Lego D&D

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I'm still not sure I understand the partnership. Was it a one time contest? Did LEGO put out a D&D branded set?
Lego Ideas is Lego's program to allow people to submit their own designs to be considered to be picked up as something Lego would release in an official capacity. The main reason a project can make it past the fan vote and not get produced is if Lego can't work out the licensing needed. In this case, they worked with WotC on making this whole contest official in celebration of D&D's 50th anniversary so the set hasn't actually been released yet. As someone who frequently watches projects go through the Ideas process, this is normal for a set to be chosen over a year before it's on store shelves.

Whether this leads to more collaboration between Lego and WotC remains to be seen. I'd guess if the set sells well, we'll see more. Independent of a D&D license, castle themed Lego stuff seems to sell well lately because there hasn't been much of it so I'm guessing it will sell well.


The EN World kitten
Lego Ideas is Lego's program to allow people to submit their own designs to be considered to be picked up as something Lego would release in an official capacity.
Those guys suck; they keep rejecting my idea!


Voidrunner's Codex

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