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Leif's "Pomarj" Greyhawk Beta Game [AD&D 1E] [IC 01]


OOC: Well, we're in Greyhawk, right? How about just use the straight Greyhawk pantheon?
OOC: Good call! Duh, I didn't even think about doing that.

"Nice to meet'cha Ring. Totally serious! Explorer extrodinaire Raggs Tuftoes at your service...heh heh, actually would be you at our service, I suppose, but..This is...um, I guess we should blow this snooze-fest and do this outside without whispering. heh heh." Raggs urges the priest to come out front with them.

"You, uh, you can cast healing spells, right?" asks as they exit. "Got any armor or a mace or something you need to collect before we go?"
Ring says, "Why don't you go outside and wait for me. I'll tell old Snug Britches that I've just been given an opportunity to do some field work as a missionary among the unchurched masses, and ask him to pass my request up the chain of command. I'll go ahead and go with you for now, but I may be subject to recall later, depending on how the High Priest reacts to the request. Uhh, I wasn't exactly planning on this, so I don't have much gear for it. I do have some gold, though. If you could bear with me for an hour or two so I can round up some things I'll probably need, it would really help. I'm not exactly grat shakes with healing spells, but I can cast cure light wounds which will hopfully be enough?"

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Steeliest of the dragons
Ring says, "Why don't you go outside and wait for me. I'll tell old Snug Britches that I've just been given an opportunity to do some field work as a missionary among the unchurched masses, and ask him to pass my request up the chain of command. I'll go ahead and go with you for now, but I may be subject to recall later, depending on how the High Priest reacts to the request. Uhh, I wasn't exactly planning on this, so I don't have much gear for it. I do have some gold, though. If you could bear with me for an hour or two so I can round up some things I'll probably need, it would really help. I'm not exactly grat shakes with healing spells, but I can cast cure light wounds which will hopfully be enough?"

"Excellent!" Raggs says, probably a bit too loud. "We'll be a Chryll's, see you in a few."

Raggs exits with a smug grin on his face, turns to the others when they get outside the shrine/temple and says, "Huh. That wasn't so tough. Lovely boy, don't you think, Iono? Didn't even ask to be paid. Poor, simple, holy type." Raggs decides that Ring is obviously not overly versed in the ways of the world beyond the temple and makes a mental note to "learn" the young priest, as best he can, in the ways of the adventuring road.

"Gives us time for a taste o' that wonderful bacon Chryll's got, too! Or at least a few ales to fortify us for the road, eh?"
Raggs flashes his dimple baring grin at whoever (if anyone) is paying attention to him.

"What do you say, my lovely elvish flower?" Raggs adds to Amaya, holding his arm out as if to escort the large warrior-woman back to the tavern.

"Simon? Will you have a look here?" the halfling hands the map over to the ranger. "Maybe you can figger out our swiftest route while we wait. I don't see anything on here about passing by giant bugs, but if we could avoid that, would be fine by me." he smiles at the ranger.


"Simon? Will you have a look here?" the halfling hands the map over to the ranger. "Maybe you can figger out our swiftest route while we wait. I don't see anything on here about passing by giant bugs, but if we could avoid that, would be fine by me." he smiles at the ranger.

Simon, who stays well away from churches and any sort of organized religion, waits outside the church. Outside is about as close as he's likely to get to that sort of thing.

He looks down at the map. "Giant bugs? No, I wouldn't think that the map would specifically mention giant bugs. Unless there was a giant hive of them." The half-elf traces fingers across parts of the map. "The swiftest route would probably be this trail, then along this road, to this point. We could make that route pretty quickly, I imagine."


Cleric Ring

"Nice to meet you, too, Iono, Simon, and Amaya. Thanks again, Raggs, for letting me join your Merry Band! Say, I don't suppose any of you has an extra mace I could borrow, by any chance, eh? By my Lord Pelor and his servant Celestian, I am ready to shine His Light in the darkness and smite some evil in the process. Oh, and you can keep your 'lovely boy' comments to yourselves - I didn't sign on for any of that kind of nonsense!"

OOC: Okay, Celestian is not noted as being under Pelor's authority, but it just makes sense to me to have the lesser deity of stars and astronomical stuff be a servant of the greater God of the Sun.

Lynda Lawless

First Post

"you are apt to find a mite more you didn't sign up for than that where's we are aheadin. Sure to be an adventure, that much is true. Welcome ...." Amaya extends her hand to give Rings a hardy hand shake, first trying to rub some of the grime and grit off of it and then following in behind Raggs,Simon and Iono.


Cleric Ring

Ring looks a bit shaken as he shakes Amaya's hand. Amaya notices that she definitely has the stronger grip between the two of them. "Thanks for the tip. Keep that in mind I will. Yes indeed." The cleric looks a bit nonplussed as he brings up the rear of the procession. "Say you did hear my question about whether anyone has an extra mace, didn't you? Might be nice to have one before we meet any hostiles...."

OOC: I'm treating Ring as a Henchman of the whole party. Any one of you can exert authority over him, but it'd probably be best to discuss it with the others before anyone fires him or anything. ;) Like all henchmen, he comes without equipment, save for the clothes on his back. And we'll say a wooden holy symbol, too. Note that should any of you decide to seek out a henchman or henchmen of your own later, Ring won't count against the total number of henchmen imposed by your charisma score. But, ahh, having henchmen in a play-by-post is probably not a great idea. With the exception of Ring, of course.

We do need to equip you with an appropriate armor and a weapon since the trail up ahead of us holds perils far beyond our imagination.
Iono replies and leads the party to the nearby store to purchase the new recruit a sturdy club and leather armor


Steeliest of the dragons
"We should pick him up a shield too, maybe...huh, Iono? Every lil' bit helps, of course. Don't need our new recruit...er...friend, here, gettin' banged up. Can't heal any of us if he's," Raggs pauses a moment and looks in the yound cleric's direction, "um...ya know." he finishes en route to the store.

Raggs will foot the bill for a small (for humans) shield, himself, if necessary. Otherwise is more than happy to share the expense of the armor and club.

OOC: How much should I deduct for my share of the equipment?

Also, I thought Ring was staying behind for an hour or two for the end of the morning worship and we had left/were outside? I didn't intend for Ring to hear the "lovely boy" comment..though it was meant in the casual and completely non-sexual sense, like one would say of a child or "what a sweet old lady" or some such...though, with Raggs, I could understand the confusion. lol. Although, he does have a libido several size categories larger than his stature...so ya never know what his attitude might be next time. ;) hahaha./OOC



OOC: If you sport Ring leather armor and a small wooden shield that will cost a total of 6 gp, and give him AC 7 + any Dex bonus, if any. He can pick up a club for free along the side if the road, and I'll get on stating him out as soon as I can get to it. He'll go in one of the 'reserved' posts of the RG. The rest of you are going to chip in to the 6+gp for Ring's equipment, aren't you? Someone, Raggs, actually mentions springing for a real mace! Ring is your new best buddy! Prices are given in an OOC post.

IC: Ring is very, very grateful to all of you for giving him the opportunity to follow his dream of adventuring. :)
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