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Kulan: Knightfall's Heroes of Carnell Game [IC]


World of Kulan DM
OOC: Cut and paste from Discord.

Quinn' spiked chain has seen a variety of opponents, but none more disgusting then an undead troglodyte. The normal bell-like thing of the links klinking together in a unified song. But not this time. This battle the links were clogged with putrid flesh that stank not only of itself, but of the rotted smell of fish.

His determination is solid as he moves the weapon in deadly loops around each creature of chaos and darkness, chewing large chunks off each one while his fellow champions finish off each creature .. .. .. until there was one. One deadly pass chewed into the unnatural creature . It stumbles under the onslaught creating a misjudgment of Quinn s second pass, but the third loop puts the creature back to its final rest!
The last of the undead trogs is torn to pieces by the gladiator-knight's weapon and falls to the floor in front of Quinn. Instinctively, he looks for more foes, but once he realizes there aren't any, Quinn relaxes.

It will take days to clean the stench off, and his wounds where the creatures clawed and bit him ache and itch.

Aureus lands near Maur to check on her dwarf friend and too see if she can help. She finds that Caerth has brought the champion of Moradin back from the edge of death.

"Uh, thanks. Those things are dangerous."
Maur heaves up and casts another healing spell, bringing him back from dangerous territory.
Caerth helps him up, despite the dwarf's silent gaze that protests, a little. "I'd tell you to go slow, but..."

Aureus notes the dwarf's many wounds and the damage to Maur's armour. "Those things really were terrible." Then, she notices the smell. "And, they smell even worse."

"Let's hope they aren't any more of them," Caerth adds.

Neurotic said:
And now under his direct control, spiritual hammer strikes with full force at the remaining ghoul.
Once Maur is back on his feet, he sees that all the ghouls and ghastly undead trogs are destroyed. His spiritual weapon finds no foes to strike, so it returns to the dwarf champion and hovers near him. Quinn is picking putrid flesh out of his spiked chain and off his clothes.

Maur's entire body aches and his wounds itch worse than being exposed to the Stinging Moss that grows in his homeland in the depths of the Underearth. His armour is dented and sliced open. The creature's nearly destroyed it. He will have to fix it, and soon. The armour's locking ability won't function at all and he has trouble flexing his right shoulder, both due to the armour and the deep wound that is barely sealed by his magic.

The wounds where the ghouls clawed him feel like they are burning.

End of Combat

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Race: Silver-Grey Elf Paragon
HP: 58/58
23; FF:19 T:16
XMage Hand; Open/Close; ❏❏Detect Magi;❏❏Electric Jolt;❏❏Prestidigitation
Fort:+4 (+2)
Will: +8 (+2)
Refl: +8 (+4)
Initiative: +4
Melee: +6/+1
Temp: +1
1st [7+1](DC20) ❏Familiar Pocket ❏Feather Fall; [][X]*Magic Missile; [X] Protection from Evil; [] Slide []Feather fall
2nd[6+1](D21) ❏Cat's Grace (DC:21)[X]Glitterdust [X][X] [] *Scorching Ray ❏Web; []Luminous Swarm
3rd[6+1](DC22)❏Dispel Magic ❏*Fireball X Fly; [ ] [X ]Haste; ❏*Lightning Bolt [X] Summon Monster III
DEX: 18 + 4
CON: 12 + 1
INT: 28+9
WIS: 12 +1
CHA:12 +1
XP: 65500/66000
(DC23)4th [5+1❏❏*Fire Shield ❏*Ice Storm [] [] polymorph []Summon Monster IV
5th(4+1) (DC24) [X] [X]Dismissal ; []Wall of FIre; []Break Enchantment; [X] Wall of Force
6th (2+1)[DC25] []Disintegrate; []*Wall of Force; []Cacophonic Burst

"I am going to ensure there are no more."

Phar removes his quiver and drops it beside Maur and Aureus,

"Here Aureus, take these and add them to whatever arrows you find lying around"

He keeps one arrow and casts light on it with his wand and then flies down below where the undead came from. Using his bow, he fires the arrow across the room to see what lies beyond the darkness.

Technically 2 rounds of actions:
Move, remove wand, cast light.
Remove quiver, Move, fire bow, watch for enemies

edit: 16 arrows +4 silvered arrows

Rounds passed:
Haste: Round 6/12
Protection from evil: 8/100
Fly (Aureus): 5/120
Fly (Phar): 5/90
Last edited:

Tellerian Hawke

Defender of Oerth

Angus touches one of the vines, and closes his eyes. He is silent for about a minute, as his wounds begin to heal!

Nature's Rejuvenation: Cure Moderate (2d8+3) =
Natures Rejuvenation: 2D8+3 = [1, 6]+3 = 10

Angus heals 10 pts. (87) 75 (still not perfect, but Rapid Metabolism should take care of the rest.)

Litrix tries to open the grate. Or at least have a good look through it. His darkvision is a bit foiled by light coming from above, but still.

Taking a probatory pull of the grating, he estimates how much force would be required to open it. But he leaves it alone, they have functional entrance down.

"Let me down there. I don't require light at all and I'm hard to see in the darkness. Not the most silent type, but I get by. And I'm resistant to magical assaults so you can just fireball the area around me if needed. If nothing tries to eat me, you can come after me. I'll wait until you're healed a bit though."


World of Kulan DM
"I am going to ensure there are no more."

Phar removes his quiver and drops it beside Maur and Aureus,

"Here Aureus, take these and add them to whatever arrows you find lying around"

He keeps one arrow and casts light on it with his wand and then flies down below where the undead came from. Using his bow, he fires the arrow across the room to see what lies beyond the darkness.
Aureus nods and begins hunting for fired arrows that might still be useful.

Phar flies into the deeper sinkhole that the ghouls and trogs came out of. It is only about 10 feet deep, but it looks like it might have once gone deeper. A cave in, perhaps? What he does find is two branching tunnels that disappear south and southwest. He follows the southern tunnel, which is the shorter of the two.

He comes up into a 20 ft. by 20 ft. room that smells like death. This was the ghouls' lair. There are bones scattered all over the floor, as well as dried blood and bits of leftover flesh that the ghouls didn't eat. There are three old sleeping mats that are covered in... well, Phar doesn't like to think about what it might be that all over the mouldering mats. Besides the mats, stench and offal, the room appears to be empty.

OOC: @TaranTheWanderer, how many arrows did Phar fire?

Angus touches one of the vines, and closes his eyes. He is silent for about a minute, as his wounds begin to heal!
Angus finds multiple vines growing up through the rubble that sits just under the skylight. He looks up to see that the sky has become overcast. Grey clouds. It doesn't smell like rain, yet. The light coming into the ruins from outside has dimmed. There is a distant peal of thunder.

Litrix tries to open the grate. Or at least have a good look through it. His darkvision is a bit foiled by light coming from above, but still.

Taking a probatory pull of the grating, he estimates how much force would be required to open it. But he leaves it alone, they have functional entrance down.
The grate next to the hole Litrix fell into is still quite solid. He would have to pull very hard to pry it up. It wouldn't be impossible, but it would take all his strength. He can still see the light from the arrow (rock?) that Phar dropped into it. The shaft drops at least 20 feet. Much deeper than the sinkhole he fell into. It is filled with what looking like mushrooms, vines, and bits of debris. There is moisture down there, but not a river of water. It looks more sandy than muddy, and the walls of the shaft look old, yet still sound. A few minor cracks that Litrix can see. It seems the magic that once protected the ruins also protected the water drainage system as well.

MetaVoid said:
"Let me down there. I don't require light at all and I'm hard to see in the darkness. Not the most silent type, but I get by. And I'm resistant to magical assaults so you can just fireball the area around me if needed. If nothing tries to eat me, you can come after me. I'll wait until you're healed a bit though."
Litrix steps past Quinn into the room where the trogs were hiding. Quinn folows him into the room and keeps watch at the edge of the sinkhole. He noted the old worn bed in the southeast corner of the room. It is ready to fall apart and its linens have rotted away. This room is not well persevered. There is a small grate near the centre of the room. It is exactly like the grate his his ancestor's chamber. Quinn looks up but there isn't a mural on the ceiling above. It and the walls are bare of adornment.

The floors are covered in the castoffs of the ghastly undead trog's meals, although it is a lot cleaner than it should be for three undead beasts with a ravenous hunger.

Litrix climbs down into the sinkhole near the room's eastern wall and finds two branching passages. One heads downwards southwest for 30 to 40 feet then ends suddenly. It may have once been longer, but what lies beyond has collapsed. It might have been how the undead got into the ruins. It's hard to tell.

The dragonblooded knight goes back and follows the other passage, which leads him directly to Phar who is standing in a much smaller sinkhole that is barely 5 feet deep. Another branching passage leads to where Phar flew into the other sinkhole. Litrix is able to stand next to Phar and look into the room. It looks and smells awful.

After helping Maur onto his feet, Caerth goes to watch Angus heal himself. He bends over to pick through the rubble and discard several larger chunks keeping the vines from spreading. "This hall should be a wild garden. If the roof is removed and the ground beneath churned up, it would be less work than rebuilding the hall. This should be a place for nature." He smiles at Angus. "Of course, we keep Strateous' Chamber as it is and maybe repurpose other parts that are in better shape."

Quinn speaks into the sinkhole, not loudly, yet his words echo to Litrix and Phar's ears. "What did you find?"

Race: Silver-Grey Elf Paragon
HP: 58/58
23; FF:19 T:16
XMage Hand; Open/Close; ❏❏Detect Magi;❏❏Electric Jolt;❏❏Prestidigitation
Fort:+4 (+2)
Will: +8 (+2)
Refl: +8 (+4)
Initiative: +4
Melee: +6/+1
Temp: +1
1st [7+1](DC20) ❏Familiar Pocket ❏Feather Fall; [][X]*Magic Missile; [X] Protection from Evil; [] Slide []Feather fall
2nd[6+1](D21) ❏Cat's Grace (DC:21)[X]Glitterdust [X][X] [] *Scorching Ray ❏Web; []Luminous Swarm
3rd[6+1](DC22)❏Dispel Magic ❏*Fireball X Fly; [ ] [X ]Haste; ❏*Lightning Bolt [X] Summon Monster III
DEX: 18 + 4
CON: 12 + 1
INT: 28+9
WIS: 12 +1
CHA:12 +1
XP: 65500/66000
(DC23)4th [5+1❏❏*Fire Shield ❏*Ice Storm [] [] polymorph []Summon Monster IV
5th(4+1) (DC24) [X] [X]Dismissal ; []Wall of FIre; []Break Enchantment; [X] Wall of Force
6th (2+1)[DC25] []Disintegrate; []*Wall of Force; []Cacophonic Burst

Phar doesn’t seem particularly inclined to search the disgusting room but he doesn’t mind sparing a Detect Magic before answering Quinn’s question. If there is anything of interest, he uses finds a way to retrieve it without getting too dirty.

Coming back above, he says to the others,

“I would like to have a bird’s eye view of the surroundings before the fly spell wears off. We should also dispose of the spider eggs now that it is clear. “

Fired 4 arrows and hit once.

Rounds passed:
Haste: Round 6/12
Protection from evil: 8/100
Fly (Aureus): 5/120
Fly (Phar): 5/90

Tellerian Hawke

Defender of Oerth
After using his healing ability, Angus will come and stand next to Caerth. "Whut sho'wee be doin' nah?"

Angus has used his healing ability once today. He has one use remaining.


World of Kulan DM
Phar doesn’t seem particularly inclined to search the disgusting room but he doesn’t mind sparing a Detect Magic before answering Quinn’s question. If there is anything of interest, he uses finds a way to retrieve it without getting too dirty.

Coming back above, he says to the others,

“I would like to have a bird’s eye view of the surroundings before the fly spell wears off. We should also dispose of the spider eggs now that it is clear.“
"I'll help," Aureus suggests. "Two sets of eyes are better than one." The hutaakan takes the lead up through the broken skylight. She pokes her head out first to make sure there isn't anything wait to ambush her or anyone coming up through the skylight. "I don't see anything dangerous," she says to Phar. She flies up through the skylight high into the air begins to circle the ruins looking for any signs of danger.

She notes that the sky has clouded over but that is all she manages to notice with her eyes. She is so distracted by joy of flying that she does see anything of note. Here ears perk up, however, when distant thunder echoes from somewhere far to the west. She turns midair to look that way, but she cannot see any thunderheads on the horizon. The air is becoming misty and chilled.

"A storm," she says to Phar as the two f them fly over the Boots' old hideaway.

SDW said:
Quinn looks at Maur and asks, "Something seems off. Can these wounds get infected!"
The gladiator-knight tries not to scratch at the wounds while he waits for Maur to clean the bits of undead flesh off his armour and hammer.

After using his healing ability, Angus will come and stand next to Caerth. "Whut sho'wee be doin' nah?"
Caerth watches as Aureus and Phar disappear through the skylight to get the paragon elf's 'bird's-eye-view'. He looks towards the section of the ruins that haven't been explored yet. "We should make sure there isn't anything else hiding nearby. Then, we deal with the eggs." He hears Quinn's question to Maur and looks at the claw marks on his arms. He doesn't have to worry about disease, but the others...

he goes to inspect Quinn's wounds. "Let me see," he says to the gladiator-knight. He looks for any sign of disease or poison in Quinn's wounds. There isn't anything obvious, but the half-orc druid never devoted very much of his time to healing others without magical spells. something that he should rectify if he's going to renew this temple. Yes, he knows that is why he was brought here. He knows that now. He looks at Quinn. "You seem fine but, yes, Maur should probably take a look. And, don't scratch!"

Caerth goes back to Angus. "Let's keep exploring. Carefully. We'll wait until Aureus and Phar are done searching from above." He looks at the others. "And, once Maur has healed us. I don't have any more cures memorized today."

OOC: Caerth - Heal check: 1D20+3 = [10]+3 = 13

Voidrunner's Codex

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