[Living Pathfinder] Little Rock of Horrors

Heinrich move to M,9 to aid another for Pari to get free of the tangle foot effect.
move: difficult terrain 3 squares
std act aid another, strength check (here is to hoping)

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Round Three/Four

As Pari struggles against the stiff and brittle vines he can feel them crumbling away. He manages to free one foot and he knows that in a few seconds he’ll be able to force the rest of the vines to break away.

Garnet and Tagaiwi close with the vegepygmies but it seems the gods of fate still hold their grudge against the party and their attacks do not connect with their opponents. The vegepygmies continue to step back so that they can use their spears effectively. They jab and thrust but to no avail.

Mariah, still standing down in the stairwell, begins the casting of her spell. It is a complicated spell and the casting will takes severeal seconds before she finishes.

Heinrich pushes past Mariah carefully so as not to hinder her spellcasting. His efforts to rock Pari back and forth and break him free seem to be paying off as chunks of the hardened vines break loose and crumble away from Pari.

Round Four.

While his vegepygmy allies take on Garnet and Tagaiwi, the vegepygmy looming above Heinrich makes a chuffing noise and attacks the wizard with his spear. Heinrich gets lucky and the spear misses.

The vegepygmy that has been launching thorns from his flesh goes into convulsions. Its abdomen heaves until it vomits a gobbet of acid at Garnet. It splatters uselessly on the floor.

Pari’s struggles are finally successful as the largest, most constraining bits of vine break off. He still has small shards of broken, hardened vine stuck to him but he is no longer hindered and can act freely…

Heinrich's Shield fades away leaving the wizard dangerously exposed. Mariah's casting finishes leaving her free to act as the divine emissary sent from Erwahai appears...

Round Four character actions, please.

[sblock=OOC]This is crazy. Round four and the party has yet to scratch the vegepygmies! Talk about a comedy of errors.

Stairs = difficult terrain (two movement points per square). The wall between the stairs and the room count as an obstacle in the hex at the top of the stairs. Hexes further down the stairs also count as an obstacle and will require a skill check of some sort to pass. You can, of course, navigate the stairs however you wish.

Initiative order/Current hit points
[U]Character         AC  HP  InHand/Condition[/U]
Vegepygmy 1       18   5   longspear/none
Vegepygmy 2       18   5   longspear/none
Vegepygmy 3       18   5   longspear/none 
Vegepygmy S       17   4   ----/none 
Pari              17  [color=yellow]12[/color]   scythe/none
Tagaiwi           14   [color=orange]4[/color]   ----/none 
Garnet            19   [color=orange]4[/color]   waraxe & shield/none
Mariah            15   8   bow/none
Heinrich          12   6   crossbow/none 
Ashleigh          16   [color=yellow]5[/color]   none/none


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Finally free of the hated vines, Pari springs to the top of the stairs and into the room, muttering prayers to the nature spirits to guide his hand as he goes. Tagaiwi slaps a couple of feints with his razor claws, then springs forward and tears a chunk from his enemy's haunch.

[sblock=Actions/Rolls]Pari moves to M6 and casts Guidance.
Tagaiwi moves to K6 and attacks VP1.
Claw, Claw, Bite (1d20+2=17, 1d20+2=11, 1d20+2=21) (Almost hit twice!)
Damage (1d6+1=6)[/sblock]

ooc: let me think here. If i see this correctly,
*cast a spell - AOO
need to move at least ten feet past Peri - AOO
move at least ten feet down mast Mariah - AOO

Not good choices. will edit with decision shortley.

Round Four continues...

Tagaiwi rips a gaping hole in the vegepygmy's chest. It makes a few ragged taps on the haft of its spear with one heavy nail before the spear clatters to the wooden floor. The vegepygmy slumps to the ground. Oddly, the creature never speaks or yells or gives any indication of pain beyond those few desperate taps as it falls.

Garnet is up... continuing round four.

Initiative order/Current hit points
[U]Character         AC  HP  InHand/Condition[/U]
Vegepygmy 1       18  [color=red]-1[/color]   longspear/[color=red]dead[/color]
Vegepygmy 2       18   5   longspear/none
Vegepygmy 3       18   5   longspear/none 
Vegepygmy S       17   4   ----/none 
Pari              17  [color=yellow]12[/color]   scythe/none
Tagaiwi           14   [color=orange]4[/color]   ----/none 
Garnet            19   [color=orange]4[/color]   waraxe & shield/none
Mariah            15   8   bow/none
Heinrich          12   6   crossbow/none 
Ashleigh          16   [color=yellow]5[/color]   none/none

Heinrich sneers at the vegapygmie and points up. An intense jet of flame shoots out of hand at the creature!

Fire Jet (Su): As a standard action, you can send forth a
20-foot line of fire. Anyone in this line takes 1d6 points
of fire damage + 1 point for every two wizard levels you
possess. A successful Ref lex save halves this damage.
The DC of this save is equal to 10 + 1/2 your wizard
level + your Intelligence modifier.
Creatures that fail
their saving throw catch fire and take 1d6 points of fire
damage on the following round. Creatures that catch fire
can avoid this damage by taking a full-round action to
extinguish the flames by making a DC 15 Reflex save.
Rolling on the ground gives a +2 circumstance bonus on
the save. Dousing the creature with water automatically
extinguishes the f lame. You can use this ability a number
of times per day equal to 3 + your Intelligence modifier.[/sblock]

dc 15 reflex for 1/2 damage, dc 15 to avoid another round of fire damage, or full round to extinguish

vV pidifo' pi-di-fo' Vv
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Round Four continues...

Garnet's ancient warcry and the blast of flame erupting from the stairwell seems to have disconcerted the vegepygmies (as well as lightly toasting one and catching it on fire). They begin to shuffle and click their thick nails on the shafts of their weapons.

Mariah is up... continuing round four.

Initiative order/Current hit points
[U]Character         AC  HP  InHand/Condition[/U]
Vegepygmy 1       18  [color=red]-1[/color]   longspear/[color=red]dead[/color]
Vegepygmy 2       18   5   longspear/none
Vegepygmy 3       18   [color=yellow]4[/color]   longspear/none 
Vegepygmy S       17   4   ----/none 
Pari              17  [color=yellow]12[/color]   scythe/none
Tagaiwi           14   [color=orange]4[/color]   ----/none 
Garnet            19   [color=orange]4[/color]   waraxe & shield/none
Mariah            15   8   bow/none
Heinrich          12   6   crossbow/none 
Ashleigh          16   [color=yellow]5[/color]   none/none
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An eagle, crackling with a golden radiance, appears in the most opportune position guided by Erwahai’s wisdom and immediately swoops to deliver its divine justice on the vegepygmy. Even servants of the gods are not immune to fate, it seems, as the eagle misses with all its attacks.

Round Five

Seeing the battle turn drastically against them in a few short seconds the sole vegepygmy facing Garnet, and now Tagaiwi, drops its spear and turns to run towards the ladder opening itself to attacks as it does so.

Above Heinrich at the stair the flaming vegepygmy bats at the fire finally succeeding in putting out the flames that danced across its body.

The vegepygmy with the flaming stone circling his head starts to belch forth another gobbet of acid, this time at the eagle. The eagle strikes at the vegepygmy but the plant creature is able to vomit the acid out anyway. It misses the eagle and splatters on the floor.

Character actions, please.

[sblock=OOC]Vegepygmy 2 moves to I3 unless AoO from Garnet and Tagaiwi are successful.

Initiative order/Current hit points
[U]Character         AC  HP  InHand/Condition[/U]
Vegepygmy 1       18  [color=red]-1[/color]   longspear/[color=red]dead[/color]
Vegepygmy 2       18   5   ----/none
Vegepygmy 3       18   [color=yellow]4[/color]   longspear/none 
Vegepygmy S       17   4   ----/none 
Pari              17  [color=yellow]12[/color]   scythe/none
Tagaiwi           14   [color=orange]4[/color]   ----/none 
Garnet            19   [color=orange]4[/color]   waraxe & shield/none
Mariah            15   8   bow/delaying
Heinrich          12   6   crossbow/none 
Ashleigh          16   [color=yellow]5[/color]   none/none
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At last free to respond to the sorcerous threat, Garnet wades in, swinging her axe against the acid-spewing creature.

OOC: Move to K8, hit with axe (single attk)

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