D&D General (+) Let's give good things to Fighters

One possible solution to address the martial caster divide is to give good things to Fighters. So let's brainstorm awesome things to give to Fighters! I'll start!
This is for Vaalingrade ! @Vaalingrade
If you don't like this stuff, I'll get to you eventually!

All Out Attack
Fighter Maneuver
Whenever you make a melee attack, you may make it an all out attack. Roll extra damage dice equal to D20 times your proficiency bonus. Your AC is reduced by 10 until the beginning of your next turn. This attack provokes attacks of opportunity (the AC penalty applies during this).

The Ways of Our Fore Fathers
"The fighters of the ancient pass have many techniques that are worth studying. Their ability to resist dangerous effects are way better then what we have. Also, they have some offensive abilities that may be niche but can be very powerful."
Requirement: Fighter Level 10
Gain Expertise in all saves. Gain an additional attunement slot.
Whenever you defeat an opponent with only one hit dice or who are seven levels (hit dice or whatever) lower then you, you may then make another attack against a different target. You may do this a number of times per turn equal to your level.

Hero status
Requirement: Fighter Level 10
You such a great Fighter, you deeds speak for you, and people will fall over themselves to be close to you. You gain all the benefics of the Folk Hero background trait.
You can meet with any mortal person you desire. Emperors, reclusive mages, and even (some) mystical entities will want to meet you. If Dennis Rodman can meet Kim Jong Un, why can't your Fighter meet that person??
You also gain a +5 fame bonus on all charisma checks when dealing with people who know of your great deeds.

Post your own buffs here!

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I mean, there is a lot of just buffs to give fighters, but then rangers, rogues, and paladins will want something- and then mages will need to be bumped to competes again, especially if one implements the half spell damage I suggested in the other thread.

Fighters could have the cleave ability anytime they kill a monster from 1st level.

Fighters get a damage die bump on any weapon they use starting at 2nd level.


If people wish to discuss it why impede them? If one doesn't find interest in a topic or finds themselves unhappy with said topic they can do what amounts to a lost art these days, move along. I think it is quite polite to open a separate thread so as to not sidetrack another discussion.


I like how the playtest starting exploring ways to use second wind to do interesting things. I would like to see that extended to action surge and/or extra attacks.

So maybe you can spend your action surge and instead of getting an extra set of actions, you make a killing blow: a creature below 100 hp just dies, or something similar.
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Is it really a 'nice thing' when you put it on a shelf so high (10th level) that they'll rarely ever get them?

Most of this also kind of misses my point: I want the fighter to have cool things to do, not just more power in the form of big numbers and die rolls. I want Battlemaster maneuvers at-will and better ones to pick from at higher levels not locked behind a single subclass for the purpose of pushing one really terrible one.

It's not about power, it's about versatility beyond Attack Attack Attack.


Is it really a 'nice thing' when you put it on a shelf so high (10th level) that they'll rarely ever get them?

Most of this also kind of misses my point: I want the fighter to have cool things to do, not just more power in the form of big numbers and die rolls. I want Battlemaster maneuvers at-will and better ones to pick from at higher levels not locked behind a single subclass for the purpose of pushing one really terrible one.

It's not about power, it's about versatility beyond Attack Attack Attack.
To be fair, the '24 playtest fighter gives you some of that.


I already solved this problem in a thread yesterday:

Step 1:
Attack roll vs. target – if successful, continue to Step 2.

Step 2: Target makes a save vs. the relevant DC (8 + proficiency + relevant modifier) – if target fails, continue to Step 3.

Step 3: Target suffers the relevant effect for a number of rounds equal to the attacker’s proficiency bonus. They may make another by spending their action to end the effect if the DM determines that is possible. The target makes a new save at the end of each of their turns to end the effect.

Step 1: The PC makes a normal attack roll vs. the target – it benefits from anything and everything that would normally add to an attack roll. The DM will determine whether this attack does damage based on the context of the situation.

Example: The PC wants to strike a gnoll with their weapon in such a way that it hinders/slows its movement. If the attack roll is successful, this would do damage. Conversely, if a PC wanted to throw sand into the eyes of a gladiator to blind them, this would likely not do damage.

Step 2: If the PC’s attack hits, the target must make an appropriate saving throw vs. a DC based on the attacker’s relevant ability modifier. Fighters always include their proficiency bonus in this calculation. The attribute added is based on the situation or context of the maneuver.

10 + Proficiency Modifier + Relevant Ability Modifier = Maneuver DC

Example: A Fighter attempts to goad an ogre into attacking them. In this case, rather than make an attack roll, the Fighter would spend an action to accomplish this maneuver and go directly to the 2nd step. In this case, the DC would be calculated based on the Fighter’s Charisma, and the Ogre would save using their Wisdom ability modifier. If a Fighter wanted to shoot a wand out of a wizard’s hand, the DC would instead be calculated based on the Fighter’s Dexterity, and the wizard would save using their Dexterity or Strength modifier.

Step 3: If the target fails their save, they suffer the intended effect for a number of rounds equal to the Fighter’s proficiency bonus. At the end of each of the target’s turns, they make another save to see if they end the condition. This will not always be relevant for certain maneuvers, such as shoves, knockdowns, disarming, etc. If reasonable, the target may use their action to attempt to end the condition by making the save.

Voidrunner's Codex

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