Somewhat daft idea for a hypothetical. How woukd you rule the Star Wars Galaxy?
Some basic facts.
The Republic lasted for 25000 years/1000 generations (legends/canon)
Palpatines Empire lasted 22 years becoming thr Imperial Remnants/Remnant.Gideon is one of the Imperial Remnants, Pelleon ruled the Imperial Remnant.
The New Republic fell in both canon and legends in 20-30 years.
Republics main problem is to many bad faith actors and factions to make it work. Empires main problem is its a totalitarian dark side Empire bound up in the will of one person.
And in their universe the force exists and its theoretically impossible to completely wipe out the Jedi or Sith even if you kill every single member. Holocrons and force ghosts/spirits exists.
So there's the Sith/random dark side groups to consider as well.
So how woukd you do it? Light side imperium, no more galactic republic/Empire (breaking it up into smaller more coherent regimes). Glowing plasma swords may not be the most effective form of government!!.
Nothing lasts forever the Republic laster for thousands of years best we have managed irl is 1000-3000 years being generous (Byzantium, China, Egypt).
Some basic facts.
The Republic lasted for 25000 years/1000 generations (legends/canon)
Palpatines Empire lasted 22 years becoming thr Imperial Remnants/Remnant.Gideon is one of the Imperial Remnants, Pelleon ruled the Imperial Remnant.
The New Republic fell in both canon and legends in 20-30 years.
Republics main problem is to many bad faith actors and factions to make it work. Empires main problem is its a totalitarian dark side Empire bound up in the will of one person.
And in their universe the force exists and its theoretically impossible to completely wipe out the Jedi or Sith even if you kill every single member. Holocrons and force ghosts/spirits exists.
So there's the Sith/random dark side groups to consider as well.
So how woukd you do it? Light side imperium, no more galactic republic/Empire (breaking it up into smaller more coherent regimes). Glowing plasma swords may not be the most effective form of government!!.
Nothing lasts forever the Republic laster for thousands of years best we have managed irl is 1000-3000 years being generous (Byzantium, China, Egypt).