[Living Pathfinder] Little Rock of Horrors


DM: GlassEye
Judge: Aldern Foxglove

Start Date: Dec. 08, 2010
Finish Date: Feb. 01, 2011
Play time: 56 days

Pari (Mowgli) & Tagaiwi
Time XP/GP (12/08/2010 - 02/01/2011; 56 days): 616 TXP, 616 TGP
Encounter 1: 027 xp
Encounter 2: 188 xp
Encounter 3: 200 xp
Encounter 4: 300 xp
Encounter 5: 200 xp
TOTAL XP: 1,531

Garnet Sharnhearth (mfloyd3)
Time XP/GP (12/08/2010 - 02/01/2011; 56 days): 392 TXP, 336 TGP
Encounter 1: 027 xp
Encounter 2: 188 xp
Encounter 3: 200 xp
Encounter 4: 300 xp
Encounter 5: 200 xp
TOTAL XP: 1,307

Ashleigh (vl.arandur)
Time XP/GP (12/08/2010 - 01/03/2011) (27 days): 189 XP & 162 GP
Encounter 1: 027 xp
Encounter 2: 188 xp
Treasure share: 294 GP

Heinrick Schreiberson (Scott De War)
Time XP/GP (12/08/2010 - 02/01/2011; 56 days): 392 TXP, 336 TGP
Encounter 1: 027 xp
Encounter 2: 188 xp
Encounter 3: 200 xp
Encounter 4: 300 xp
Encounter 5: 200 xp
TOTAL XP: 1,307

Mariah (Lord Camulus)
Time XP/GP (12/08/2010 - 02/01/2011; 56 days): 392 TXP, 336 TGP
Encounter 1: 027 xp
Encounter 2: 188 xp
Encounter 3: 200 xp
Encounter 4: 300 xp
Encounter 5: 200 xp
TOTAL XP: 1,307

Experience Rewards:
  • 1: On the Landing (CR 1/3 skill encounter): 135 xp (and a job)
  • 2: Mutated merfolk (CR 3): 940 xp
  • 3: Young assassin vine (CR 3): 800 xp
  • 4: Vegepygmis (CR 4): 1200 xp
  • 5: Vargouille + zombie (CR 3): 800 xp

Treasure Rewards:
  • Gold plate: payment for the job, worth 1000 gp
  • Seed pearls: worth 1330 gp
  • Goodberry fruit (x5) one used; one partially used (50 gp each)
  • Cure Light Wounds fruit (x3) one used (50 gp each)
  • Cure Moderate Wounds fruit (x1) used
  • Ioun Torch (75 gp) that glows with flickering, greenish fire.
  • Tanglefoot bags (x4; 200 gp) one used by vegepygmy
  • MW Rosewood Armor (small) (x3; 600 gp)
  • MW Longspear (small) (x3; 465 gp)
  • Bracers of Armor +1 (1,000 gp)
  • Three spells: Endure Elements, Touch of the Sea, & Elemental Touch (200 gp)
Total Treasure value 5,570 gp minus the used bits (450 gp) = 5,120.
Individual share for the first two encounters = 294 gold
Individual share for the remaining encounters = 912 gold, 5 silver
TOTAL ENCOUNTER GOLD: 1,205 gold, 5 silver

Setting info:
  • Roccino, a rocky isle with a lighthouse approximately 200 miles NW of Venza.
  • Giocco Lanterna, the lighthouse keeper's son.

I'm looking for four characters of 1st or 2nd level to go on a short adventure. Just as a warning, it's pretty linear and features a fair amount of combat. If that's not to your liking then you should probably wait for the next adventure.

[sblock=Adventure Rules]

  • In combat you must post your action within 24 hours of your turn coming up. If 24 hours pass then you are considered to be delaying and will be moved down the initiative order, this may happen multiple times. However, it will be relaxed slightly over the holiday period.
  • You may post actions out of initiative order if you are reasonably sure nothing up before your turn will effect your actions, your actions will still take place on your initiative count. If your actions are invalidated you will be expected to post a new set.
  • If you do not post for a week or more without having informed the DM he reserves the right to remove you from the adventure giving you your share of the XP and treasure earned as well as time XP and gp to the date of your last post.
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As you push out onto the seaward landing you see a small crowd has already gathered and mill about making catcalls. Tall, wooden poles, some few topped with a fanciful sea-horse, line the edge of the landing and provide mooring for Venza's ubiquitous gondolas, several of which are tied up here. Their gondoliers, normally idly chatting as they wait for fare, cluster together and mutter darkly as they watch a boy struggle to keep control of his plank longboat, a far cry from the sleek gondolas used in the city. A brisk breeze is blowing in from the bay making the water choppy and giving the boy a difficult time of maneuvering the longboat. He’s managing poorly and his heavy craft menaces a large, ornately carved gondola manned by three halflings.

The three Halflings are clearly experienced canal-men: they all three easily stand balanced in their gondola. One is cursing and keeping their gondola from crashing into the stone of the Dunn Wright's landing; the second is yelling: "Back yerself off, mudfoot!" and using his oar to fend off the longboat; and the third, wearing a long red feather tucked into his hat, is wielding his oar like a longspear and jabbing with it towards the startled and struggling boy.

Maidhc O Casain

Na Bith Mo Riocht Tá!
Pari heads out of the Dunn Wright and toward the ruckus, but runs up against the impenetrable crowd before he's able to make out what's going on. A sharp command to the great tiger at his side elicits a rumbling growl that quickly gets their attention. There's some pushing and shoving, but a way is quickly cleared for the gnome and his menacing friend.

Taking in the situation with a glance, Pari's sympathies are quickly aligned with the lad getting the short end of the stick. "Easy there, men! You're adept enough you can make a little room and help the lad in . . . poor fella looks terrified! Let 'im in, I said!"

[sblock=OOC]Pari Kalikasan (and Tagaiwi) reporting for duty![/sblock]


"Aye!" calls a red-haired Dwarven woman, pushing her way out of the crowd. A shield and a large axe are strapped across her back, but she has not drawn a weapon. "Let the lad land and get his breath. He can move after that if he don't belong here."

OOC: Garnet Sharnheath, reporting for duty!


First Post
A third woman, dark-haired and amber-eyed, holding a glass half-full of water and girded with a bandoleer full of dangerous-looking vials, pushes her way out of the crowd, but all she can think of to say after her miniature episode in the tavern is a soft "Meow", which cannot be heard well over the crowd's noise and is not particularly helpful, regardless. She instead effects a heroic-looking pose, hoping to back up the temerity of her sudden compatriots' previous words by her stance alone. Her thoughts are drawn to the wood of the boats, and how easily this problem would be solved by just a little fire... but alas, the witnesses and the legal trouble. So she watches.

[sblock="OOC"]Ashleigh reporting for... well, for something, probably.[/sblock]
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Tagaiwi's growl combined with a menacing display of fangs does wonders to clear a path for Pari right up to the edge of the landing which Garnet and Ashleigh can quickly take advantage of as well. The halfling fending their gondola off from the landing is closest to them and he turns to give Pari and Garnet a dirty look which quickly turns to a wary scowl as he catches sight of the young tiger. "Mind yer own business, hedgehog!" The other two ignore those on the landing and continue to push the lad and his vessel away with a bit more vehemence than seems necessary. The halflings are clearly going to require a bit more persuasion to turn them from their present course.

Some of the clustered gondoliers turn their dark looks upon Pari and Garnet and a couple can be heard muttering amongst themselves. Ashleigh despite her suitably heroic pose seems to earn a look of revulsion from one of the gondoliers and he takes a step away distancing himself both from Ashleigh and the other gondoliers.

[sblock=OOC]Lets get initiative (just in case) and any skill checks and actions you all choose to take. I'm not going to get more specific than that because it's your choice how you handle the scene.

Map created with BattleMap'r and tokens from Devins Tokens[/sblock]


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Garnet looks disgustedly at halflings, then up and down the landing, looking for an opening.

OOC: Is there anywhere else the ship could tie off? Garnet has rope in her pack. Could she move up the landing, toss the rope to the young man, and haul the boat up against the posts off to the side? Then they could find some kind of gangplank to cover the last 5 feet of water?


First Post
Ashleigh sighs softly, saddened by the senseless name-calling. She didn't think that Pari looked like a hedgehog at all. Nonetheless, it seemed that the situation was not going to be resolved by shouting orders. Perhaps shouting threats would work a mite better. She stepped forward a bit and unclasped one of the bombs from her bandoleer, calling out: "You have two choices, really. Either you let the boy pass, or you discover what this will do to your precious boat."

Scott DeWar

Prof. Emeritus-Supernatural Events/Countermeasure
Heinrick gets to the spot north of Asleigh and gazes at the scene. . . .

ooc: Did I see a requirment of at least one approval on a character?


First Post
Mariah sits quietly in the center of the bar separate from the conversations and clammier of the tavern. Her drink nothing more than a sweetened herbal tea still steaming in a chipped clay cup is a bit too hot for her to drink at the moment so she has resigned herself to a brief moment of calming meditation. Three days on the road can be exhausting.

Her meditation is broken by the sounds of foul language and sharp name calling outside near the dock. Sensing the possibility of violence she calmly stands up, pushes in her chair and walks out of the Dunn Wright tavern leaving her tea to cool some more.

Voidrunner's Codex

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