D&D General (+) Let's give good things to Fighters

Is it really a 'nice thing' when you put it on a shelf so high (10th level) that they'll rarely ever get them?

Most of this also kind of misses my point: I want the fighter to have cool things to do, not just more power in the form of big numbers and die rolls. I want Battlemaster maneuvers at-will and better ones to pick from at higher levels not locked behind a single subclass for the purpose of pushing one really terrible one.

It's not about power, it's about versatility beyond Attack Attack Attack.
What the class needs is stuff that's useful for exploration and social interaction.

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Every class can investigate and interrogate the fiction - I don't understand what you mean.
spells, bardic inspiration, etc. can do it in a way fighters can't. That is, typically, what people mean.

It is not really an issue in my games, but it is for others.

In as a muted and anemic way possible.

They're terrified to add things to fighters, but bring the dump truck to add crap to casters and even the barbarian somehow now that the barbar is an anger-based magical girl.
IDK, I am fine with the fighter not having a lot of bells and whistles if is noticeably superior at fighting. Other martial classes can have the bells and whistles (and be "fighters"), let the fighter be the supreme damage dealer / tank and I would be fine with that.

I want a class where you can sacrifice versatility to just do more damage.

What the class needs is stuff that's useful for exploration and social interaction.
We'll cross the bridge when D&D decides on any for of interaction with the exploration pillar that's not 'avoid punishment for lack of logistics' and 'actual rules at all aside from skills existing' for social.

The base version of the class has Fighting Style, Second Wind, Action Surge, Extra Attack and Indomitable, features that benefit the class when it comes to combat. But there is more to adventuring than combat. There is exploration and social interaction. What can the Fighter do when they aren't fighting that benefits them and their party? Where are those class features?

IDK, I am fine with the fighter not having a lot of bells and whistles if is noticeably superior at fighting. Other martial classes can have the bells and whistles (and be "fighters"), let the fighter be the supreme damage dealer / tank and I would be fine with that.
And if we were allowed to have more classes ever, that would be fair.

I want a class where you can sacrifice versatility to just do more damage.
I do not. I play RPGs to play a hero doing cool stuff, not for big numbers.

I do not. I play RPGs to play a hero doing cool stuff, not for big numbers.
I can play a hero and do cool stuff without class mechanics, so I don't need those. I did it in 1e I can do it in 5e. I do understand and sympathize with those you want more in the class itself. To me, that is what the rogue, monk, and barbarian are for.

Here's the thing: what do you consider a cool thing and how much of your ability to do that cool thing depend on DM fiat?
What does it matter? I am not looking to impose my views or playstyle on others. I just stated what I like, I am not trying to limit what others like or want. I would hope everyone can get what they want. However, we are brewers and any edition we have had to add house rules to make it work for us, and we do that for 5e too. I take what WotC provides as a starting point, not the end. Finally, I don't really play characters anymore, I just DM. So if my players want more codified "cool things" I am all for it and work with them to provide it.

We've been together since the 80s, so everything is basically DM fiat!

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