ᚳᚣᚾᛖᚹᚢᛚᚠ (He/Him)
Asmodeaus is the one most likely not included as he is a God.
Technically, most of the Archdevils and Demon Lords have been considered deities since 1e's Deities & Demigods.
Asmodeaus is the one most likely not included as he is a God.
Technically, most of the Archdevils and Demon Lords have been considered deities since 1e's Deities & Demigods.
In the new D&D Beyond video Crawford says: " we have statistics for a number of arch devils"
Emphasis mine. That seems to suggest that we are not getting them all. Of course we could get all of the nine, and just not all of the arch devils.
In the new D&D Beyond video Crawford says: " we have statistics for a number of arch devils"
Emphasis mine. That seems to suggest that we are not getting them all. Of course we could get all of the nine, and just not all of the arch devils.
Then he goes on to say that if you wanted to pit the demon princes and the archdevils against each other, you can have them "all in one book", which just muddies the waters further...
Anyway I would like all the Archdukes to make it in. We know the deposed archdukes are in so I hope we get all the current Archdukes.
I mean Greater Gods, Asmodeaus isn't a demigod or quasigod, but a full Greater God.
It would be a really silly thing to not put all of the nine in. With as much as we already know or suspect is going in, that would mean intentionally holding back monsters to get you to buy a future product. So far 5e has done a pretty good job of *not* pulling nonsense like that. Take the MM entries for the demons and devils. They gave us a pretty complete picture of the classic hierarchies, the same as they did in 2e when the monster entry was "Baatezu", and then had a similarly complete list in a single product. Sure, they still publish obscure ones in later products, but nothing like the fail that was 3e, where they didn't even include manes.
Now, they can still do better. Abishai should have been in, and they dropped the ball on the yugoloths. But my money is on all of the Lords of the Nine, plus a smattering of some other prominent ones.
Thinking more on it, I think you're probably right in your reasoning when it comes to the archdevils. Anyway, we know that the eight demon princes from OotA are going to be in, so if they wanted to put in at minimum a similar number of archdevils, well, they might as well go for all of the rulers and ex-rulers, as that is only a handful more.
On a slightly different subject, it's interesting that Crawford said we'd be seeing mid-to-high CR yugoloths. But, interestingly, the MM already has most of those in the nycoloth, arcanaloth, and ultroloth. So, presumably we'll see the baernoloths and a named yugoloth or two like the General of Gehenna...