Knights of the Scarlet Woman

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A hero could approve of the goals of the Knights of the Scarlet Woman and disapprove of their means.

As far as the Knights of the Virgin are concerned, they were patterned after Christianity so their views would be similar. (although in keeping with forum rules, let's not take this discussion anywhere near religion.)

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First Post
A hero could approve of the goals of the Knights of the Scarlet Woman and disapprove of their means.

Nope. Their goal isn't sexual liberation, you see. It's sexual subjugation.

In any situation where a person isn't given full choice in sexual activity it's not liberating.

So until your Knights start pounding manass because it's sexually liberating and accepting women's decisions for no sex because it's sexually liberating all you're designing is a rape camp.


(although in keeping with forum rules, let's not take this discussion anywhere near religion.)

Yeah, you're right. Going back to the saner topic...

So you claim you want to disassociate yourself and your personal views from these guys despite like eleven pages of trying to redefine rape:

I don't see how this should be scary since I do not advocate this sort of thing in real life.

And yet you're fine with putting this as your status:

Hunter99 is a Knight of the Scarlet Woman
Do you even know what a vagina looks like?


First Post
The order regularly kidnaps beautiful women who would otherwise have been caged in the prison of chastity. The women are educated (and brainwashed if necessary) and trained to become scarlet women. They have all the rights and privileges of members of the order except for the following restrictions:
A. They cannot leave the order.
B. They can choose their sexual partners but they cannot choose to be chaste.
Most of these young women choose to stay in the order and those who are recalcitrant are enchanted by various charm spells into cooperating. They are not forced to have sex with someone they do not want to and they are not physically abused. Only non-coercive enchantment spells are used.

What do you think?

I think this sounds like one of the most horrificly unpleasant ideas I've ever heard, to be quite honest with you.

Kidnap, brainwashing, enchantment spells - it's not a surprise that "most of these young women choose to stay in the order". The ones that aren't are forced to do so!

Capital E Evil, I cannot think of a single character that I've ever played that would not seek to kill this Order in it's entireity.

If I was playing in a game and the GM brought this out I'd have a discussion first, but it's likely that I'd walk out.

I did not say that all the women are brainwashed, only those who are recalcitrant.

Dude, when you finally do start living life away from your computer please get some help before trying to talk to a real girl.

Do you even know what a vagina looks like?

I think this is a pretty good indication of an answer......

I play online so I do not whether the persons I play with are male or female.​


Mod Squad
Staff member
What do you think?

I think this thread is going nowhere useful, and that it will cause more ill-will than it will generate value. So, it is now closed.


Mod Note: Ladies and Gentlemen, we'd not had threads like this in the past, so we never needed a policy to handle them. In the wake of this, we've discussed and implemented a new policy, to make our position on the matter clear. ~Umbran, EN World Moderator
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