List of monsters confirmed in Mordenkainen's Tome of Foes


Sadly, in the D&D Beyond article/video "Infernal options in MTOF" it states that SOME of the Archdevils get stats, not ALL...:(

However, there are more archdevils than the nine. So you could have all of the nine, and only some of the archdevils. Not likely, but possible.

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However, there are more archdevils than the nine. So you could have all of the nine, and only some of the archdevils. Not likely, but possible.

The more I think about it though, I'm thinking we're going to see all ten Lords of the Nine, plus our two former lords, with the possible exceptions of Asmodeus (now too powerful to be statted as a normal archdevil) and Levistus (being trapped in his block of ice). We're getting eight demon princes at least (and maybe more, as it's not been stated that we will get only those that appeared in OotA), so 10 - 12 archdevils aren't an excessive amount in comparison. Plus, with archdevils, there's a reasonable cut-off point since there are only nine layers of Hell to have rulers compared to the much larger number of both layers and princes in the Abyss. As you said, since we are only getting "some" archdevils, the "some" we aren't getting seems likely to me to refer to the various lower level Dukes and so on...
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Book-Friend, he/him
One of the D&D Beyond videos they've done in the lead up to MToF was about Tiamat: I'll wager her statblock from Rise of Tiamat gets reprinted.



Didn't they say no gods in this book?

(I'd love it they do include her. I want the stats but don't plan on buying Rise of Tiamat.)

Yes, me too, with her alignment corrected - she is not Chaotic Evil! Be a good place to add Bahamat, her good counterpart. I also want Asmodeus, who is described as having "the power of a lesser god", however you want to interpret that.

Voidrunner's Codex

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