List of monsters confirmed in Mordenkainen's Tome of Foes


It should be noted we actually have some info on one Matron Mother in Out of the Abyss. Yes, it is Matron Baenre so she is probably a bit stronger than the MM presented in Tome of Foes, but in Out of the Abyss Baenre could cast ANY cleric spell at will. Including 9th level spells!

Yikes! That is seriously powerful.

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She was presented as a chosen there. And still used the normal Cleric of Lolth statblock with some boosts. The new Drow Matron Mother stats are likely how she would have actually been stated.


Slightly off topic but Kate Welch just confirmed on Nathan Stewarts Fireside Chat that there are 3 hardcovers coming out this fall instead of 2!


Book-Friend, he/him
Slightly off topic but Kate Welch just confirmed on Nathan Stewarts Fireside Chat that there are 3 hardcovers coming out this fall instead of 2!
My money is on something really wild, like "Star Frontiers" or "Magic: the Gathering," but that is genuinely exciting whatever it turns out to be.


My money is on something really wild, like "Star Frontiers" or "Magic: the Gathering," but that is genuinely exciting whatever it turns out to be.

Without derailing the thread, I still think Broadway and Catacomb are Waterdeep and Undermountain, and this third book is likely a Planescape/Guide to the Planes book to go with Tome of Foes.


Elder Thing
My money is on something really wild, like "Star Frontiers" or "Magic: the Gathering," but that is genuinely exciting whatever it turns out to be.

I see we use the term "genuinely exciting" for different purposes.

IMMEDIATE EDIT: That was a crap thing to say and I apologize. If those sound exciting to you, power to you. I'm hoping they're something different, but to each their own.


Book-Friend, he/him
Without derailing the thread, I still think Broadway and Catacomb are Waterdeep and Undermountain, and this third book is likely a Planescape/Guide to the Planes book to go with Tome of Foes.
Whatever it is, they clearly have some surprises in store...

Voidrunner's Codex

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