Legion of Super Heroes

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I only caught the last 15 mins or so. It was not that bad. I thought that it did have a Tean Titans feel in the animation. And the team is young. The impression I got was that they were the next generation of Super heros. I don't want to spoil anything so I will stop there.

Team line-up: Saturn Girl, Brainiac 5, Triplicate Lass, Phantom Girl, Bouncing Boy & Lightning Lad.

General Story: B5 & SG travel back in time to enlist "Superman" to help them fight the Fearsome 5. Problem is they go a little too far back and find a pre-SM Clark Kent. Can the team get the help they need before the Fearsome 5 destroy their HQ? Story was a bit simplistic, more so than an episode of Teen Titans or JLA. Grade: B-

Animation: A bit crude in detail and character design. Clark looked like Disney's Hercules, with convex face shape and stick libs that ended in muscle bulges. Emerald Empress looked like she came from the Bratz cartoon. Bouncing Boy looked...ehh. Grade: C+

License with Characters: My LSH collection goes from 1959 to 1991, so I'm many years out of the loop as far as current storylines. SG and Bouncing Boy seemed pretty true to what I picture their characters. Lightning Lad was abrasive. PG & TL barely had any show moments, so I couldn't tell. Given that the LSH show up before Clark begins his journey into becoming the world's greatest hero, the show succeeded in portraying him as a wall-flower. Biggest disappointment was Brianiac 5. Didn't like the voice (Robin from Teen Titans?) and to me he's always a thinker, not a fighter. In the show he does this transforming thing into a giant battle robot. Grade: C

Would I tune in again? Probably, but more so to see what other LSH members show up. In the credits we also saw Timberwolf!

Will I buy the show on DVD? Probably not.

I thought it was pretty good. I do wish they were allowed to use the "Superboy" name. Clark looks too strange to be a SuperMAN (not to mention that it stands out amidst all the Boys, Lads, Kids, Girls, etc).

For those that don't know, DC lost a lawsuit with the estate of Jerry Siegel over the name...I wonder what they'll call Infinite Crisis' character now?

Anyway, some of the redesigns were pretty good (Triplicate Girl, Saturn Girl), but I don't like Persuader or Brainiac 5. While I'm not thrilled with making him Brainy a robot, was there a reason to allow him to turn into a huge combat droid? Can't he just be the smart one?

And I was really surprised there was no Cosmic Boy. How can you do the Legion without Cosmic Boy as a core member? Instead, we get Timber Wolf? :\

I've been reading LSH since the early 1970s, although the current Waid reboot is too bland for me -- I'll get it in TPBs, if they ever do more of those.

Other than the (natural, IMO) concessions to the animated continuity, I thought this was a remarkably faithful depiction of the LSH. Heck, they fought the Fatal Five and their HQ was an upside down spaceship. Hard to quibble there. The casting choices were necessarily streamlined -- although I liked the shout-outs to different LSH eras explaining where everyone else was -- and liked that they mostly stuck to recognizable versions from the previous reboot LSH (yeah, I'm just a tad bitter about the way they keep jerking around the LSH every few years), with Lightning Lad/Livewire behaving like the complete pain in the butt he's been in recent decades. I was a little surprised by Ultra Boy's absence, as he's the kewlest of the LSH and has an easy costume to render for a cartoon. (Cosmic Boy is a drip, so no loss.) I'm definitely looking forward to Timber Wolf, myself.

The Brainiac 5 thing bothered me a little, until I realized they felt they had to explicitly connect him with the animated Superman Brainiac. He's likewise not my favorite version of a never-well-handled Superman classic, but I can see the logic and forgive the changes to Brainy. It'd be nice to see him with a force field, though.

I loved the vibe of the LSH sitting in the Kents' kitchen in Smallville, which was reminiscent of a great Mordru comic from the 1970s. Hopefully he'll be one of the next villains.

I found this a lot more enjoyable than I do Teen Titans and almost on par with the peak of the Dini Superman and Batman stuff.

Whizbang Dustyboots said:
I've been reading LSH since the early 1970s, although the current Waid reboot is too bland for me -- I'll get it in TPBs, if they ever do more of those.

I loved the vibe of the LSH sitting in the Kents' kitchen in Smallville, which was reminiscent of a great Mordru comic from the 1970s. Hopefully he'll be one of the next villains.

I found this a lot more enjoyable than I do Teen Titans and almost on par with the peak of the Dini Superman and Batman stuff.

I was also thinking about the first time Mordru showed up and the LSH went back in time to hide in Smallville!

The other thing that came to mind was seeing Validus. Everytime I see his mostrousity I think of him as SG & LL's baby.

DIfferent strokes on other vids - as much as I want to like the Dini Superman episodes, they always put me to sleep before the 22 minutes are up! We started watching Season 2 of the Teen Titans last night, and even though I had seen the first two episodes several times I was still on the edge of my seat!

One thing that felt kind of wierd were the little DCAU touches they put in. It's like they're not sure if this takes place in the rest of the Timmverse or not. Has anyone compared these costume designs to the ones that show up in the other DC shows? Brainiac 5 is rather different, but since they're going with the robot angle, he could get a redesign later. They might still be able to work in Supergirl at some point.

Did anyone else catch Booster Gold and Skeets in the background?
I also give it geek points for having Super'Man' actually shout 'Up, up, and away'...right before crashing.
There's a long list of other LSH members who get mentioned either by name, or by symbol. Hopefully we actually get to see some of them. :D

It was good enough to watch some more episodes. I don't much like Brainiac's character design, and I'm still disappointed they couldn't call Clark 'Superboy', but the others are OK. I very much like the Fatal Five and there are certainly enough Legion villains to use in the future. And hopefully we'll see more of the Legion than just these few here. I doubt we'll be seeing much in the way of Mon-El, since he's basically Superboy himself, but the others mentioned would be very cool.

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