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Kulan: Knightfall's Crisis in Bluffside Game [IC]


I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
"Not again!" Akos slashes wildly with his blade, preventing the hold. While not a military expert, he knows humans well, and this is regulated city on high alert. Even with the distactions, more guards will be arriving. He feels safe enough now between the walls of the house and shouts few instructions he thinks are obvious, but may help those distracted by individual combat to focus.

"You Loyalists are taking too long. Tim, Falen, help the captain! Guards, let's form a line here and push them away from the warehouse! Captain, try to join with sir Tim!"

Opportunity attack: 1D20+6+4 = [8]+6+4 = 18
1D4+1+4 = [1]+1+4 = 6
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World of Kulan DM
Side Street:
Tim hears the captain's... plea? No, more like encouragement. He'll have to kill the enchanter later. First he must make sure the captain doesn't fall. He puts away the potion he was going to drink and then swings his massive sword at the Loyalist who had attacked Falen before the Unseen Seer had 'bamfed' away to somewhere hidden.

The soldier tries to block the sword strike but Tim overpowers the man's defenses and the blade cuts deep. The man tries to stead himself. Then, Tin watches as a bolt seems to magically appear in the man's shoulder. Falen? he glance around and see that another Regular guard is standing 30 feet behind him. She is holding a light crossbow.

She yells out to Tim. "I'm glad I found you! Great peril! Danger!"

Candle Street:

"Not again!" Akos slashes wildly with his blade, preventing the hold. While not a military expert, he knows humans well, and this is regulated city on high alert. Even with the distactions, more guards will be arriving. He feels safe enough now between the walls of the house and shouts few instructions he thinks are obvious, but may help those distracted by individual combat to focus.

"You Loyalists are taking too long. Tim, Falen, help the captain! Guards, let's form a line here and push them away from the warehouse! Captain, try to join with sir Tim!"
Akos blade stops the mercenary in her tracks, and the Elite guard behind makes the Rising Sword pay for trying to grapple the Loremaster. Akos doesn't know that his words are prophetic, although one lone guard isn't likely to make much of a difference. The Loremaster wonders how long they will have to hold out.

Down the street, the two thugs both step away from Captain Camburn, take aim, and fire their hand crossbows again. The tiny bolts don't even come close to hitting the captain. The thug closest to Falen has no idea he is standing right behind him around the corner of the wall.


World of Kulan DM
Falen grins like a cat about to swallow the canary. Just a few seconds more... then, the enchanter steps back and looks right at him!

"I see you," she says.

She takes some small insect husks from her spell pouch and incants a spell. From her outstretched hand leaps forth a ray of glittering energy apparently composed of countless minuscule writhing insects. The hum of minute chitinous bodies scrambling over one another fills the air. The ray slams into Falen and his body begins to itch uncontrollably.

"Take care of him," She says to the thugs who are as shocked as Falen. The woman has a smug look of satifaction on her face.

At the other end of the street, Petronille dashes away to enter the gate and climb to the top to help the guard fighting the traitor. "Hang on up there! I'm coming!"

As Akos considers his next move, he hears a familiar voice that makes his blood run cold.

"So, where is my sweetie?" The voice asks.

"He's over there! Just kill him!" The man just inside the doorway snaps back.

"Aww, but that wouldn't be any fun," she says back.

Akos tries to see as the woman side steps past the man and then tumbles past Captain Camburn. She does stop until she is next to Emelia. She stops in a flanking position and glances around the people between her and the Loremaster.

"Hello Akos, ready to have some bloody fun?" she says to the Loremaster. Her grin is vicious and dangerous. "I'll be with you shortly, my darling." She glares at Emelia. "I just have to kill this one first! He's mine, you 🤬! You cannot have him!"

It is the woman who accosted him, Tuck, and Relgar at the Silverbow Inn. Teresa Aggan. Akos hadn't know her full name then, but she her face was soon on wanted broadsheets all over Old City and New City.

OOC: @JustinCase, Tuck has a chance to recognize Teresa's voice. DC 23 Listen check.


I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
As Akos considers his next move, he hears a familiar voice that makes his blood run cold.
"So, where is my sweetie?" The voice asks.
"He's over there! Just kill him!" The man just inside the doorway snaps back.
"Aww, but that wouldn't be any fun," she says back.

Akos tries to see as the woman side steps past the man and then tumbles past Captain Camburn. She does stop until she is next to Emelia. She stops in a flanking position and glances around the people between her and the Loremaster.

"Hello Akos, ready to have some bloody fun?" she says to the Loremaster. Her grin is vicious and dangerous. "I'll be with you shortly, my darling." She glares at Emelia. "I just have to kill this one first! He's mine, you 🤬! You cannot have him!"

It is the woman who accosted him, Tuck, and Relgar at the Silverbow Inn. Teresa Aggan. Akos hadn't know her full name then, but she her face was soon on wanted broadsheets all over Old City and New City.
"So you preferr your breaches soiled regularly?" Loremaster asks with a smirk. Angry people don't fight smart. Still, he retreats into the house away from the psychopat woman. Quickly he attemps to level the playing field by disrupting whatever magic or drugs keep the Loyalists so much into this "fight to the death" idea.

Free: taunt Teresa
Move: 5' step NE
Standard: cast Calm emotion centered so it catches the enchantress and the priest, ideally Teresa too, and aviod Tim. The captain and Zanpher are in the area unfortunately. Will DC 16 to negate


World of Kulan DM
"So you prefer your breaches soiled regularly?" Loremaster asks with a smirk. Angry people don't fight smart. Still, he retreats into the house away from the psychopath woman. Quickly he attempts to level the playing field by disrupting whatever magic or drugs keep the Loyalists so much into this "fight to the death" idea.
Akos is forced to retreat through the half-open window into the shop. It is a tight squeeze, but he makes it through. The mercenary woman slashes out at him with her sword as he wriggles through the window, but all she does is crack the glass. The thug to Akos left, as he climbs through the window, manages to drive his short sword into Akos' back but his fey heritage and crystal shield save him again.

Once on the other side, he sighs in relief. Yes, there are foes in the shop, but it is better than the street. He rights himself and turns and finds the right spot to place his spell. It won't get them all, but it will blanket most of them.

As the spell goes off, a wave of calm floods the street. Akos watches as the anger in the mercenary woman's eyes fades. Teresa, as well, stops snarling. And, the Loremaster thinks he sees the cleric become serene. The thug next to the female Elite shrugs off the effect, as does the one standing on the other side of the door, opposite of Vinny. Akos can't tell if the prone Loyalist succumbs to the calming effect, and if he got any of the others, they aren't in his direct line of sight. It doesn't matter. As long as he concentrates and no one attacks them, they will remain flaccid.

He sees that the halfling Elite also is affected. Hopefully the enemy is too dumbfounded to notice. Akos can tell that his spell broke the enchantment the Loyalist mage placed on the halfling.


World of Kulan DM
Outside the Shop:
The two mercenaries standing next to Captain Camburn manage to block out Akos' magic. The merc directly facing the captain slashes out with his blade twice. The first strike hits but the second the captain blocks with his shield.

Down the street, the Regular shifts his position and tries again to hit the doppelganger. But, the slippery shapeshifter keeps evading the guard's halberd.

Custodio had turned his focus to Akos. He watched in amazement as the Loremaster climbs through the half-open window. he shakes his head in disbelief. Then, he watches as the magical calm springs forth in the middle of their foes. He realizes what Akos has done and quickly moves to take the Loremaster position in the fight. As he does, he mentally shifts the spiritual weapon to fly up towards the wall and attack the traitor. He adds a flourish with his hand and a turn of his head, for dramatic effect, and to ensure the force weapon hits the right person.

The force weapon flies through the air and slams into Rhumyr's back.

"What th-!?"

Custodio doesn't hear the man exclaim, but he sense he got him. He looks through the window at the Loremaster and gives the man a nod. He will make sure that the Loyalists and mercs don't try to attack Akos through the window.

Back down the street, the doppelganger howls, steps, and attacks Commander Oakfirst with all its strength. It blade flashes and the commander soon has two fresh cuts on his torso and shoulder.

"Damn creature," he says.

Inside the Shop:
Everyone inside the candle shop is surprised by Akos' unique entrance, but all are soon focused again. The thug on the other side of Tuck stabs out again with his blade, but Tuck evades the blade with a quick twist of his torso.

Akos can see that Tuck is wounded but not as bad as Vinny in front of him. The Sectarian looks pale.

End of Round 9


World of Kulan DM
Start of Round 10
On the Street:

Tim is surprised that the Loyalist in front of him chooses to step forward and attack instead of retreat. The man swing is a feeble one but he seems unwilling to retreat. The thug's eyes seem to glaze over. The fire is gone and he stands in a state of utter calm. He doesn't seemed held, but he no longer has a hostile stance. Instead, he just stands there and looks at Tim.

"What are you doing?" The Loyalist asks angrily. "Help me kill the knight!"


In front of the shop, the Loyalist on the ground gets up, steps away from the guards, and pulls potion from his belt.

In the Shop:
The Loyalist soldier looks to be on his last legs. He is sweating and bleeding. "N..no sur.. surrender," he stammers as he attacks Tuck clumsily. The fight in him is almost gone.

Aust Thale

Stricken by the magical creepy-crawlers and stings by the sorceress’ spell, Falen is startled. He nearly stabs himself as he fights through the pain. He’d been unfortunate in his youth to find himself on the business end of this or a similar spell after a practical joke had gone poorly. He stammered at the sorceress, “You disrespectful buzzard. That’s just wrong on general principle,” as he made a semi-circle out of reach of her and her nearby retainers, “Ow…ow ow…ow ow ow…ow ow ow ow!” His gait was nearly comical, the stings even zapping his buttocks. “Who fights that way?” He resembles an animated scarecrow without a good sense of balance.

However, as he comes back toward her from the northeast, she realizes that he’s sporting a cold sweat, gritting his teeth, and fighting through the pain. With a nearly purple face he strikes at her in a parry with the dagger
of venom.

Let’s see how you like it, you goat smelling fart-knocker.” Genuinely irked he was being molested by magical ants/spiders/hornets/ whatever it was, he kept hurling insults at her the entire time he was attacking.


the magical equivalent to the number zero
In the Shop:
The Loyalist soldier looks to be on his last legs. He is sweating and bleeding. "N..no sur.. surrender," he stammers as he attacks Tuck clumsily. The fight in him is almost gone.
"As you wish," the kobold says matter-of-factly, once more swinging his small sword, hoping to get through the Loyalist's defenses and finally be done with these annoying enemies.

This is taking up too much time, he agrees with Vinccenzo. They need to end this quickly and regroup.

OOC: Full hasted attack on the Loyalist, with flanking that means +2 attack and add sneak attack damage (right?):

1D20+8+2+1+2 = [11]+8+2+1+2 = 24
for 1D4 = [2] = 2 damage
1D20+8+2+1+2 = [6]+8+2+1+2 = 19
for 1D4 = [4] = 4 damage
1D20+3+2+1+2 = [7]+3+2+1+2 = 15
for 1D4 = [2] = 2 damage

Coyotecode wouldn't let me roll additional dice with the above, so here are the sneak attack rolls (if applicable):
1D6 = [4] = 4
1D6 = [6] = 6
1D6 = [3] = 3

OOC:@JustinCase, Tuck has a chance to recognize Teresa's voice. DC 23 Listen check.
Listen check: 1D20+7 = [1]+7 = 8

Nope, too distracted with fighting.


World of Kulan DM
On the Street:
Stricken by the magical creepy-crawlers and stings by the sorceress’ spell, Falen is startled. He nearly stabs himself as he fights through the pain. He’d been unfortunate in his youth to find himself on the business end of this or a similar spell after a practical joke had gone poorly. He stammered at the sorceress, “You disrespectful buzzard. That’s just wrong on general principle,” as he made a semi-circle out of reach of her and her nearby retainers, “Ow…ow ow…ow ow ow…ow ow ow ow!” His gait was nearly comical, the stings even zapping his buttocks. “Who fights that way?” He resembles an animated scarecrow without a good sense of balance.

However, as he comes back toward her from the northeast, she realizes that he’s sporting a cold sweat, gritting his teeth, and fighting through the pain. With a nearly purple face he strikes at her in a parry with the dagger
of venom.

Let’s see how you like it, you goat smelling fart-knocker.” Genuinely irked he was being molested by magical ants/spiders/hornets/ whatever it was, he kept hurling insults at her the entire time he was attacking.
Falen had noticed that the woman was holding a longsword, but he wasn't sure how well she could use it until she turns and blocks his dagger strike. Falen can see that the blade is made out of cold iron. The foes are really intent on killing Akos.

While the unseen seer tries to deal with the enchanter, Captain Camburn is dealing with two of the Rising Sword mercenaries. The man who dropped his blade lashes out at the captain with the dagger in his other hand but it is a poor strike. Then, he steps back to retrieve his fallen sword.

In the Shop:
"As you wish," the kobold says matter-of-factly, once more swinging his small sword, hoping to get through the Loyalist's defenses and finally be done with these annoying enemies.

This is taking up too much time, he agrees with Vinccenzo. They need to end this quickly and regroup.

OOC: Full hasted attack on the Loyalist, with flanking that means +2 attack and add sneak attack damage (right?):

1D20+8+2+1+2 = [11]+8+2+1+2 = 24
for 1D4 = [2] = 2 damage [+2 = 4]

Coyotecode wouldn't let me roll additional dice with the above, so here are the sneak attack rolls (if applicable):
1D6 = [4] = 4
Tucks steps back into the corner of the shop before swing his blade. It was a good choice. The Loyalist fails to block the kobold's first strike and the others aren't needed. The man crumbles to the floor in front of Tuck and Vinny.

The thug by the counter looks behind. Is he waiting for help or planning to run?

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