Legacy of Death Part II: Graves of Lesser Immortals

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5ever, or until 2024
Buckthorn: thank the gods for the shifter…as your healing is followed by 13 more poison damage from the little beasts (ongoing and aura). You finally undo the shackles, but remain poisoned. Also, it is quite dark in here.

Lucian: as you reach to grab her, she vanishes. Your proximity also brings some poison—though you barely notice. You notice more as you head towards the sundial (most OAs ever!). In any case, the deathly armor remains a life saver for you. I will assume you (and the elf that didn’t vanish?) take a look at the strange contraption.

The brazier's revolution remains constant, causing the shadow to shift from one number to the next at intervals of 1 minute; at that pace, a full" day" passes every 24 minutes.

Beetles: those covered in frost instinctively go for the dwarf, even with the shifter in their midst. By some act of Jorroth, only two swarms really do any damage. (-33 hp, still poisoned). Somehow Buckthorn also manages to avoid the ones next to him.

Then more poor forth from the wall next to Nar and Lucian. They smell a little more blood on the elf, so focus there. They bring forth yet more blood.

Elesdri: As it turns, Lucian walked right by her. She produces a very carefully concealed wand and then calls forth a strange blur on herself.

“I do not want to know what that does” looking at the dial “but I doubt it will solve your current predicament”. She glances at Nar, only now getting a good look at him in the light, and only so slightly does her eyebrow raise “perhaps he can confirm”.

She flicks the wand, and strange light glitters on the beetle horde. Three of the four swarms (actually all but the ones on Ghen) perceive themselves to be lost in a maze of mirrors.

Perhaps that may provide some relief”. (Nar may know, attack at -4, immobile for 1 turn).

Buckthorn: -34 hp/-3HS/ ongoing 5 (poison)/ used: spray of arrows
Forge: -46 hp/-4 HS/ Bloodied, ongoing 5 (poison)/ used: herald, armor, action point
Ghen: -16 hp/-1 HS/ used: boots, cure mass
Lucian: -13 hp/-4 HS/ used: cape
Nar: -23 hp/-2 HS/ ongoing 5 (poison)/ used: ring


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OOC: Check my Math:

Before Beetles: -1HS 54 Hp
Post 223:-1HS -33HP=21HP
Post 227:-2HS +13 (surge) +2 (spark's surge bonus) = 36HP
Post 229:Ongoing Poison -5hp = 31HP
Post 230:+20 (surge+7) = 51HP

So did I just take 35 more?


First Post
Forge uses his immediate reaction to absorb 7pts via unbreakable so down 39 rather than 46. He continues to shriek and despite or because of his obvious panic, his blows are landing with greater than usual ferocity. Ghen barely avoids being chopped to pieces!

Unbreakable - Imm reaction
Thicket of Blades on all adjascent enemiees (these guys are still immobilized unless they saved from the FOWH attack)
Shifts one square north unless more than two of the swarms drop in which case he remains where he is
Minor - Second wind for 21hp and some extra defence

Yeah! a Crit! That poor bastard gets 59 damage from the burst!
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Determined to get the closest swarm away from him, Nar-Heru casts Spectral Ram. Pushes 3 squares even on a miss, so he pushes it 2 squares to the right of Ghen's current position.

(what does the S on the map represent?)

Sorry-Swapped the numbers on the damage.
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5ever, or until 2024
(OK, rules thing: you cannot push, pull, or slide a swarm. Did not realize this with Forge..though Forges attack was also be a burst, which technically doesn't matter…anways…in the interest of moving on, I will allow it here…but will do so on case by case basis in future. Also, good thing you have that staff).

(it’s the shaman spirit)

Nar-Heru: the beetles are driven back, you even smash a few. The Eladrin gives you a much less subtle look.

Forge: seems to go crazy, smashing beetle after beetle after beetle. One swarm is dispersed entirely. He then falls back and catches his breath. (There is now a line of swarms running from the left of Ghen, through Ghen, then to his right).

Edit: Nar and Forge also each take 13 damage at the start of their turn and should save.
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Flaming Bob

First Post
If the bugs actually hit....

A strange fiery glow briefly engulfs the thief, causing several of the bugs attacking him to burst into flame.

The smell of burned insects once again begins to filter through the chamber.


First Post
Buckthorn will move four squares up and to the left, next to Forge and will use healing herbs on Forge (Forge gets 1/2 of heal check plus can make a save against poison).

Buckthorn will make a save against poison.
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First Post
Totally Lost ...

Did I ever mention that I'm brain damaged? I have a real issue with spatial relation.

So, only 1 swarm dies, hence Forge shifts back 1. Ok. Got it.

Nar pushes the swarm back to the right of me. ? I had to reread this 3 times, but I think I have this, too... Did he push them through other bugs? Through Forge/Lucien/Shayera? Not totally clear on this, but I'll take the "2 squares right of me" part.

Buckthorn moves 4 squares up and left? Since there's no direct path for that, is he standing in my spirit? Forge moved back and the bugs got moved up. Did he take multiple OA's going around all the bugs to be next to Forge? I have no idea where he ended up.

Minor: Healing Word - Buckthorn takes surge +2d6 +7.

Standard: Spring Renewal Strike (Fort), Forge can use surge+4 on a hit (which brings him to full if I'm following along correctly).

Move: shift 1 square northeast - right below Shayera in a different (mesmerised?) set of bugs.

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