Knights of the Scarlet Woman

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Here is an organization I am thinking of using in my games. I'd appreciate some feedback on it.

Knights of the Scarlet Woman.

When we hear of knights, we think of men who are dedicated to the ideals of duty, self-sacrifice, honor and who esteem chastity as a virtue in women. We do not think of knights as those who seek to liberate women sexually; such men we think of as scoundrels. Men who seek to liberate women sexually are known as the corrupters of innocence, as devils from the underworld not as heroes. Therefore, when we hear of an order of knights who see it as their duty to fight sexual suppression and liberate women from the prison of chastity we cannot help but be struck by disbelief. Well, I am here to tell you about an order of knights who see just this as their duty: The Knights of the Scarlet Woman.

This order was founded by three men who saw it as their sacred duty to liberate women from the bonds of chastity. The first was a rebel, poet and warrior by the name of Aleister Crowley. The second was a philosopher and sage by the name of Wilhelm Reich. And the third was a painter and bard by the Luis Royo. These men came together, approximately three hundred years ago and swore an oath that they would never rest until every woman on the face of the earth had been liberated sexually. Surrounded by hostility, these men at first resolved to keep their activities a secret until such time as they had the strength and the numbers to fight an open war against the dominant power of those days The Knights of the Virgin.

One hundred years ago, the knights lead a revolution in one country, X, (unnamed to allow adaptation for different settings.) and seized the reins of power after the people had become cynical after repeatedly seeing the corruption, bigotry and false promises of the Knights of the Virgin. As a result popular opinion shifted in that country and the people of that country discovered a newfound dedication to love and romance which had been suppressed by the Knights of the Virgin as sin and godlessness.

Upon seizing power, these men (founders were dead by this time) sought to promote the equal participation of women in civil society and became the first knighthood in history to allow women to become equal members with all the rights and privileges as men. Their coming out into the open has opened them to attack by the Knights of the Virgin who currently dominate other areas of the world. The Knights of the Scarlet Woman have found unlikely allies in the Fey and certain sympathetic devils and demons. (Although the activities of the Knights of the Scarlet Woman are by no means evil.)

The motto of this order is, “For love one should risk respectability and even life itself.” Another motto is, “The sun shines no less brightly on you because it shines on others.” Membership is open to all men and women who are willing to abide by the rules of the order. Knights upon entry take a vow to remain bachelors all their life, to renounce jealousy and possessiveness and not to hoard their love by only loving one man or woman but many. All those seeking membership also go through an initiation ritual which includes the blaspheming of the symbols of the Knights of the Virgin, orgies, feasting and the ritual deflowering of a (willing) virgin. Participants dress up as demons and devils during the rituals.

Members receive a number of benefits and have a certain number of corresponding duties as part of their membership. The organization provides an atmosphere of tolerance where open discussion of secular ideas takes place. Members also receive a set of armor or robes depending on their class with the emblems of the order. (The order’s symbol is a kissing nymph and succubus intertwined with one another.) Members have a duty to come to the aid of fellow members in times of need and to remain loyal to the ideals of the order. They have a duty to fight for the order when called upon and to be courageous (although not stupid) in the face of persecution and difficulty. Members also receive a copy of the book of verse White Stains which was composed Aleister Crowley; this book is also the guiding text of the order.

Members are required to train in the warrior arts (or some equivalent class which has combat use such as mages, clerics, druids, thieves, bards etc.) or to demonstrate, on a regular basis, competence in the art of war as a means of ensuring the strength of the order. Members are either sent on missions, covert or overt, or called upon to wage war on the Knights of the Virgin. Members are also called upon to spread the message of the order if they have the capacity.

The order regularly kidnaps beautiful women who would otherwise have been caged in the prison of chastity. The women are educated (and brainwashed if necessary) and trained to become scarlet women. They have all the rights and privileges of members of the order except for the following restrictions:
A. They cannot leave the order.
B. They can choose their sexual partners but they cannot choose to be chaste.
Most of these young women choose to stay in the order and those who are recalcitrant are enchanted by various charm spells into cooperating. They are not forced to have sex with someone they do not want to and they are not physically abused. Only non-coercive enchantment spells are used.

The order is structured on democratic lines for the election of representatives to the senate and the senate then gives a charter to military commanders to carry out military operations in various areas. Men and women are equal participants in the senate and the proportion of men and women is roughly equal.

The Knights of the Virgin consider the order to be evil while more pagan persons consider them to be heroes. The Knights of the Scarlet Women have found allies among druids, thieves guilds, the fey, bards and certain demons and devils. (such as Succubi and Eriynes.)

What can be said about the morality of this controversial order? That, dear reader, is for you to judge.

What do you think?
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First Post
Brainwashing and mind control strike me as incompatible with the Good alignment.

Honestly, the part where there is a lack of consent would make me think twice before hanging around them.


Brainwashing and mind control strike me as incompatible with the Good alignment.

Honestly, the part where there is a lack of consent would make me think twice before hanging around them.

From Nietzsche, "The Devil: Good and Evil are God's prejudices."

Drobney Falcor

First Post
Using violence to "spread the love"? Borderline evil. Also seems a bit lawful for something I'd consider chaotic in nature. But I digress...

This kind of creative guild forming is exactly the kind I like to read about in the gaming world, something that disregards the niche organizations (thieves guild, etc...). I'm imagining some sort of crusading paladin prc fighting in the name of free love, drawing on the power of unrestrained sex. This would stick in my mind as a player and the treacherous Knights of the virgin add the perfect adversary to these free spirits.

As far as freedom goes it does seem a bit weird to see them use spells and brainwashing to force their opinions. Then again I see no reason after time the initial intentions might change slightly, or at least the means to an end.

Overall a great idea that be really cool for the players as well as the dm


First Post
"Liberating" women.

By brainwashing them.


That, plus the two restrictions (that are "all" that makes them not equal to the men) pretty much guarantees that there's no liberation at all actually involved in this.

It is in fact enslaving women even worse than the society they're against does, the only difference is that it's doing so the opposite way.

This is Evil with a capital What The :):):):).

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