List of monsters confirmed in Mordenkainen's Tome of Foes

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Drow Matron Mother is CR 20.

Also the Nightwalker is also confirmed and also CR 20.

Wow on that Matron Mother CR. I had expected something around 15 or 16, not 20, especially after Volo's had the CRs for the Elder Brain and Yuan-ti Anathema somewhat lower than I expected...

Retrievers and Allips will be in as well, since they also made appearances in Mordenkainen's Mayhem...
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The Matron Mother being CR 20 might explain how the Drow can seemingly hold their own against Illithids, Beholders, Aboleths and other Underdark empires. Even though I was sure it was also population numbers the Drow had over many of those others.

I really don’t like it when new monster power levels don’t make sense compared to already published monsters. CR 20? That beats liches, most of the Princes of Elemental Evil, and probably some arch-fiends. Will we get revised versions of previous monsters, or are we just going to be expected to try to make it fit in our own minds?

If they want to revise monster power levels, then they need to actually revise them, and not have all the iconic high level monsters that were published first be left as weaker than newer monsters that should be the weaker ones.


I really don’t like it when new monster power levels don’t make sense compared to already published monsters. CR 20? That beats liches, most of the Princes of Elemental Evil, and probably some arch-fiends. Will we get revised versions of previous monsters, or are we just going to be expected to try to make it fit in our own minds?

I agree with your thought, but you have the details a bit off:

1) Liches are CR 21 to start (Acererak is CR 23)
2) Pit Fiends are CR 20, so any archfiends are likely to be higher.

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