D&D General (+) Let's give good things to Fighters

Like I say in other thread.

We know what a Archmage, what is an Archwarrior?

Then slide fighter up and down that scale.
That's a great question. Give me a bit.

Fearsome Visage - With the first strike at an opponent you can force a saving throw. Failure meant they are at disadvantage to attack you until they hit.

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Follower of the Way
What does it matter? I am not looking to impose my views or playstyle on others. I just stated what I like, I am not trying to limit what others like or want. I would hope everyone can get what they want. However, we are brewers and any edition we have had to add house rules to make it work for us, and we do that for 5e too. I take what WotC provides as a starting point, not the end. Finally, I don't really play characters anymore, I just DM. So if my players want more codified "cool things" I am all for it and work with them to provide it.

We've been together since the 80s, so everything is basically DM fiat!
Needing to employ DM fiat to make something work is, itself, an admission that the thing in question is inadequate as it is.

Like I say in other thread.

We know what a Archmage, what is an Archwarrior?

Then slide fighter up and down that scale.

The thing, I'm not saying General Grevious should be the Archwarrior. I put that there so I could Worf effect him to the person I think should be the actual example.

Grevious is a freakin' cyborg swinging six times per second, yet Doku is in complete control of the match and is countering every strike using completely mundane movement. The force push he used isn't because he needed to; it's to help train Grevious to watch out for Jedi force powers.

Oh, and let's give the monks some love too. Five point palm exploding heart technique go! Warming: naught language at the end!


Tales and Chronicles

Jewel of the North, formerly know as vincegetorix
Last night was short (first night at home with my brand new baby daughter!) so just a few ideas thrown in the mix:
  • ''break'' Legendary Resistance from creatures
  • auto-kill lesser creatures (IIRC, fighter's in Next had the ability to drop enemies with less HP than their fighter's levels)
  • Spend Second Wind as a reaction when failing a Death Save to regain HP and gain a full turn.
  • When you save against a condition, you are immune to the same effect until the end of your next short rest.
  • Once per short rest, when using Action Surge to take the attack action, you can make attack as free action until you miss one.
  • After a Crit, enemies are vulnerable until the end of their turn.
  • Enemies with less HP than your fighter's level have disadvantage on skills and saves after an attack.


Needing to employ DM fiat to make something work is, itself, an admission that the thing in question is inadequate as it is.
I don't know if it is needed, it is just the way we play. We played 4e the same way we played 1e and 5e. Mostly DM fiat. Sure, PCs had their "powers" in 4e, but those were only chosen if a player couldn't think of something more interesting to do.

With what? Battle Master does not get a stunning maneuver. Weapon masteries don't have stuns in them. So how exactly is an axe or a bow doing this?
Well, the thread's premise is to give more and appropriate maneuvers to fighters. You stated that melee fighters need means of movement to go after flying and teleporting magic-users and creatures. I stated that missile weapons would be useful with a stunning maneuver. Any you complain that there isn't one?

Stunning strike - Use a Superiority Die; with the next attack the target needs to make a Constitution save or be stunned until the beginning of the fighter's next round. Add the Superiority Die to the damage roll.

There. It's that easy. I've been putting a new maneuver in every post of mine this thread. They're mostly concepts, but it should be easy for someone to polish them. And don't complain that there isn't a solution to the problem in a thread that talks about finding solutions, supply a solution.

(Well, someone needs to point out issues. That's fair.)

And don't complain that there isn't a solution to the problem in a thread that talks about finding solutions, supply a solution.
I supplied multiple solutions that don't have as big knock-on effects as stun (which is good against everything). You seemed to challenge those with 'no, you don't need those, you just need a right tool', so it's weird to end back at 'yes, you need those'.

Anyway, yes, fliers + teleporters are the biggest combat problem for melee warriors, so there needs to be something. The easiest option on fliers is to just remove 'hover/magic flight people don't fall when proned/movement-zeroed' from the flying rules, but teleporters still need you to have extra mobility or be able to bring them to you.

Or, you know, be able to prevent them from teleporting if you're grappling them or if you get an OA from them doing anything magical and it hits, but that presumes a level of mobility on getting to them in the first place, so I think extra mobility in some fashion is critical. (without needing to have a Wizard cast Fly on you)
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Bring back and update to 5e the combat traditions from Tome of Battle: Book of Nine Swords, and allow the Fighter to be proficient in one or more of them? ;)

Tony Vargas

Needing to employ DM fiat to make something work is, itself, an admission that the thing in question is inadequate as it is.
My personal style, I'd call improv, but DM fiat fits. I've successfully run every system I've touched, that way, including systems I didn't know.
System doesn't matter, to that style.

A system can be perfectly functional, and I can still run it like that with good results, if only to save myself prep time.

Needing to use DM fiat is a different proposition from preferring to.

Voidrunner's Codex

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