List of monsters confirmed in Mordenkainen's Tome of Foes


I think the Matron Mother is intended for Great houses and other powerful Priestesses for lesser/minor houses I'd use Drow Priestess from the MM.

Menzoberranzan has 8 Matron Mothers on it's ruling council alone, and that isn't the only powerful house in the city. Still imagine 8 CR 20 Matron Mothers.

And that is one Drow city.

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Today's Lore You Should Know confirms the Giff (definitively with a hard "g") are in, as are the Star Spawn.

And they definitely stated that not all of the Archdevils (as in those Archdevils who rule or previously ruled layers) will be fully statted up. The only one they (re-) confirmed would be in is Moloch, although they did go on about Mephistopheles quite a bit...
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I agree with your thought, but you have the details a bit off:

1) Liches are CR 21 to start (Acererak is CR 23)
2) Pit Fiends are CR 20, so any archfiends are likely to be higher.

Good catch. I was misremembering the CR 18 from the "devolved" type demilich. Not quite as bad with that example, but still concerned with the possible trend.


Good catch. I was misremembering the CR 18 from the "devolved" type demilich. Not quite as bad with that example, but still concerned with the possible trend.

My concern is with the Matron Mother. A 20th lvl PC doesn't get anywhere near that CR so I am very curious how they are getting her that high.

My concern is with the Matron Mother. A 20th lvl PC doesn't get anywhere near that CR so I am very curious how they are getting her that high.

I wonder if the MM will be some kind of demon-infused drow (kind of like a lich, but becoming part demon instead of undead). Alternatively, I suppose it could involve some Lolth-specific epic boons that would be hard for even evil PC's to get.

Edit: I got this idea from the Limitless Adventures monster book (from Kickstarter) that had a "lich" that was created when a wizard purposely turns him/herself into an aberration instead of an undead. "Fiend" also seemed like a good plan if your goal (as a caster) was extended life and some in-built defensive abilities (so you can spend more of your magic on boosting your offensive CR).
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Book-Friend, he/him
I wonder if the MM will be some kind of demon-infused drow (kind of like a lich, but becoming part demon instead of undead). Alternatively, I suppose it could involve some Lolth-specific epic boons that would be hard for even evil PC's to get.
Or both. One of their prime design mandates for this book was to make high CR monsters: having some that can be negotiated with seems like a good decision.

And they definitely stated that not all of the Archdevils (as in those Archdevils who rule or previously ruled layers) will be fully statted up. The only one they (re-) confirmed would be in is Moloch, although they did go on about Mephistopheles quite a bit...

On the Archdevils that I would give up If I had a choice. This is order from most willing to least willing to drop. (Not counting Geryon and Moloch as they are confirmed to be in already.)

Levitus, Fierna, Belial, Glasya, Dispater, Mammon, Asmodeus, Zariel, Mephstopheles, Baalzebul.

But I would only really be willing to give up the first three or four if I had too, any more then that and I would just drop them all from the book.


On the Archdevils that I would give up If I had a choice. This is order from most willing to least willing to drop. (Not counting Geryon and Moloch as they are confirmed to be in already.)

Levitus, Fierna, Belial, Glasya, Dispater, Mammon, Asmodeus, Zariel, Mephstopheles, Baalzebul.

But I would only really be willing to give up the first three or four if I had too, any more then that and I would just drop them all from the book.

I'd be fine with them dropping Asmodeus, Levitus, Belial, Mammon, Baalzebul, Dispater in that order, but I really want Fierna, Glaysa, Zariel, Mephstopheles in that order of priority.


My concern is with the Matron Mother. A 20th lvl PC doesn't get anywhere near that CR so I am very curious how they are getting her that high.

It should be noted we actually have some info on one Matron Mother in Out of the Abyss. Yes, it is Matron Baenre so she is probably a bit stronger than the MM presented in Tome of Foes, but in Out of the Abyss Baenre could cast ANY cleric spell at will. Including 9th level spells!

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