Homebrew Level Up Roll20 Character Sheet is live!


Now that a5e is out, and I've made several characters at varying levels, I feel I can offer my two cents. First, every suggestion I've seen so far is well thought out and would only improve the sheet.

Probably the biggest thing that I think the sheet needs, and has only been lightly touched on above, is a rework of the features section. A big box with tiny text is a decent start, but even at level 1 you have significantly more features than in o5e, and at mid-high level, dramatically more. Scrolling through tiny text in a wide box that is poorly formatted just isn't going to work in the finalized sheet.

The o5e official sheet had feature entries on the main page, You could add a new one, click a button to show/hide the main text, and click on them to show them in chat. It worked great or most classes because you got relatively few, but cumbersome for classes with lots of features (monk), or multi-classed high level characters.

My recommendation is to use o5e's official sheet feature system (or something similar, like how maneuver entries work), but on the second page in the large section, formatted with two rows of them. They should be clickable to post in chat, with a button to switch between showing just the title or showing the body of text.

Maneuver entries should be clickable too, and collapsible as well to only show the name, with description, action & cost displayed when you expand them.

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Zeta Marishi

A possible suggestion I just thought of. Since Bonus Actions seem to have their own section in NPC sheets, could Legendary Actions have such a section as well? That would be much appreciated to keep them separated. Preferably with a place to keep track of how many were used, but just such a section would be nice as well.


Initiative: Currently Initiative is a static text label on the character sheet ("Ability or Skill Check"). With understanding of the design intent (i.e., LU5e can use various skills or attributes for initiative) without a dedicated Initiative roller the Roll20 turn tracker can't be auto-populated.

Here are some proposals:
  • Have an initiative button that simply defaults for Dexterity (as this is the typical roll). A basic and easy solution.
  • Have a drop-down for Initiative containing all of the Attributes. (After the player rolls Initiative the GM can then manually add additional points to the turn tracker based on a relevant skill)
  • Have the initiative button contain a drop-down list populated with the skills shown on the table of p. 438 of the Adventurer's Guide (Wisdom (Perception), Strength (Athletics), Charisma (Deception), Wisdom (Insight), Dexterity (Vehicles)).
Thank you.


(Me again. I know.)
Possible Bugs:
  • When I add Tools, the roll button next to the tool doesn't do anything.
  • Size: Only allows numbers, where I would expect to put "M" or type "Medium" for example.


My group and I believe that the best option for the LU sheet would be to copy the existing 5e sheet, add the LU specific extras (expertise dice), and change the look a bit to reflect LU. Say what you want about Roll 20, but the 5e sheet is pretty well feature-complete for most players. Right now trying to use the LU sheet is a huge step backwards. Having said that, we look forward to it's continued expansion and improvement, regardless of how it's done.


My group and I believe that the best option for the LU sheet would be to copy the existing 5e sheet, add the LU specific extras (expertise dice), and change the look a bit to reflect LU. Say what you want about Roll 20, but the 5e sheet is pretty well feature-complete for most players. Right now trying to use the LU sheet is a huge step backwards. Having said that, we look forward to it's continued expansion and improvement, regardless of how it's done.
I'm looking into this, the current 5e sheet is not on the github as it is proprietary so I can't actually use that as a basis of a new sheet. I will have a look to see if there is older versions on the github to gather some ideas for.
How about a separate button for straight ability checks that aren't skills or saves? Unless there is one and I still can't find it.
working on this
Regarding importing data from the standard O5e sheet, I believe it tries to match up variable names.
will look into this, may need to set up some copy overs or some such ..
I think it's a little hard to see, but there's a d20 icon right above the ability modifier for each ability. That should roll an unmodified ability check

OOF, no I was totally wrong. That button was for rolling Saving Throws. Yeah, there doesn't seem to be an unmodified ability roll. That would be very helpful to have.
will try to make this more obvious
Another request, if I may be so bold...
An ability to add a static modifier to skills. Sometimesthere are items or other factors in my game that might add +2 to Stealth, for instance. On Roll20's vanilla 5e sheet, there's a little gear icon that opens up a page where you can add those sorts of modifiers. This doesn't need to be quite as detailed, but some functionality like that would be very useful!
good idea.. will add it to the list
Now that a5e is out, and I've made several characters at varying levels, I feel I can offer my two cents. First, every suggestion I've seen so far is well thought out and would only improve the sheet.

Probably the biggest thing that I think the sheet needs, and has only been lightly touched on above, is a rework of the features section. A big box with tiny text is a decent start, but even at level 1 you have significantly more features than in o5e, and at mid-high level, dramatically more. Scrolling through tiny text in a wide box that is poorly formatted just isn't going to work in the finalized sheet.

The o5e official sheet had feature entries on the main page, You could add a new one, click a button to show/hide the main text, and click on them to show them in chat. It worked great or most classes because you got relatively few, but cumbersome for classes with lots of features (monk), or multi-classed high level characters.

My recommendation is to use o5e's official sheet feature system (or something similar, like how maneuver entries work), but on the second page in the large section, formatted with two rows of them. They should be clickable to post in chat, with a button to switch between showing just the title or showing the body of text.

Maneuver entries should be clickable too, and collapsible as well to only show the name, with description, action & cost displayed when you expand them.
all great ideas i'll go through and see what i can do
A possible suggestion I just thought of. Since Bonus Actions seem to have their own section in NPC sheets, could Legendary Actions have such a section as well? That would be much appreciated to keep them separated. Preferably with a place to keep track of how many were used, but just such a section would be nice as well.
will add it in
Initiative: Currently Initiative is a static text label on the character sheet ("Ability or Skill Check"). With understanding of the design intent (i.e., LU5e can use various skills or attributes for initiative) without a dedicated Initiative roller the Roll20 turn tracker can't be auto-populated.

Here are some proposals:
  • Have an initiative button that simply defaults for Dexterity (as this is the typical roll). A basic and easy solution.
  • Have a drop-down for Initiative containing all of the Attributes. (After the player rolls Initiative the GM can then manually add additional points to the turn tracker based on a relevant skill)
  • Have the initiative button contain a drop-down list populated with the skills shown on the table of p. 438 of the Adventurer's Guide (Wisdom (Perception), Strength (Athletics), Charisma (Deception), Wisdom (Insight), Dexterity (Vehicles)).
Thank you.
will look at this as well
(Me again. I know.)
Possible Bugs:
  • When I add Tools, the roll button next to the tool doesn't do anything.
  • Size: Only allows numbers, where I would expect to put "M" or type "Medium" for example.
will check over this bug


I'm playing now with adding NPCs to the roll20 sheet. Here's some observations and suggestions:
  • Saving throws?: There doesn't seem to be a way to roll or modify saving throws (without adding them all as skills)
  • Bloodied HP: Since it's listed in the Monstrous Menagerie, it might be convenient if the sheet could do a divide (& round down) on hit points and auto-populate bloodied hp.
  • Bonus Actions Section: I might change it to "Bonus Actions & Reactions", since Reactions are also given their own block in the book.
Thanks to paulvenner for all the responses and the work being put in!


I'm playing now with adding NPCs to the roll20 sheet. Here's some observations and suggestions:
  • Saving throws?: There doesn't seem to be a way to roll or modify saving throws (without adding them all as skills)
  • Bloodied HP: Since it's listed in the Monstrous Menagerie, it might be convenient if the sheet could do a divide (& round down) on hit points and auto-populate bloodied hp.
  • Bonus Actions Section: I might change it to "Bonus Actions & Reactions", since Reactions are also given their own block in the book.
Thanks to paulvenner for all the responses and the work being put in!
i'll add those to the list


ok done the following.. will be releasing this to roll20 on Monday, but it does take some time to go through their approval

  • Fixed positioning of Total Hit Dice
  • Enhanced Strife, Fatigue, Death Save Failure and Dave Save Success to use fill left check boxes
  • Added Roll Button for all Abilities and moved the save button
  • Changed Skill rolls so the 'normal' ability for a skill is the default for rolls, so changed it so the default is No for Specialty
  • Fixed attack rolls - putting +3 in the Atk Bonus no longer breaks the rolls
  • Fixed Size so you can type in and also has a drop down with standard DnD sizes
  • Fixed tools so that the Roll button actually works
  • Added initiative drop down to change initiative type (still working on this)
edit: this is now live
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Yes, I can confirm those changes went live. I have a few other (low-priority) items to request, but your plate looks pretty full as it is, so I won't pile more on until you're ready.

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