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Living Star Wars Saga edition?


One thing we will need.... is a template for character sheets lol.

I'm going to roll a character for your sample game if ya dont' mind. If ya do..... then I'll roll it and use it for something else lol. One thing I would like to chat about is each step of the creation process. I'm not about to argue with how you want to run a game lol.

As many of my friends can tell you, I'm incredibly worried about flexibility. That is my only issues with a static ability score generation. I think we should do a point buy, since they are simple enough and allow for people to be as good as they want to be at any given score.

Skills: What's to talk about?

Feats: Same as skills

okay, so apparently this post is JUST about ability scores. Sorry lol. I know I'm a pain, but I'm like anal-retentive about people being able to customize their characters.

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  Name: Torin Tol   Age: 18 Years old
 Class: Jedi         Height: 2m (6'6'')
  Race: Kel Dor           
  Size: Medium          Hair: None
Gender: Male            Eyes: Black
  Skin: Peach

Str: 12 +1      Level:  01   
Dex: 18 +4     BAB: +1      
Con: 12 +1      HP:(30+con) 31
Int: 15 +2          
Wis: 15 +2     Speed: 6   
Cha: 10 +0      Init: +4     

   AC:  Base  Armor  Dex  Misc
          16   +3    +3    +x

            Touch AC: 13        Flatfooted AC: 13

               Total  Base   Mod  Misc   Special
Fort:            +3     2    +1          
Ref:             +3     0    +3         
Will:            +0     0    +0     

Weapon        Attack  Dam   Crit      Rng  Type 

Languages: Common, Kel Dor

Human traits:+2 to dex and wis, -2 to con; med size; speed 6; 
Keen Force Sense, Low-Light Vision


Skills: (trained only)


Equipment                 Cost    Weight
Well Made Attire         30 Gp*
Studded Leather Armor    25 Gp    20 lb
Dagger                    2 Gp     1 lb
Rapier                    2 Gp     2 Lb
Short Bow                30 Gp     2 Lb
Arrows (20)               1 Gp     3 Lb
Back pack                 2 Gp     2 Lb  At home
wine, bottle(fine)       10 Gp     1.5 Lb  At home
Rope (Silk, 50')         10 Gp     5 lb at home
Beltpouch (2)             2 Gp     1 lb
  Flint & Steel           1 Gp   
sunrods (3 )              6 Gp     3 Lb  
     Total Weight:  40.5  lb ; carrieing : 32.0 Lb

total spent: 111 GP  (start 175)

            Lgt  Med   Hvy    Lift    Push
Max Weight: 33    66  100  300  500


As many of my friends can tell you, I'm incredibly worried about flexibility. That is my only issues with a static ability score generation. I think we should do a point buy, since they are simple enough and allow for people to be as good as they want to be at any given score.

Skills: What's to talk about?

Feats: Same as skills

okay, so apparently this post is JUST about ability scores. Sorry lol. I know I'm a pain, but I'm like anal-retentive about people being able to customize their characters.

The club welcomes you with open arms. I just use that array for character generation, but yeah. Maybe point-buy off that? How many points do we get with that array?

Skills: yeah, pretty routine with the Core book.

Feats: Same. I find a lot of them boring, though, as everyone gets to choose if they want point blank shot or not. Talents are way more interesting than feats in SAGA.

Standard sheets are super-needed. I don't know squat about generating a sheet like they have for L4W, tho, but that would be ideal. ie: a big stat block that's easy to read.

Droids: for this game only, if you've got it, I'll allow them. I just don't want too-too many stat blocks or actions out there. Teh geist of them is that you use up your own actions to order your droid to do stuff. It balances droid-owning Boba Fetts with gadget-using Boba Fetts, so one player doesn't have all 15 droids each using their own move, standard and swift actions against a lonely BBEG (which would be a boring combat massacre).


First Post
Hello! I'm building a mechanic/pilot character, and I'd like to use a couple of things outside the core book. The first web enhancement (PDF warning) adds a nice talent tree for techies, as well as a feat that allows for modding of droids, starships, and other equipment. I'd also like to use the Scavenger's Guide to Droids, since it has a firmer pricing scheme and more balanced rules for including droids as companions. How does everyone feel about including these sources?


Hello! I'm building a mechanic/pilot character, and I'd like to use a couple of things outside the core book. The first web enhancement (PDF warning) adds a nice talent tree for techies, as well as a feat that allows for modding of droids, starships, and other equipment. I'd also like to use the Scavenger's Guide to Droids, since it has a firmer pricing scheme and more balanced rules for including droids as companions. How does everyone feel about including these sources?

Sounds good to me, with one note: higher level Droids are a bit much for a low-level Living game. I think we should:

1) set a power level limit for droids, like you can get an Astromech Droid or protocol droid, or a medical droid; but battle droids with turrets on them are a bad idea. There is one in there, a walking turret, and some higher level droids.
Maybe limit the level of the droid to that of the players? Any higher should only be with the particular GM who allowed the droid for that character (ie: if you're on my adventure and I let you have a walking turret, it's in the shop if you go adventuring with Onlythestrong's adventure series).

YES for level limit of droids
YES for scavenger's guide's DROIDS AS EQUIPMENT rules.

2) Scavenger's guide to droids: I propose we allow the protocol rules for droids-as-equipment. We can wait on this, as I'll allow it for my adventure right now. Maybe wait for more debate before it's official.

3) Allow the pdf. It's free off the website, and it's basically canon. I haven't calculated everything with it, but I think it'll be fine. I vote YES for this.


Yes to the pdf

Quick topic for debate... if someone wants to play a droid... why not just buy a droid and rp both persons? Also.... we need to find a hard and fast rule for limiting the level of the droids.


rping a droid in addition to your character, means you have two characters. That's a lot of additional actions, and negates the need for other characters in the group. Imagine a Jedi with an Astromech: mechanics, piloting and science knowledge, maybe even treat injury, and perception rolls to spy on other characters and report back to the Jedi, plus those combat stats; on top of that, a fully spec'd Jedi with force powers and a lightsabre in combat. A droid as equipment, at least the Jedi gets to spend their own actions to order it around.

Well, I guess it wouldn't be too bad to have the player RP the droid. Just so long as they're not earning their own XP or taking a share of the party treasure/rewards. Like 3po or r2d2: they're Luke/Leia's equipment.

And they should be of an appropriate stat-block level so the PCs are still the best choice to take particular actions.

wow: I'm actually torn on this! I've never played it in-game before, so I don't know. Let's start with the pdf, and I'll try it in my game and get back to this thread for the official ruling.


I...... think it would be wise to disallow combat droids (like battledroids, supers, etc). I mean, if one of those rolled in on a jedi in a cantina... there is either gonna be scrap metal soon or a dead jedi.

As far as astromechs... yeah there are alot of bonus' you can have by owning one. I'd think the main drawback would be the pain the butt it would be to drag the slow thing around.

idk, we'll have to find an appropriate way to balance it.


I don't mind DM'ing. I already have http://www.enworld.org/forum/playing-game/265574-star-trek-ascendant-shakedown-cruise-ic.html going on. I prefer to tell tales of Scum and Villany then Jedi epics though.

My only concern if we keep the game mostly relegated to the Hoan system, it might put players off. It is one of the reasons why I never really played the RPGA version of the Living Campaign, and just made my own campaigns.

I have run FtF games and visited Tat, Cloud City, and such where players have seen them in the movies. I have also used walk-ons such as Talon Karrde in which might have some work for them. In my opinion, a lot of players would like to walk through places such as Chalmun's Cantina in Mos Eisley or meet some one like Mara Jade.

What about on the Wiki, you would seperate it by planet or system and have the DM's note certain NPCs they use. This way other DM's can use them if they want or not. The way I am doing it for the Star Trek campaign is listing the name, where they are, an appearance, a personality, and a short history. As I flesh the NPC out more, then I add a few more notes about him on the background thread for the game. Here is an example of an NPC that I used in my last Smuggler campaign:


Prello (NPC)

Assignment: Minor Hutt Crimelord
System: Tatooine
Species: Hutt (Female)

Image: She is a young Hutt female, with a dark olive coloring. She seems rather slender and more athletic than most hutts that have been seen. She will be seen actually walking in public, and not conveyed on a hover chair.

Personality: She actively calls all of her retainers 'Darling', and seems to actively care for their health. It is not the first time she has hired some one to go find one of her employees when they have come up missing. She is very reluctant to part with her employees, and when it happens, has kept in touch just in case they needed something. It is almost as if she sees her employees as her own children.

History: She is the oldest daughter of Popara the Hutt, and represents his interests on Tatooine. She came here ten years ago, and has a nice comfortable townhouse in the newer section of Mos Eisley. There have been rumors that even Jabba has found her interesting and has thought of trying to win her affections.

You might want to discuss rules for walk-ons for DM's to use, such as not common place or as main characters, and especially do not put them in a position in which they will have a character shoot them.

Also what about the Black Sun, they still existed even after Xizor's death in Shadows of the Empire? Is there a place for them in the area.
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First Post
IMy only concern if we keep the game mostly relegated to the Hoan system, it might put players off.

I agree; I like the vast, sweeping expanse of the Star Wars galaxy and the feeling of near-limitless possibilities. I think the capacity to pack up and go someplace new and exciting, that no one's ever described before, is a big draw for me. Having everyone start in the same place makes it convenient to pick up people for adventures, though, so players should just make a point of stopping by the ol' watering hole when they finish a story.

You might want to discuss rules for walk-ons for DM's to use, such as not common place or as main characters and do not put them in a position in which they will have a character shoot them.

Limit one per adventure, perhaps?

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