(Rumor) Disney Stars Wars Could Be Removed from Canon (or simply ignored)


Lord of the Hidden Layer
"Golden Era of the Republic" stories - with occasional young Yoda cameos - could show the varying provinces interacting with each other and with Republic officials, solving any of these:
  • a Sith sighting (see: Bigfoot)
  • disaster relief
  • Hutt crime lords
  • 'weird things happening' (untrained Force user)
  • malicious efforts at causing harm (Corporate Sector Authority standing in for 'bottomless resources and no concern for others')
  • Romeo and Juliet in space

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It's kinda a problem, yes. But I think it was a bigger problem for TLJ and its successor movie, because that was supposed to be trilogy.
It might still be a problem for the future of Star Wars, because... there isn't really anything that could direct us to what the new story would be about.

However... We also had the Knights of the Old Republic era being well recieved, and there wasn't really anything we knew about that era, either, other that there were Jedi and Sith in the past, too.

I think that could work for the future of Star Wars as well. The biggest problem might be that we don't have a good villain faction. We can easily imagine a return of the Republic or something similar, and the return of the Jedi. But the Sith are supposed to be dead. So who are the new evil force-wielders?

Or do you do without them? But how well could a new trilogy without the force work? Even Rogue One had force wielders, Rebels had even Jedi, Mandalorian has baby Yoda.
Solo is probably the only movie that went without any direct intervention of force users.
I think there is quite a potential to tell stories without the force in Star Wars... But one might ask what's the point of making it Star Wars? Particularly when you jump forward or backward in time and you alter the look anyway, so no real definite SW trappings still exist?

All that said, I don't beleive in any retcons. I am willing to believe that they might make a new trilogy set some time before or after the existing movies and tell a new Star Wars story there, with the force, with evil and good fighting each other.

Sith Spirits and Holocrons exist. You can't really wipe the Sith out. Or Jedi. Even if you kill them all.

With the way movies are made, if they aren't already filming, we won't see it in a year or so.

It would surprise me if they aren't already working on a new film (although not filming yet). It may be a while before we see it in theaters, 2 years at least, but I suspect something new is already in the works.


It would surprise me if they aren't already working on a new film (although not filming yet). It may be a while before we see it in theaters, 2 years at least, but I suspect something new is already in the works.

Taika Waititi I believe is directing the next Star Wars movie and it is slated for release (I think) around 2022, or was. With the recent delays from the Covid-19 it would not surprise me if that's been pushed back to 2023 or 24 at this point.


You know what I would like to see them try? Make an animated movie with the production qualities and form of the cinematic trailers for the SW: TOR games. Those trailers were some of the best Star Wars in-movie-form I have ever watched.
Now give me a whole movie like that (or even several) and I'd be happy. And if they set it in the TOR timeline, even better.


You know what I would like to see them try? Make an animated movie with the production qualities and form of the cinematic trailers for the SW: TOR games. Those trailers were some of the best Star Wars in-movie-form I have ever watched.
Now give me a whole movie like that (or even several) and I'd be happy. And if they set it in the TOR timeline, even better.

Think they are doing an Old Republic trilogy.

If you watch Ep 1 thru 9 youll see that they nothing more than a cobbled together mess story wise from start to finish. Even Ep 4-6 are like that although the least offenders. Unfortunately the only chance they had to get the original cast together they failed completely, shouldve just put them all together from the start of EP 7 and had them all die a heroic fiery death at the end.


I disagree. The jumbled mess started with Eps 7 and went through to 9.

Eps 4-6 was pretty ok in that regard. Sure, it was a classical myth retelling kind-of-sort-of in space, but it was fine. And considering with what they had to work with, it is a master-piece in execution on screen.
Eps 1-3 were just...flat and pretty shallow. But still not a mess at the scale of Disney. Even if similarly disappointing in the end.


I-III were a mess in execution they were internally consistent.

Biggest problem of VII-IX was you had to go outside the movies to figure s few things out.

If you have to go read a novel or comic for basic answers well yeah. I used the wiki.

In my opinion, the prequels were a mess due to bad direction, acting and writing. Plus it was a story that did not need to be told. The story of Anakin is fine as a backdrop to the original trilogy, but not as interesting when made into a trilogy of its own. Plus it doesn't help that Anakin is thoroughly unlikeable. The plot is a bit of a mess and even great actors deliver terrible performances. It just doesn't have the right feeling of Star Wars. Also, the reliance on a lot of green screening, makes it feel like the actors never are in a real location, and this affects their performances. While such effects are now a common part of Hollywood films, movies such as many of the Marvel movies don't seem to suffer from this issue as much as the prequels do. You can tell that the actors in the prequels are acting to an empty void.

The Disney trilogy started off pretty strong, with very likeable characters (including the villain). Yes, the story starts off as a rehash of A New Hope, but I feel it was necessary to first nail the feeling of a Star Wars movie and to start on familiar ground. But right after The Force Awakens the plot becomes a complete mess. Plot lines are abandoned or killed off entirely, and with the third movie it becomes clear that there's no righting this ship. Like a beached whale, the plot ends up flopping around aimlessly, making a huge mess. I blame the second movie (The Last Jedi) mostly for this incredible disaster. I feel the mess that is the third movie, is a direct result of the previous movie, which left the plot with nowhere to go to.

I don't know where they will take the franchise next, but perhaps they should focus on first telling a good story in one movie, before focusing on filling some sort of trilogy quota. They need a good screenplay and a director with the right vision.


In my opinion, the prequels were a mess due to bad direction, acting and writing. Plus it was a story that did not need to be told. The story of Anakin is fine as a backdrop to the original trilogy, but not as interesting when made into a trilogy of its own. Plus it doesn't help that Anakin is thoroughly unlikeable. The plot is a bit of a mess and even great actors deliver terrible performances. It just doesn't have the right feeling of Star Wars. Also, the reliance on a lot of green screening, makes it feel like the actors never are in a real location, and this affects their performances. While such effects are now a common part of Hollywood films, movies such as many of the Marvel movies don't seem to suffer from this issue as much as the prequels do. You can tell that the actors in the prequels are acting to an empty void.

The Disney trilogy started off pretty strong, with very likeable characters (including the villain). Yes, the story starts off as a rehash of A New Hope, but I feel it was necessary to first nail the feeling of a Star Wars movie and to start on familiar ground. But right after The Force Awakens the plot becomes a complete mess. Plot lines are abandoned or killed off entirely, and with the third movie it becomes clear that there's no righting this ship. Like a beached whale, the plot ends up flopping around aimlessly, making a huge mess. I blame the second movie (The Last Jedi) mostly for this incredible disaster. I feel the mess that is the third movie, is a direct result of the previous movie, which left the plot with nowhere to go to.

I don't know where they will take the franchise next, but perhaps they should focus on first telling a good story in one movie, before focusing on filling some sort of trilogy quota. They need a good screenplay and a director with the right vision.

I liked Revenge of the Sith but yeah 2/3 are bad IMHO.

Force Awakens to much i
of a rehash IMHO. At least it was enjoyable enough but it doesn't hold up to well on multiple rewatched not with the knowledge of what comes after it.

I think to tell a great Star Wars story you need emotion. In the IT it's Luke and Vader plus Han and Leia.

They kinda tried with PT and ST but didn't quite get there.

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