Loki! (spoiler thread)

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Eric V

And yet in the majority of Loki’s appearance in the MCU, at one point or another he has engaged in physical combat, and don pretty well.

So it is pretty jarring when he just gets his butt kicked over and over again in the series.

The TVA agents are one thing… they are literal masters of time and space I could respect that they have been enhanced or have tech thst makes them super combat capable.

To me the real inconsistency is when Loki fights a regular person controlled by Sylvie and gets his butt kicked….this is a guy that has tanked hits from captain America, a regular person shouldn’t even slow him down
Sylvie probably powers up people she controls?


Mod Squad
Staff member
Sylvie probably powers up people she controls?

How about being enchanted removes their drive for self-preservation and much of the usual pain response? Sure, they're knocking Loki around like they were full-on Asgardians, but not all the Advil in the world is going to save them from the pain tomorrow.

"Strong guy," isn't even a major line in Loki's portfolio, like it is for Hulk or Thor. His physical strength is not central to how he deals with the world, because however strong he is compared to humans, he's not strong compared to the people he grew up with - Asgardians.
My complaint was that Loki is the 'clever guy' or the 'illusions guy,' and he never really uses cleverness or illusions to overcome any of his challenges in the series.


So, right here you show a misunderstanding. This isn't about what is "easier", as if the writer is lazy. It is about what is better for the story. If Loki could just bull through the TVA by main strength alone, it would have been a short series, and ultimately not about Loki, as a person.
I have to disagree here. If the abilities of a character are a detriment for the particular story you want to tell with him, than it's simply a bad story for him. Either find a logical way to get around that or admit that it's a bad story to tell with this character and do something different.

Just ignoring it and pretending they detriment doesn't exist makes it a bad story.

If your story required Aquaman to be troubled due to falling of a boat and risk drowing in the ocean, you have probably picked the wrong protagonist.


I have to disagree here. If the abilities of a character are a detriment for the particular story you want to tell with him, than it's simply a bad story for him. Either find a logical way to get around that or admit that it's a bad story to tell with this character and do something different.

Just ignoring it and pretending they detriment doesn't exist makes it a bad story.

If your story required Aquaman to be troubled due to falling of a boat and risk drowing in the ocean, you have probably picked the wrong protagonist.
I'd say it depends on whether something is a core trait or not. Aquaman drowning would be dumb. But two super-strong characters fluctuating in power regarding who's strongest? That's completely fair. Maybe one of them had a bad day or something.


Does Loki have some limited teleportation in the MCU? (Like in the last episode getting in front of Sylvie as she swings).


Does Loki have some limited teleportation in the MCU? (Like in the last episode getting in front of Sylvie as she swings).
I don't think so, but he's really good at illusions so he can create an image of himself that attracts attention while the real Loki invisibly moves into a better position.

Then again, there is probably some teleportation going on with his daggers, for example.


I don't think so, but he's really good at illusions so he can create an image of himself that attracts attention while the real Loki invisibly moves into a better position.

Then again, there is probably some teleportation going on with his daggers, for example.
I had thought I remembered him doing it somewhere in the movies (but maybe it was in the comics?)... but then I thought of all of the places he hadn't used it in the movies and figured I must be wrong... until that last scene.

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