Lesser Vigor (2 Yes votes as modified)


Rystil Arden said:
That's funny, Velmont, since that's exactly what I was proposing to do :lol:

Yeah, I agree with your analysis. I don't think the longer time to heal balances the amount of extra healing. CLW could give you 2 HP like it just did when Siobhan tried to heal Kharas. Vigour would have given 11. And clearly, particularly for clerics, you use Vigour when you have the time and sub for CLW otherwise. Plus, as you say, the Vigour wands are crazy-good for after-battle recovery.

That's funny because I think the difference in time is exactly the balancing factor.

The only problem I can slightly agree with is the extend issue.

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As it stands the Vigor is better than a maximized clw. If we brought it down to that level then I think that would be enough to balance out the instantaneous vs. minute+ duration side of things.

Rystil Arden

First Post
Erekose13 said:
As it stands the Vigor is better than a maximized clw. If we brought it down to that level then I think that would be enough to balance out the instantaneous vs. minute+ duration side of things.
I'd like it to stay at the level of an Empowered CLW, particularly since Extended Vigour is going to kick ass and take names compared to any other recovery spell. Not that it's a huge difference (1 point of healing, down from 8 to 7 base)

Rystil Arden

First Post
Erekose13 said:
or empowered that works too. Are we looking at doubling the maxes when Extend is applied to spells like this?
I think that's what is supposed to happen under the rules as written. However, I also think it would be much more balanced to disallow it as a house rule.


Rystil Arden said:
I think that's what is supposed to happen under the rules as written. However, I also think it would be much more balanced to disallow it as a house rule.

Well... I generally prefer to leave as little house rules as possible so that people don't have to constantly second check if their version is the same as the one that is house ruled.

If we cut back the time on it, to 8 or 7 rounds, then definately don't mess with the extend issue.

Rystil Arden

First Post
I would consider leaving Extend if we used Velmont's idea and also reduced the maximum to 12 (thus making the maximum on Extend 24, which is still a prodigous amount).


So RA is saying he would aprove lesser vigor with a duration of 7+min(level,5) rounds or if extended duration 14+min(level*2,10) rounds. Any other judges in favor of this?

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