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Legends of Hawaiki 2: Where the Wild Things Are


Guest 11456

Tu-Ru : O'Punga Barbarian 3

wolff96 said:
Wai continues to look for Tu-Ru, hoping to calm his magically frightened friend.

As Wai searches, the large O'Punga suddenly jumps from behind a rather large bush, startling the Tangata for a moment. Tu-Ru has a wry grin on his face.

"Ha ha ha! Tu-Ru scare Wai-Tu-Mata, no? Big black thing scare Tu-Ru. Tu-Ru better now. We go find others? Is big black thing dead yet?"

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After the moment passes and Puna Tani realizes that their enemy is gone, he turns to the others, "Brothers and sister! Let us give thanks to the spirits for their benevolence, for without their help we would never have survived. Respect and reverence first, jubilation and joy forever after."

With that, the shaman begins an ancient battle chant, one of the first taught to him by his father. After a few acapella bars to kick off the ritual, he also starts to dance, as is tribal custom, waiting for the others to join him.

OOC: Sorry for the disappearance. I'm back.


Lani climbs to her feet. She does not know the words but soon catches the rhythm and hums along with it. After a few measures, her body moves almost of its own volition and joins the dance with Puna Tani. Strange, she thinks in a detached manner. I do not know if these gods are mine by birth, but I feel attached nonetheless. Then the dance and the chant overtake her, and she has time for but one more thought: Blessed Tangaroa, I give thanks for our survival!


A suffusion of yellow
The words of the dance rise up into the night sky and the stars above blaze more brightly as spirits of the air invisibly join the rhythm. The atua are pleased for they have not been forgotten, Lord Tangaroa is becalmed, Lord Tane rests and their junior Kahukura strengthens the barrier that the Darkness can not penetrate.

The dance continues until the companions turn their thoughts to sleep. By sunrise the Darkness has faded away to nothing, the barrier has held and all is well. The sun is bright in the sky by the time the exhausted heroes rise a few aches linger but most are generally replensihed...

(ooc everyone gains a level and prepare for a new day...)


Guest 11456

Tu-Ru : O'Punga Barbarian 3

The large O'Punga yawns as he awakens. He stands and stretches. Then he looks around for his club. Upon finding it he grabs it up and sees what the others are doing.

"Me haves bad dream! Big black monster scare Tu-Ru."


First Post
"I have news for you, Tu-Ru... that wasn't a dream. That was one nasty creature."

Wai stretches luxuriously, enjoying the morning sun on his face.

"You know, I wasn't sure about this whole expedition. I was worried we wouldn't be able to accomplish our duty. But after last night, I think we can do it." Wai looks around, trying to judge the expressions on his friend's faces.

"Whatever the case may be, we should get an early start today... Does anyone know how much farther it is?"


Lani rises and stretches lazily. "I do not know . . . I am just glad we all survived the night!" She shivers in the sunlight and looks about her, as if expecting a shadow beast or a sprite to appear.

Argent Silvermage

First Post
Tatiki raises and looks around wipeing sleep from his aquamarine eyes. He was safe. The gods and the island had protected him. He had hunted a thing of shadow and magic and survived. He walks to a bit of a space away from the others and begins his morning ritual. When he is done praying he returns to the others and sits next to Lani I'm glad to see we all made it through last night. Has anyone seens our protectors? He says.

(begging the DM's Favor. I could really use an animal companion for Tatiki on land. May I have 2 companions? a boar for land and Mou for water?)
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A suffusion of yellow
Argent Silvermage said:
(begging the DM's Favor. I could really use an animal companion for Tatiki on land. May I have 2 companions? a boar for land and Mou for water?)

As the companions rise the day brightens, a gentle breeze blows belying the tense drama of the night. The Darkness, the rainbow barrier and the haze are gone. A pair of dragonflies rise from the foliage and dart away, the day seems normal - for now....

But the spirits are watching, the sensitive amongst you can feel that quite distinctly - ancestors, totems and other curious atua. Tamapuaka is amongst them his tusk gleam as he grins, his snout twitches and the bristles on his neck rise as a scheme forms in his mind

ooc we'll see - I'll work on it for you okay:)

everyone talk amongst yourselves and let me know what you want to do
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OOC: I have a little problem. I can't open all of the php file that Michael Morris sent you with the Shaman stats. I can get the text, but not the tables and that includes all of the level increase info, like saves and abilities and spells, etc. Can you obtain that information?

Voidrunner's Codex

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