jump forward or backward in time and you alter the look anyway, so no real definite SW trappings still exist?
All that said, I don't beleive in any retcons. I am willing to believe that they might make a new trilogy set some time before or after the existing movies and tell a new Star Wars story there, with the force, with evil and good fighting each other.