D&D 5E L&L: new playtest packet 10/15, Druid update

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Falling Icicle

I just downloaded the new packet and noticed that they made wild shape an "encounter" power instead of a daily power (you regain your uses when you take a short or long rest), and they also added beast speech at level 7. Awesome. That solves two of the issues I mentioned earlier. It's almost like they read my mind. :)


The error I get for some of the files is that the resulting filename is too long.

Assuming Windows, this takes the full file path (file name + directories) into account. So if you put it in a directory with a long name, or many nested directories, you might exceed the max length. Just edit the directory name to something short.


Yes and no. Both Wildshape and Mage Armor change the way your AC is calculated. Wildshape sets it to a certain number, Mage Armor to 13 + DEX.


If Mage Armor was casted first, then Wildshape, one would have the Beasts AC.
If Wildshape happened first then Mage Armor, one would calculate the AC based on the beast's DEX.

Interesting bug.

Li Shenron

To me, the temp HP only helps in combat, and using monster stats in the past has been a problem (usually in combat). While I'm not only interested in combat, I definitely have combat-related concerns here.

But, like you, I'm totally into using wild shape in a variety of ways, especially outside of combat. Flying, scouting, spying, having fun, whatever. I just have concerns about combat balance with these rules.

To that I cannot disagree.

In general I really prefer wildshape to be used out-of-combat, in which case the stats are not that important compared to features such as movement capabilities, senses, and some specific extras such as water breathing.

Of course I have combat-related concerns too, but they are mostly about the ever-present risk that some specific form might be too good in combat, therefore sooner or later everybody playing a Druid will pick that form all the time in combat. I hate when there is one option that rules them all, it so much restricts variety in the fantasy world... I'd rather have a game with an issue of wildshape being underpowered in combat rather than overpowered. Having a fixed list of animals that can be chosen is a very good approach to avoid such risk, as long as obviously the designers don't make a glaring mistake and put one too good choice into that list.

Once this issue is cleared out, then I prefer wildshape to be as simple as possible.

The simplest possibility would be if nothing changed, but that would make wildshape largely cosmetic, and the only uses would be disguise and similar applications. It would be too limited IMO.

Totally assuming all the animal stats and features is also very simple, because there is no math needed, since the stats are there already.
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Crusty Old Meatwad (he/him)
Not sure how I feel about the reset every short rest. By 8th level, that means with just one short rest after the first 8 hours, it's lasting all day long (unless you loss all your shapeshift hit points).

Yes and no. Both Wildshape and Mage Armor change the way your AC is calculated. Wildshape sets it to a certain number, Mage Armor to 13 + DEX.


If Mage Armor was casted first, then Wildshape, one would have the Beasts AC.
If Wildshape happened first then Mage Armor, one would calculate the AC based on the beast's DEX.

Interesting bug.

no, it just changes with your beast´s dexterity... no bug...

the Jester

Not sure how I feel about the reset every short rest. By 8th level, that means with just one short rest after the first 8 hours, it's lasting all day long (unless you loss all your shapeshift hit points).

Hmmm... but is that a bad thing?

I kind of like the idea of the druid who spends a lot of time in animal forms, roaming his 'territory'. It kind of reminds me of the shapechanging in the Riddlemaster of Hed books- there's a scene where one character teaches another to turn into a tree and tells him that he sometimes spends all winter in tree form, IIRC. (It's been years, but those were some awesome books!)


Chaotic Looseleaf
I am happy with the increased role of shapeshifting in the druid; the more I've thought about it the more I feel that it's what makes the druid not a cleric. If the druid isn't primarily a shapeshifter why not just have a nature-domain cleric and call it a day?

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