Leif's "County of Urnst" Greyhawk Gamma Game [AD&D 1E] [ RG]

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First Post
Girion Valtar, Ranger of the Celadon Forest

[sblock=Girion pic 2]girion2.JPG[/sblock]

[sblock=Stats]Girion Valtar, Ranger of the Celadon Forest
Race: Human
Class: Ranger
Level: 4
XP: 13,700 Next: 20,001
Alignment: Lawful Good

Height: 6'3"
Weight: 190#
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Green

STR: 15 Hit prob: normal Dmg Adj: - Weight: + 200 Open Doors: 1-2(d6) BB/LG: 7%
INT: 13 Add. Lang: 3
WIS: 15 Magical Attack Adj: +1
DEX: 15 Reac Adj: +0 Missile Att Adj: +0 Defensive Adj: -1
CON: 17 HP Adj: +3/level System Shock: 97% Res Survival: 98%
CHA: 12 Max Hench: 5 Loyalty Base:- Reac Adj: -

HP: 53
AC: 3 (Chain and Shield) AC 4 w/ Bow
Base Move: 9"

Saving Throws:

Paralyze, Poison 13
Petrify, Polymorph 14
Rod, Staff, Wand 15
Breath Weapon 16
Spell 16

4 = 3 (base) + 1 (1/3lvls)
Long Bow

Ranger Abilities:

+ experience level Damage vs. Giant Class creatures
Surprise Opponent 50% of time (3 in 6); Surprised by Opponents 1 in 6
Tracking Ability

Secondary Skill: Forester
Languages: Common, Elf, Orc, Goblin[/sblock]


Longsword 1-8 (S/M), 1-12 (L), Speed Factor 5
3 Daggers 1-4 (S/M), 1-3 (L)), Speed Factor 2, Fire Rate 2, Range 1/2/3
Long Bow 1-6, Fire Rate 2, Range 7/14/21
Spear 1-6 (S/m), 1-8 (L), Speed Factor 6, Fire Rate 1, Range 1/2/3

Small Helmet
Chain Mail Armor

High Soft Boots

Leather Backpack
Large Pouch
5 Oil Flasks
Tinder Box
5 Torches
100’ of Rope
Small silver mirror
Quiver w/20 arrows
2 Large Sacks
Iron Rations (1 week)

Medium Warhorse
Saddle blanket
Large saddle bags
Bit & Bridle


0 PP
25 GP
0 SP
0 CP[/sblock]

[sblock=Description]Girion is tall and broad shouldered, but otherwise lean. His dark hair, light green eyes, and fair-but-not-pale complexion attest to his mixed Oeridian-Suloise heritage (typical for the bordermen of the Urnst states). His rangy frame conceals considerable strength and stamina. He wears simple clothing, high soft boots and a dark leather jerkin over a chain-mail hauberk, covered by a cowled cloak of dark green. For combat he wears a plain steel helmet with a nasal guard, and carries a plain round-shield. Belted at his waist are a long sword and a dagger. He also carries a long bow, a spear or two, and an extra dagger sheathed at each boot.

By nature thoughtful and introspective, Girion tends to think before he speaks, which makes acquaintances think he is timid, or taciturn. In truth he is an affable enough fellow, particularly with friends or fellow woodsmen. He is very dedicated to his calling, as from his travels it seems there are always nasty bands of orcs around, goblinoids stealing livestock from herdsmen, or evil men trying to impose their will on others. He is fierce and grim in combat, preferring to outthink his foes whenever possible. As a formally trained ranger, he is comfortable both working alone and as part of a group. At heart he is a simple woodsman, and thus respects brave deeds much more than fancy words. [/sblock]

[sblock=Background]Girion was born in a small village in the north-western Celadon Forest, within the borders of the Duchy of Urnst. He was thoughtful and introspective by nature, and early on developed an interest in the forests surrounding his home -- it's hidden paths, ancient trees, varied wildlife, and mysterious elvish inhabitants. It was thus an easy task for his father, a former soldier turned farmer, to obtain for him an apprenticeship at the Stalwart Pines ranger 'school.' The young woodsman excelled at his training, quickly becoming a skilled tracker and survivalist. His combat skills were no exception, as he particularly excelled in sworplay and archery. But though strong and agile, he most distinguished himself by sheer tenacity in the hunt, and almost unheard-of endurance and resilience. (Though most spoke of him as tough, not a few felt 'stubborn' was a better description.)

As usual for the Stalwart Pines rangers, on earning his rank as Runner he was given basic arms and armor, and sent forth in a year-long pilgrimage to test his skills and resolve. He has traveled throughout the central Flannaes (from Irongate to the Lortmils I would say) in that time, hunting down evil humanoids and bandits, and protecting simple folk and travelers as well as he could. It is on his way back to the Celadon that he finds himself in a tavern in a small town in the southern County of Urnst... [/sblock]
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First Post
Theron Greywand, Illusionist


[sblock=Stats]Name : Theron Greywand
Race : Human
Class : Illusionist
Align : Chaotic Good

Level : 4
XP : 13,700

AC : 8
HP : 13

Sex : Male
Height: 6'1"
Weight: 190 lb
Age : 25
Hair : Brown
Eyes : Blue

STR : 9 Open Doors: 1-2, Bend Bars: 1%
INT : 15 Additional Languages: 4, Chance to Know Spells: 65%, Min/Max # of Spells per level: 7/11
WIS : 13 Magical Attack Adjustment: none
DEX : 16 Reaction/Attacking Adjustment: +1, Defensive Adjustment: -2
CON : 12 System Shock Survival: 80%, Resurrection Survival: 85%
CHA : 7 Max No. of Henchmen: 3, Loyalty Base: -10%, Reaction Adjustment: -5%

Saving Throws
14 Paralyzation, Poison, or Death Magic
13 Petrification or Polymorph
11 Rod, Staff, or Wand
15 Breath Weapon
12 Spell

Languages: Common, Elven, Dwarven, Gnome, Halfling[/sblock]
[sblock=Spells]Darkness (Alteration)

Level: 1
Range: 1"/level
Duration: 2-8 rounds + 1 round/level
Area of Effect: 15' radius globe
Components: V,S
Casting Time: 1 segment
Saving Throw: None

Explanation/Description: This spell causes total, impenetrable darkness in the area of its effect. lnfravision or ultravision are useless. Neither normal nor magical light will work unless a light or continual light spell is used. In the former event, the darkness spell is negated by the light spell and vice versa.

Detect invisibility (Divination)

Level: 1
Range: 1"/level
Duration: 5 rounds/leve1
Area of Effect: 1" path
Components: V,S,M
Casting Time: 1 segment
Saving Throw: None

Explanation/Description: When the magic-user casts a detect invisibility spell, he or she is able to clearly see any objects which are invisible, as well as astral, ethereal, hidden, invisible or out of phase creatures. Detection is in the magic-user's line of sight along a 1" wide path to the range limit. The material components of this spell are a pinch of talc and a small sprinkling of powdered silver.

Detect Illusion (Divination)

Level: 1
Range: Touch
Duration: 3 rounds + 2 rounds/level
Area of Effect: Line of sight 1" wide, 1"/level long
Components: V,S,M
Casting Time: 1 segment
Saving Throw: None

Explanation/Description: By means of this spell the illusionist is able to see an illusion and know it for exactly that. Note that it can be used to enable others to see illusions as unreal if the spell caster touches the creature with both hands and the creature looks at the illusion while so touched. The material component is a piece of yellow tinted crystal, glass, or mica.

Color Spray (Alteration)

Level: 1
Range: 1"/level
Duration: 1 segment
Area of Effect: ½'' X 2" X 2" wedge
Components: V,S,M
Costing Time: 1 segment
Saving Throw: Special

Explanation/Description: Upon casting this spell, the illusionist causes a vivid fan-shaped spray of clashing colors to spring forth from his or her hand. From 1 to 6 creatures within the area of effect can be affected. The spell caster is able to affect 1 level or hit die of creatures for each of his or her levels of experience. Affected creatures are struck unconscious for 2 to 8 rounds if their level is less than or equal to that of the spell caster; they are blinded for 1 to 4 rounds if their level or number of hit dice is 1 or 2 greater than the illusionist; and they are stunned (cf. power word, stun, seventh level magic-user spell) for 2 to 8 segments if their level or number of hit dice is 3 or more greater than the spell caster. All creatures above the level of the spell caster and all creatures of 6th level or 6 hit dice are entitled to a saving throw versus the color spray spell. The material components of this spell are a pinch each of powder or sand colored red, yellow and blue.

Invisibility (Illusion/Phantasm)

Level: 2
Range: Touch
Duration: Special
Area of Effect: Creature touched
Components: V,S
Casting Time: 2 segments
Saving Throw: None

Explanation/Description: This spell causes the recipient to vanish from sight and not be detectable by normal vision or even infravision. Of course, the invisible creature is not magically silenced with respect to noises normal to it. The spell remains in effect until it is magically broken or dispelled, or the magic-user or the other recipient cancels it or until he, she or it attacks any creature. Thus, the spell caster or recipient could open doors, talk, eat, climb stairs, etc., but if any form of attack is made, the invisible creature immediately becomes visible, although this will allow the first attack by the creature because of the former invisibility. Even the allies of the spell recipient cannot see the invisible creature, or his, her or its gear, unless these allies can normally see invisible things or employ magic to do so. Note that all highly intelligent creatures with 10 or more hit dice, or levels of experience, or the equivalent in intelligence/dice/levels have a chance to automatically detect invisible objects.

Ventriloquism (Illusion/Phantasm)

Level: 2
Range: 1"/level, Maximum 9"
Duration: 4 rounds + 1 round/level
Area of Effect: One object
Components: V,M
Casting Time: 2 segments
Saving Throw: None

Explanation/Description: This spell enables the magic-user to make it sound as if his or her voice - or someone's voice or similar sound – is issuing from someplace else, such as from another creature, a statue, from behind a door, down a passage, etc. The spell caster is able to make his or her voice sound as if a different creature were speaking or making the noise; of course, in a language known by him or her, or a sound which the caster can normally make. With respect to such voices and sounds, there is a 10% chance per point of intelligence above 12 of the hearer that the ruse will be recognized. The material component of the spell is a small cone of parchment.

Spells memorized: Darkness, Detect Invisibility, Color Spray, Invisibility, Ventriloquism
Note: Time to rest to recover all spells is 4 hours/Time to memorize spells for the day is 1 hour 45 minutes[/sblock]

[sblock=Equipment]Weapon: Quarter staff

# Initial weapons: 1
Non-proficiency penalty: -5
Added proficiency/level: 1/6

Starting gold: 60 g.p.

Spell book
Spell components
Staff, quarter
Belt 3 sp
Boots, high, hard 2 gp
Cloak 5 sp
Backpack, leather 2 gp
Oil, flask of (2) 2 gp
Pouch, belt, large 1 gp
Pouch, belt, small 15 sp
Rope, 50' 4 sp
Sack, large 16 sp
Skin for water or wine 15 sp
Tinder Box, with flint & steel 1 gp
Torch (6) 6 cp
Rations, iron, 2 week 10 gp

Money on hand: 8 pp, 1 gp, 1 sp, 4 cp[/sblock]

[sblock=Description]Theron is a young human male with a tall, slender build, short brown hair, and blue eyes. He wears light brown trousers which are tucked into his tall brown leather boots. Two pouches hang from his brown leather belt which wraps around the bottom of his long grey wool shirt. A leather string laces up the opening of the shirt. Over his shoulders is drapped a non-descript dark brown cloak with a hood. He carries in his hand a plain wooden staff.[/sblock]

[sblock=Background]Theron was born to Olmyr and Serena Greywand. Olmyr was a textile merchant, and Serena cared for their home. The family led a comfortable and safe life. The Greywands got their family name from Theron's great-grandfather, Zenon. Zenon was an incredible Illusionist of great power and fortune. From the time Theron was old enough to hear the stories about his great-grandfather, he wanted to become an illusionist like Zenon. Despite his father's efforts to teach him the family business of being a textile merchant, Theron only wanted to follow in his great-grandfather's footsteps.

The Greywands eventually conceded to Theron's wishes, and sent him to study the arcane arts of illusion under the master illusionist Aerlwyn Elvenfriend, who himself studied under Theron's great-grandfather, Zenon. Aerlwyn decided to take two apprentices, and Theron was partnered with Drannor Blackstaff, son of Vandor Blackstaff, a mediocre magician who enjoyed a measure of success as an adventurer. That is to say, he survived, which is not as much as he could say for the other adventurers who accompanied him on his oft ill-fated journeys.

Right from the beginning, Drannor and Theron were highly competitive with each other. Aerlwyn would give the two apprentices assignments and projects in their studies and Theron would always prove to be the brighter of the two students. It didn't take long for Drannor to become resentful. Tensions grew as the two apprentices advanced in their studies. As the years passed, Drannor grew to hate Theron for being the better student.

For their final test before becoming full-fledged illusionists, Aerlwyn had the two apprentices prepare a careful mix of chemicals and incantations that would produce a fantastic illusion, proving their skills and abilities. The day before the students were to perform the rituals, Drannor replaced some of the chemicals in Theron's laboratory, knowing that the effects would produce a terrible failure for his nemesis, and finally proving that he himself was the better illusionist of the two.

The day arrived for the two young illusionist hopefuls to perform the ritual before their mentor. Both students prepared in the grand hall, a large table in front of each of them along with their spell components and spell books. The plan was that they were to work simultaneously side-by-side and eventually cast the two illusions at the same time so that they could be compared by their master. However, as fate would have it, Aerlwyn had one additional twist to add to the final project of his two fledglings. When Drannor and Theron were both set to begin their final ritual in the great hall, their teacher had them switch places. Theron was to use Drannor's spell components, and Drannor, Theron's. The thought behind Aerlwyn's final twist was to better prepare the two apprentice illusionists for the uncertainty of practicing magic beyond the safety of their master's tower.

Drannor knew that he was done for. But he couldn't reveal what he had done; otherwise his master would surely dismiss him. Drannor tried to produce excuse after excuse to delay their final test with no success. With no other option, Drannor ended up combining the chemicals that he himself had switched out with the hopes of ruining Theron's chances of becoming an illusionist. When the time came and the incantations were spoken, a terrible explosion took place. Broken glass and caustic chemicals flew about the room.

When the smoke settled, Drannor lay on the ground with horrific burns on his face and one of his eyes had been blinded. Aerlwyn instantly knew exactly what had happened. With great indignity, the master admonished Drannor for his evil and selfish deeds. Even as the young Drannor sat on the ground in pain from his injuries, Theron tried to offer aid to his fellow apprentice. But Drannor was filled with rage. In his eyes, it was Theron's fault that this had happened. Filled with anger, Drannor pushed Theron to the ground and ran from the great hall. Hatred guided his steps as he made his way through the tower to his chamber where Aerlwyn kept his valuable magic items that he had collected over the years. Drannor knew exactly what he was looking for. He wanted the one thing that would help him finally accomplish what he had wanted to do all these years…kill Theron. Aerlwyn had a Wand of Illusion, and Drannor grabbed it then fled the tower. But before he left, he yelled at the top of his lungs, “Revenge will be mine, Theron! “ And with that, Drannor disappeared from Aerlwyn Elvenfriend’s tower.

Theron finished studies with Aerlwyn and went out into the world to make his way n his own, but he is always on the lookout for his nemesis, always looking over his shoulder at every turn, knowing that Drannor lurks out there somewhere, hell-bent on destroying Theron.[/sblock]
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Steeliest of the dragons
Ellydd [middle/elf name: Arswydion] Walker
Cleric/Fighter: 4/3
XP: 7535/7535

HP: 31
AC: 3/4 (Chain +1 & shield/without shield)

Alignment: Neutral Good
Deity: Elhonna (a.k.a. Ehlenestra to elves)

Age: 48. (looks to be in low 20's)
Hair: a rich blond, like goldenrod, worn long (to his shoulder blades) and generally kept up/back in a ponytail.
Eyes: Hazel-Green with golden flecks that sometimes sparkle in the right light.
Distinguishing Features: Slightly "more than human" intensity of his hair and eye color. Slight point to the tips of his ears, though these are generally hidden beneath his pulled-back hair.

Str: 17 (+1 to hit/+1 dmg; +500 cn. wt.; Open Doors 1-3; BB/LG 13%)
Dex: 12 (-/-)
Con: 12 (SS 80%; Res. 85%)
Int: 15 (no additional languages due to Int. because he's half-elf.)
Wis: 18 (+4 vs. magic attack; additional spells: 2 1st/2 2nd/1 3rd/1 4th)
Cha: 11 (Max. henchmen 4; Loyalty -; Reaction Adj. -)

Spells: 5 1st, 4 2nd.
Commonly prepared (subject to daily change): Cure Light Wounds (x2), Bless, Light, Resist Cold,
Hold Person, Resist Fire, Silence, Speak with Animals

Turning: Skeletons/Zombies/1HD T; Ghoul/2HD 7;Shadow/3-4HD 10; Wight/5HD 13; Ghast 16;
Wraith/6HD 19; Mummy/7HD 20

Half-elf Abilities: 60' infravision, 30% resistant to sleep/charm, Concealed doors: 1 in 6 within 10', 3 in 6 if searching, Secret Doors 2 in 6 if searching.
Languages: Common, Elf, Gnome, Halfling, Goblin, Hobgoblin, Orc, Gnoll

Weapon Proficiencies: 4: Scimitar (d8/d8), Longbow (d6/d6), Dagger (d4/d3), Staff (d6/d6, proficient but not currently carried)

Shield (emblazoned with the unicorn symbol of Ehlonna)
Quiver (score capacity)
20 normal arrows
4 silver-tipped arrows
Heavy cloak (dark green)
Silver holy symbol
Belt pouch, small x2
Belt pouch, large
Backpack & Small Saddlebags
iron rations (2weeks)
Rope, 50'
torches, 6
candles, 10
Scrollcases, bone x2
[back up] wooden holy symbol
4 sprigs wolvesbane
4 sprigs belladonna
10 days of horse feed

Mount: Ariil [ar-ee-EEL']. Light Warhorse. HP:16, AC: 7, Mv. 24", no. attacks: 2, d4/d4, Encumbrance: 3,000 gp weight at normal speed, max. encumbered 5,000 gp wt. @ half speed. Riding Equip: saddle, saddle blanket and full tack.
Elvin for "Silver Gift," Ariil is a pale grey and white dappled light warhorse with a white marking (which Ellydd insists looks like a star) on her forehead.

Treasure: t.b.d.

Magic Items: Chain +1, Scimitar +1, Magic-User Scroll of Wall of Fire (4th), Plant Growth (4th), and Ray of Enfeeblement (2nd).

History/Background: [sblock]Ellydd was raised by his human father, a trapper who lived on the outskirts of the village near the woods at the edges of human society. Memories of his elvin mother are hazy as she "left" when he was quite small (3? 5?) and his father refused to speak of her other than to say how beautiful she was and how Ellydd reminded him, fondly, of her. He grew up with practically no association with elves as there were no known communities of them in their region. His travels, first to answer his calling at the closest temple of Ehlonna and, later, into the surrounding wooded regions has brought him into contact with a few of the elvin-folk, who he finds fascinating. He is at something of a loss why they seem to regard him at arm's length.

His limited adventures have brought him to his current location, in the service of Ehlonna's will [a.k.a. his superiors], to a meeting with one "Rosco." Ellydd finds the elvish warrior most amicable and informative.

What the local situation is, that he and Rosco are to undertake, Ellydd has yet to discover. Meeting with a team of human mages seems to be on the agenda.

Ellydd finds this curious as Elhonna's grace and teachings hold little to no concern in the dealings of wizards. Though the ways of the wood hold a magic all their own, of that Elydd holds no doubt. Either way, Ellydd is not one to question his temple's directives [viewed by Ellydd as, directly, Elhonna's will.]

General look: With a strong jawline and high cheekbones, he is notably handsome but still, somehow, gives off an air of "standoff-ish-ness." It seems he is constantly preoccupied by things other than those in front of him. His face is usually a stoic mask of serenity. Peaceful, yes, but not necessarily warm. He doesn't quite get why people don't like him more as he would like to get along with everyone...essentially, he's a bit naively/sheltered clueless, more at home among his beloved and sacred trees than around throngs of people.[/sblock]
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Gorash Greybeard, Body Guard
Race: Dwarf
Class: Fighter
Level: 4
XP: 13,700 Next: 18,000
Alignment: Neutral

Height: 1.20 m
Weight: 80 kg
Hair: Dark Brown with Grey beard
Eyes: Dark Brown

STR: 16 Hit prob: normal Dmg Adj: +1 Weight: + 350 Open Doors: 1-3(d6) BB/LG: 10%
INT: 11 Add. Lang: 2
WIS: 13 Magical Attack Adj: none
DEX: 14 Reac Adj: +0 Defensive Adj: +0
CON: 15 HP Adj: +1 System Shock: 91% Res Survival: 94%
CHA: 10 Max Hench: 4 Loyalty Base:- Reac Adj: -

HP: 31 [4d10+4]
AC: 2 [Chain Mail+1 ; Shield+1]
Base Move: 9"

Saving Throws:
Paralyze, Poison 9
Petrify, Polymorph 15
Rod, Staff, Wand 10
Breath Weapon 16
Spell 12

Axe, Battle (Attack +3, Damage 1d8+3)
Axe, Hand or throwing (Attack +1, Damage 1d6+1)
Pick, Military, footman’s (Attack +1, Damage 1d6+2)
Sword, Bastard (Attack +1, Damage 2d4+1)
Sword, Long (Attack +1, Damage 1d8+1)

Languages: Common, Dwarven, gnome, goblin.
Special Abilities:
Infravision - 60'
+1 on attack vs. half-orcs, goblins, hobgoblins, or orcs
+4 to AC When being attacked by ogres, trolls, ogre magi, giants.
Detect grade or slope in passage, upwards or downwards 75% probability
Detect new construction or passage/tunnel: 75% probability
Detect sliding or shifting walls or rooms: 66 2/3% probability
Detect traps involving pits, falling blocks and other stonework: 50% probability
Determine approximote depth underground: 50% probability

Gorash served as a body guard for a wealthy family of dwarves in Radigast city in the county of Urnest. The dwarven family were bankers and traders trading gems, jewels and rare coins from the far dwarven lands of the Lortmil Mts. A couple of weeks ago, due to the proximity of Radigast city to the Bandit Kingdoms and lost of two well protected and armored caravans to bandits the family decided to fire Gorash and move to the Kingdom of Nyrond. Without work, Gorash himself decided to travel south and find fortune, he gathered his personal stuff and traveled to find glory.

Wealth and Equipment:
Magical Chain mail+1
Magical Shield+1
2 throwing axes
Battle axe
Magical Dagger+1
Potion of Brass Dragon Control
Clothing (plain cloth, boots, helmet)
Small sack
Waterskin (Wine)
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First Post
I'm sorry guys, but i won't be able to play in this campaign anymore. i'm in the process of moving to a new home and as you all could notice in the last weeks, i'm not with much time to be here. so instead of playing a few, few times i'll just wait for when things gets in order for me.
Thanks for the opportunity,though :)


Hey, [MENTION=6670510]wolfattack[/MENTION], I understand totally. When things settle down for you, and they will, look in on us here. You'll be welcome to re-join at that time. :)


Rosco is a male elf, a little on the short side, but strong and well armed and armored. He clearly has the look of life long lived outside of civilization, one who is more acquainted with sleeping on the ground than in a bed. He also has the appearance of a soldier, more than just a huntsmen from the woods. His armor and weapons are old, though well taken care of. The rest of his clothing and accoutrements appear roughly crafted, perhaps personally made.

His elven nature shines through despite his modern wares. He has bright eyes and a smile for passersby, a light gaiety in his mood and an easy grace whatever the situation.

Fighter 4
Elf (high)
Neutral Good
XP: 13700 / Needed: 18000

STR 14 +200 coin weight, 1-2 open door, 7% BB/LG
INT 11 2 additional languages
WIS 15 +1 magical attack adjustment
DEX 12
CON 7 55% SS, 60% Res
CHA 15 7 henchmen max, +15% loyalty, +15% Reaction adjustment

Hit Points: 35
Armor Class: 3
Move: 12", 6" with splint mail on

Saving Throws
13 Paralyzation, Poison, or Death Magic
14 Petrification or Polymorph
15 Rod, Staff, or Wand
16 Breath Weapon
16 Spell

Languages: Common, Elven, Alignment, +1
Background / Secondary Skill: Husbandman
Age: 404
Height 4'9"
Weight 112#
Gold Pieces: (180) 40gp, 5sp

Elven Abilities
•Magic Resistance 90% to Sleep and Charm spells. If successful, Saving Throws still apply.
•+1 to Attacks when using Short Sword, Long Sword, Any Bow but a Crossbow.
•SPEAK: Elvish, Gnome, Halfling, Goblin, Hobgoblin, Orcish, Gnoll, Common, and Alignment + 1 more language for every point over INT 15.
•Infrared Sight 60’.
•Find Secret Door 1 on 1d6 within 10’ or less – No active Search required.
•Find Secret Door 2 on 1d6 within 10’ or less – requires an active Search.
•Find Concealed Door 3 in 1d6 within 10’ or less – requires an active Search.
•+1 DEX / -1 CON,
•Surprise 4 on 1d6 only when not in metal armor & (a) alone, (b) 90’ or more away from a party, (c) in a party of Elves or Halflings not wearing metal armor.
•Surprise 2 on 1d6 as above & portal must be opened for a Confrontation.

Fighter Abilities are mostly core elements, not extras. They are the best at combat and at 9th level they can establish a freehold and become a Lord.

80gp Splint mail, elven heirloom
10gp Small Steel shield, dwarven
15gp Long sword and scabberd, human-made
15sp Snakeskin Waterbag for water or wine
2gp Lambskin backpack (the following contents are all inside)
3gp Standard fresh rations ~1 week
5gp Iron rations ~1 week
5gp Bone carved map case (empty)
12gp Brass bullseye lantern
1gp boiled leather flask (1 pint oil for lantern)
1gp Self-carved wooden tinder box, with flint stone & steel rod
2gp Carving knife

Magic Items --[Being determined by DM]

Rosco's background:
Companion of Arswydion [a.k.a. Ellydd], a warrior-priest and fellow worshipper of Ehlenestra [a.k.a. Elhonna].
Rosco spends most of his time in the Celadon Forest frolicking with other elves. On occasion he leaves, whenever the mood strikes him, to go looking for a fight. Not for gold or glory, but to defend those in need and shorten the stature of those whom he feels deserve such shortening.
Humans are a strange lot to him and he usually only travels their lands for adventure, folly, and to laugh as they trade just about anything for a few poorly carved pieces of metal.
As any woodsy elf Rosco is accustomed to song and dance and merrymaking, wiling away many years in service only to pleasure and happiness.
He is no stranger to the leaf or harp, but has found the world beyond that of the elves to have its pleasures to. In this he usually prefers to keep his wits about him (though is not entirely unknown to the mushroom gnomes either).
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