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Koukonsögur - Saga of the Trollfed Aerie - IC

Cor Azer

First Post
OOC: Cor, I am having difficulty reading the map. Satoshi is still going downstream toward Tuket, right? When will I be in range of him, and could the boat possibly pick me up?

OOC: pathfinderq1 has the right of it; two move actions plus the current will have Satoshi in the water square just above Tuket. If he gets out of the water early though, then he loses the twenty squares of current.

The boat will reach more or less the same point at the same time if the four polers use their 8 actions to pole towards Tuket; technically, this means that Satoshi will be even with the boat at some point this rurn (if it doesn't turn around), so could try to climb on as it passes.

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First Post
OOC: In that case would it be acceptable to, say, ready an action to either climb on the boat as it passes, or to try and climb out of the water as I come in range of Tuket? I definitely don't want to get all the way on top of him.


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Out of the corner of his eye, Satoshi sees the goblin raiders emerge to cause mayhem. He lets out a small sigh. "I'm too far out now to turn back. If I did, I'd only lose their leader. No, I shall press on." he thinks to himself, as the current carries him onward.

OOC: I do that, then.


First Post
Drifting toward the southern edge of the river, Dossk is pulled downstream for a while, finally coming very close to the goblin. As the river puts him just a few yards from his target, he grins and tightens his grip on the mordenkrad.

OOC: Using my move action and standard to get into position for the current to take me 20 squares into C3, so next turn, I can hop out and trash that son-of-a-goblin.

Cor Azer

First Post
A faint squeal slips from Tuket's lips as he sees his plans beginning to fall apart. A mul with a large hammer is splashing in the water just a few feet to his right, and a boat - Where did that come from?! - just behind with 5 - no 6! - people on board. He curses as he stumbles to his feet, tossing a malicious glare at the distant archer whose arrows are harrying him.

As he staggers a few more steps, he pauses, thinking about drawing the axe Mirth's End, but he seems to dismiss that, unsheathing a short and uncared-for wakizashi from his belt. He turns to face his pursuers as he continues his slow withdrawal, gesturing his thoughts about their heritages...

Upstream, just past the bridge, the four goblin raiders easily note the angry dragonborn charging them - parting the fleeing bystanders like the prow of a boat, but their interest is such that they completely miss the monk drifting in the water towards them, despite his initial thrashing attempt at a dive. The two goblins on the bridge load and fire their crossbows at fleeing bystanders, laughing maliciously as they do.

The two on land however, decide to advance towards the charging blackguard. One slashes casually at a local rice farmer, spraying the man's blood on a nearby stone, while the other takes aim at the dragonborn with a crossbow, and fires...

OOC: I'll let Walking Dad say how Daigon reacts to the shot.

Short update, not much to expand on people's actions. Been a bit busy with childcare while getting geared up for wife's return to classes, but it shouldn't impact my posting rate once we're in the groove.

Map(s) updated here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AuvLb6wmpG_IdDkxd3N5S2ItYmhSYWVRSkl2d2J4NEE&hl=en_US
Note: I shifted the top map a bit to the right, to give more room beyond Tuket.

[sblock=Tuket, Goblin Chief]
Tuket, Goblin Chief
HP: 79/92; Bloodied: 46
AC 21; Fort 17; Reflex 17; Will 14
Healing Surges/day: -1 from whatever his total is...
Conditions: Slowed (until end of Kadlin's next turn)

[sblock=Goblin Raider (4)]
Goblin Raider (4)
HP: 25; Bloodied: 12
AC 15; Fort 11; Reflex 13; Will 10
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Voda Vosa

First Post
Olaf disembarks quickly, seeing the goblin so close. He moves on the grass, reaching behind his back for him axe. As he takes hold of it, the others can see the wicked weapon, until now concealed. It is of exquisite craftsmanship, and it's evidently made to inflict pain and serious injuries.
The warrior wields it with expertise, but the nimble goblin moves out of harms way, jumping over and back, as Olaf makes an arc attack to it's midsection. The move was a complete miss, think Tuket, but is surprised to notice that the nomad warrior's outline is blurred and difficult to distinguish from the surrounding. The goblin rubs it's eyes, thinking he has something on them.

Move 5 to H5
Free: Manifest Big Mean Axe.
Standard: Encounter power: Spirit Flay vs Tuket: Miss, Olaf gains partial concealment UENT
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First Post
Kadlin seemed nearly as startled as Tuket was by the sudden arrival of a boat-ful of angry folk. In fact, she had to adjust her aim at the last moment, to avoid hitting one of those attackers in front of Tuket- the arrow vanished over the falls. Grumbling a bit, she made her way closer to the goblin chief...

[sblock= OOC]
>Standard: Clever Shot RBA at Tuket (vs. AC); 1d20+8= 19 (miss); roll Roll Lookup
>Move: forward to AI 6

Cor Azer

First Post
As Olaf approaches Tuket, his foot barely grazes one of the many small eggs the goblin strew about just moments ago, but the pressure is enough to crack the fragile shell, spraying a thin yellowish mist into the air that fills the man's gut with bile.

OOC: Olaf is weakened (save ends); he can roll a save for this round, since this would have happened on his turn.

The trap is an opportunity attack vs anyone moving through the zone; +4 vs Fort; Hit: weakened (save ends). You can roll it yourself if you'd like, or let me post it after a bit.

Map updated to show squares with eggs, and Olaf and Kadlin's positions.
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Below the cold waters, Kjula is almost invisible. The water is clear, but the ripples and waves distort his form enough to conceal him almost completely; those who could see him probably will think he's drowned. Letting the current carry him, the monk prepared an attack

[sblock=actions]Pretty much stay hidden and let the river move me, using a minor action to draw a shuriken. If I'm not mistaken I'll be at column S at the end of the round, which looks like a good spot[/sblock]
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