D&D 5E [Kobold Press] Book of Ebon Tides: 5th Edition enters the Plane of Shadow!

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Marc Radle

I'm going to give the same feedback I've given in almost all of Kobold Press' kickstarters in the past two years.

By reading the kickstarter page, I know I how many pages the books have, I know the general theme, I know that there's character options, and monsters. But I have no idea what the actual content is. There's no preview, there's no table of content. What are the options available? What's a Light Weaver Sorcerer? What's an example of a monster included in the book?

The books are often to my liking, but I have to wait for them to be out for several weeks and be thoroughly reviews before I have any idea as to what the content is. I can't back a product I know so little about.

Great feedback!

The Updates are going to include some sample materials similar to a TOC or overview, but it's perfectly legit to not back and wait to look at the final book. You miss the behind-the-scenes bits and the Kickstarter discount, but you get the final product in hand at the store to examine or multiple reviews, so you make a 100% informed buying decision.

Also, for now, there's a bit of mystery because we don't know exactly how big the final books will be--those page counts are minimums.


New Publisher
Great feedback!

The Updates are going to include some sample materials similar to a TOC or overview, but it's perfectly legit to not back and wait to look at the final book. You miss the behind-the-scenes bits and the Kickstarter discount, but you get the final product in hand at the store to examine or multiple reviews, so you make a 100% informed buying decision.

Also, for now, there's a bit of mystery because we don't know exactly how big the final books will be--those page counts are minimums.
I share the poster's frustration. I have no idea if this is just another setting or something unique and cool. There just isn't a preview at all right now. Love the KP books, but I'd like more info on the KS you run.

Yeah, I'm going to join the consensus on this one.

Admittedly I came into it a little down because i was hoping we'd FINALLY get Brilliant East, but i'm left a bit confused and underwhelmed.

Is it a setting book, talking about the shadow plane as it exists in the Midgard universe and with all the locations, personalities etc tied to the larger Midgard setting? Is it a more generic shadow plane sourcebook with monsters, spells, subclasses etc? It's not a particularly large book at 192 pages, is it trying to be both in that relatively constrained space? Even the adventure book - would a couple of lines summary of the adventure/adventures be too much to ask?

I've backed a lot of KP stuff and I'm generally a big fan, but this isn't doing a lot for me so far.

Marc Radle

Hey folks! Keep in mind this is still just the first day - there will be plenty more revealed over the next few days, promise!
Having said that, I'm happy to answer whatever questions I can (and try to get answers for those I can't)

Here is some more info that will hopefully give you all a better feel for this project ...

The Book of Ebon Tides is the main setting book, which describes the ever-shifting land of the Shadow Fey. The book provides a complete guide to the people, places, heroes, magic, and monsters of the Plane of Shadow, a land where fey magic, illusion, and trickery are as potent as steel. The setting is well suited for any 5th Edition campaign, whether you're adventuring through Midgard or other lands and worlds.

The Book of Ebon Tides includes:
  • 20 monsters and NPCs from CR 1 to 17 (like the memory thief and moonshadow catcher)
  • 15 new and expanded races and subraces (like the stygian shades and sable elves)
  • 10 new subclasses (like the umbral binder rogue and the circle of shadows druid)
  • More than 25 new spells, and much more.
This book has everything you and your players need to build campaigns and characters to explore the Shadow Plane!

The accompanying Tales of the Shadows offers 14 adventures set in the Shadow Realm, taking your heroes from levels 1 to 8 as they explore this otherworldly region of fey shadows, undead horrors, and wild adventure. You can play the adventures individually or as a linked campaign from levels 1 to 8.

Does that help?

Marc Radle

A few folks have asked if Ebon Tides is Midgard-specific, or more setting neutral

Per the FAQ:
Is the setting part of this Ebon Tides usable anywhere or is it Midgard specific?
Great question! The Book of Ebon Tides is roughly half focused on general magic items, spells, monsters for shadow adventure, plus class and character options usable with any campaign (home-brew, published, or some combination). The lore and adventure portions are likewise meant for any campaign that has a Plane of Shadow.

The prominent Midgard elements are limited to sidebars and elements of the Pantheon chapter, which is pretty closely tied to that setting. Some NPCs will be familiar from the Midgard setting (the Queen from Courts of the Shadow Fey appears, as does her court). Kobold Press considers this a generic supplement that happens to align neatly with Midgard campaigns (and does not require the Midgard Worldbook for use).

Urriak Uruk

Gaming is fun, and fun is for everyone
okay, still using a service meant to kick start new innovations as a preorder system.

They could throw up the same ads, and open pre order on there website.

I'll be frank; why does it matter if it's on Kickstarter vs. their own website? Clearly it works better for companies and allows them to fund bigger projects, so what's the problem?


I'll be frank; why does it matter if it's on Kickstarter vs. their own website? Clearly it works better for companies and allows them to fund bigger projects, so what's the problem?
it's not... this started with me answering a question. It is only a problem in that I dislike it and don't support it.
I buy Kobold press book AFTER the KS because I don't support the concept... that is it.

Edit: although now that I look back the person either blocked me or left site because even there quotes I was responding to disappeared. So it looks like I am responding to nothing.

the initial responce was why they don't always have the same type of examples that smaller kickstarters do (because they can rest on name and reputation where others can not) then someone asked what I meant and told me I need to "do more reserch"

Voidrunner's Codex

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