Ruling the Galaxy

And personal injury lawyers. The bad guys will be so tied up in compensation claims, they won't have time to build doomsday devices.

Heh if NZ ran the galaxy nothing gets funded weapon wise, lightsabers get confiscated and replaced with foam bats.

And Vader has to wear a orange high vis vest.

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The Republic's problem was becoming so top-heavy and bureaucratic that it could no longer effectively respond to individual systems' needs and govern fairly.

Ruling a galaxy is impractical. At best, the Republic should have been restructured into a loose group of independent regions co-operating together for mutual support. A Federation, if you like.
Confederation would be better.

its impossible to rule a galaxy, best hope is a free association of planetary blocs. The Empire was always doomed to fail, if the Jedi were more zealous in their militancy they may have been able to impose a strict hegemony rather than the feel good “peace keeper” hookiness

its impossible to rule a galaxy, best hope is a free association of planetary blocs.
We have to remember the OP stated, the old republic last for 25000 years. That's an incredible span of time, so yeah looks like in SW, you can in fact rule a galaxy for quite a long period of time.

Nothing last forever, doesn't mean its not worth doing.

We have to remember the OP stated, the old republic last for 25000 years. That's an incredible span of time, so yeah looks like in SW, you can in fact rule a galaxy for quite a long period of time.

Nothing last forever, doesn't mean its not worth doing.

Or 1000 generations in canon.

Nest of the modern regimes in legends was the Galactic Free Alliance (Empire, Republic, Jedi coalition)and Pellaeons /Fels Empire. The Empure evolved into a military regime to elections to constitutional light side monarchy.

Other factions.

Corporate Sector Authority In a way worse for its average citizens than the Empire.

Hapans. Female lead monarchy. Not to authoritarian but its leadership varied by monarch.

Hutt Space. Crine based klepticeacy. Slaving etc.

Chiss Ascendancy. Thrawns people. Not much known about internal workings. Sort of a military/oligarchy.

Empire if the Hand. Thrawns faction of the Empire in unknown regions. Sort of a military meritocracy non evil Imperial more or less. Voluntary membership.

In universe the "nice" Imoerial factions seemed to cope the best. By nice I mean run by non Darkside type leaders.

Best fantasy government probably Thrawn lead New Republic.

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