Least Favorite (Core) D&D Race

What is your least favorite D&D race?

  • Dragonborn

    Votes: 71 22.6%
  • Drow

    Votes: 35 11.1%
  • Dwarf

    Votes: 3 1.0%
  • Eladrin

    Votes: 14 4.5%
  • Elf

    Votes: 7 2.2%
  • Gnome

    Votes: 60 19.1%
  • Half-Elf

    Votes: 40 12.7%
  • Half-Orc

    Votes: 29 9.2%
  • Halfling

    Votes: 18 5.7%
  • Human

    Votes: 2 0.6%
  • Tiefling

    Votes: 35 11.1%

Brennin Magalus

First Post
This just in:

'Eladrin' do not have skeletons; they are just full of hot air. When asked about the decision, apologists responded with, "Hey, it's fantasy! No one said they were humans!"

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Dragonborn, hands down.

I don't blame WotC though, they needed something to appeal to the 9 y/o kids coming from WoW.

Sorry if it sounded a bit offensive but...


Sniper o' the Shrouds
This just in:

'Eladrin' do not have skeletons; they are just full of hot air. When asked about the decision, apologists responded with, "Hey, it's fantasy! No one said they were humans!"

Brennin, three posts in this thread, all edition wars, two even after Umbran kicked someone else out for the same thing. This is your final warning before a board ban. In the meantime, do not post in this thread again.



Dragonborn, hands down.

I don't blame WotC though, they needed something to appeal to the 9 y/o kids coming from WoW.

Sorry if it sounded a bit offensive but...

Y'know what I truly, TRULY love about the above opinion? It's completely divorced from reality. The average WOW player is 25ish, typically has a job, with about 50% female players. D&D has never, ever in its entire history managed those kinds of numbers.

But, for some reason, people feel the overwhelming need to bash MMORPG's as immature forms of entertainment.

Of course that also completely ignores the cover of my blue box basic set that says "for ages 10 and up".

Yeah, D&D is the mature hobby. :hmm:


Y'know what I truly, TRULY love about the above opinion? It's completely divorced from reality. The average WOW player is 25ish, typically has a job, with about 50% female players. D&D has never, ever in its entire history managed those kinds of numbers.

But, for some reason, people feel the overwhelming need to bash MMORPG's as immature forms of entertainment.

Of course that also completely ignores the cover of my blue box basic set that says "for ages 10 and up".

Yeah, D&D is the mature hobby. :hmm:

Well, for starters, I didn't say D&D is not for mature people only, in fact, I don't know where you got that idea. (I myself started playing with 9). Also, I'm sorry if I offended you but nowhere I said that only 9 year old kids play WoW.

Secondly, there's no possible way you can know for a fact the average typical WoW player, because forum polls and census doesn't count (7-9 year old kids won't vote on those).

Adding up the fact that each "realm" (or whatever it's called) works mostly like a small community with like people, it's quite easy to get the idea that the "average" WoW player is the same as you. Indeed, I played WoW, met people ranging from 5 to 62 years of age, but, from my gaming experience which didn't last long (only 35 days), the average was somewhere from 10-14. My realm was one recently released (at the time), so there were plenty of people coming all the time.

Given that, from all the past experience we got, and all that crap about "supplements with a dragon on the cover sells", one has to be truly naïve not to perceive that Dragonborn is in 4E mostly for marketing purposes.

Anyway, as I said, it might have sounded a bit offensive, but when I said it I was actually refering to the people that likes the Dragonborn, not the people that plays WoW. Your arguments have nothing to do with what I said, think about it before jumping into conclusions next time.
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Dragonborn, hands down.

I don't blame WotC though, they needed something to appeal to the 9 y/o kids coming from WoW.

Sorry if it sounded a bit offensive but...

psst.. Not to jump on the bashing of your specific post (because I didn't see the follow up bashes until after I decided to reply) but rather to comment on this particular idea.. If race popularity in WoW was something the D&D designers were to copy then going by the most numerous WoW races.. We would have undead PCs alog with a tall, woodsy elven race and a fair-skinned arcane using elven race. oh wait.. 2 out of 3! Maybe people who think this have a point! Elves and eladrin are just there for the 9 year old kids coming from WoW!:angel:

The tauren, trolls, and gnomes are least played races.

Dragonborn are there for the 20- to 30-somethings that play D&D 3E who migrated to 4E and buy any book with the name Dragon on the cover.:p


Ok, I really don't want to be blamed to turn this thread yet into another WoW bashing thread, so I'll simply rephrase my first post in here:

Zsig said:
Dragonborn, hands down.

I don't blame WotC though, they needed something to appeal to the new generation of gamers coming from other media.

There, sounds better?
My apologies.

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